Was this the one on History channel where they show how it concurs with the Chinese prediction for the same date? Kinda creepy. As far as I can remember it is when a new invading force entered Mayan history that ushered in the end of an age. The first prediction of destruction came to pass when the Spaniards arrived.
It's supposed to a cataclysmic change, usually political. There is an alignment of planets on that date told on the presentation. Something evil is then able to enter, if I remember correctly. I'd have to watch it again. Maybe the Antichrist? There are prophesies of this one entering human history. Not such a stretch of imagination. That would mean an upheaval in the political arena. Most everyone should be on the same page in terms of wanting peace, not believing in God, and wanting more personal freedoms, by that time. People will be an easy stepping stone for a one world leader.
It would seem a logical step, after people have been conned into believing there are terrorists out to get us, with no end in sight, now that there is almost one European currency, that one will be offered a payment system that is secure, using one method of payment, that all these problems can be easily, miraculously, out of the blue as it were, solved by having one simple way of making payments.
Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what that method of paying for things will be?
No-one can buy or sell without the mark, there is one world leader that brings peace. Terrorism has been overstressed. Every now and then a bomb goes off for no real reason or logic. It stinks of set up. We have all been led by the nose. I for one do not want to end up magnetic ink. But that is all we will ever be if we take that mark.
This will possibly be the intrusion of another political force the Mayan prophecy is pointing to. One leader that is supposed to end all these problems. It's almost like for example, one gang wanting another gang out the way, so they murder some gangsters and make it look like it was the guys they want gone. How else would anyone finally reject all idea of God, allowing for the Antichrist to finally make his entrance than through everyone always blaming religion and saying, take "In God We Trust" out of the dollar bill. Heck almost everyone already has a tattoo. There is now almost only 1 European currency.
Yeah I guess many of us will still be around. It may just be major financial, political, social change. And maybe a few earthquakes.
I'll tell you one thing - if the San Andreas fault goes, and the Continental Rift Valley that runs down Africa beginning at the Mount of Olives in Israel, then we better all run for the hills.
Anyway, we shall see, won't we?