2007 MLB Thread

as long as bartman isnt there, the cubs should have nothing to worry about. :D

LOL It's pretty how famous, or I should say infamous, Steve Bartman became overnight. Now he belongs to the ages. That was a terrible night for Cub fames though.

I hate that Bartman, and I am not even a Cubs fan. He is a pox on baseball. He's the poster boy for those adult fans who bring a glove to the game and know next to nothing about baseball other than the chance that they might catch a foul ball. The other, similar fans I hate are the ones that reach over the rail and touch a ball in play, sometimes robbing the hitter of a triple and giving them a double. (Often also keeping a runner from scoring from first base.) Even if it is the other team at the plate, this is a real pussy thing to do IMO.:rolleyes:
what? them blowing the lead in the weakest division in baseball? :1orglaugh

OK, not that part.

Just that they're over .500 this late in the season.

And since you hurt my feelings, I'm going to crawl to the corner and curl up in the fetal position and cry until my eyes fall out. :crying:
I hate that Bartman, and I am not even a Cubs fan. He is a pox on baseball. He's the poster boy for those adult fans who bring a glove to the game and know next to nothing about baseball other than the chance that they might catch a foul ball. The other, similar fans I hate are the ones that reach over the rail and touch a ball in play, sometimes robbing the hitter of a triple and giving them a double. (Often also keeping a runner from scoring from first base.) Even if it is the other team at the plate, this is a real pussy thing to do IMO.:rolleyes:

I think part of the problem is that baseball teams get too greedy and try to fit every last seat in the stadium as much as possible. If they would push them a couple of feet further back and have that be a buffer to the playing field then fans reaching in wouldn't be as big of a problem.
I think part of the problem is that baseball teams get too greedy and try to fit every last seat in the stadium as much as possible. If they would push them a couple of feet further back and have that be a buffer to the playing field then fans reaching in wouldn't be as big of a problem.

You know, I have to agree with that. I tend to enjoy games in stadiums that have more foul territory in play anyways. The other thing they might be able to do is make the walls and the seats higher down the lines so you can't reach down and touch the ball. Making those higher may involve too many structural changes for the ballparks though, because then all the seats behind them would have to be higher too. So, we're back at pushing back the seats a couple feet. It is a good idea!
OK, not that part.

Just that they're over .500 this late in the season.

And since you hurt my feelings, I'm going to crawl to the corner and curl up in the fetal position and cry until my eyes fall out. :crying:

look on the bright side. at least you dont have to worry about detroit. your biggest threat: the cubs. choke artists extraordinaire. :D
then they choke for the mets or dodgers. or hopefully, the tribe. but that isnt happening. looks like my prediction is coming true boys and girls. now where is ckjedi?

They will choke for the tribe. That is pretty optimistic if you can see the Cubs going that far. Then again who knows maybe they will both get there and Cleveland’s bad luck will overpower and trump the Cubs bad luck, although I think that's scientifically impossible. :1orglaugh
then they choke for the mets or dodgers. or hopefully, the tribe. but that isnt happening. looks like my prediction is coming true boys and girls. now where is ckjedi?

Hey, Brewers were in first place again this morning. :nanner:
They will choke for the tribe. That is pretty optimistic if you can see the Cubs going that far. Then again who knows maybe they will both get there and Cleveland’s bad luck will overpower and trump the Cubs bad luck, although I think that's scientifically impossible. :1orglaugh
i know it doesnt look as bad as the cubs bad luck, but i still remember 97 and 99. :D

Hey, Brewers were in first place again this morning. :nanner:
and thanks to detroit not being able to win a game either, so is cleveland. :1orglaugh
then they choke for the mets or dodgers. or hopefully, the tribe. but that isnt happening. looks like my prediction is coming true boys and girls. now where is ckjedi?

lol - looks like my prediction is coming true too - that by touting them I'd cause the dodgers to go in the tank. Three starting pitchers and an arguably overused bullpen ain't gonna get it done. When you're relying heavily on Rudy Seanez, Brett Tomko and Mark Hendrickson your pitching staff is in dire straights. Thanks to injuries, what figured to be their strength has turned out to be their weakness.

Then again who knows maybe they will both get there and Cleveland’s bad luck will overpower and trump the Cubs bad luck, although I think that's scientifically impossible. :1orglaugh

My gf is a cub fan and she wanted to go see a game, so I took her over to Wrigley a few weeks ago. Every time I go in there its always fun, but those just aren't my people, you know. But I'll tell ya, I Haven't been in there in awhile, man, I must have seen 10,000 twenty something scantily dressed yuppie hotties, in miniskirts, tiny shorts, and halter tops. Baseball, lots of Beer, and hot chicks all around. Sure beats a day at the zoo! With no shame, we're going back! lol


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My gf is a cub fan and she wanted to go see a game, so I took her over to Wrigley a few weeks ago. Every time I go in there its always fun, but those just aren't my people, you know. But I'll tell ya, I Haven't been in there in awhile, man, I must have seen 10,000 twenty something scantily dressed yuppie hotties, in miniskirts, tiny shorts, and halter tops. Baseball, lots of Beer, and hot chicks all around. Sure beats a day at the zoo! With no shame, we're going back! lol

I've never left a Cubs game at Wrigley without some degree of an erection. The girls there are absolutely ridiculous.
Predictions for the NL Centeral? The Brewers are loosing whatever hot they had, and the Cubbies are missing something they had that won them games. I mean come on, how can you get swept by the Houston Astros and hope to get a pennant?