2007 MLB Thread

Yeah, his legs have seen a hell of a lot of innings too.

Yeah so much so that he doesn't warm starters up before games anymore. Also if I'm not mistaken he had a serious hand issue a while back, something with his thumb I believe, and it basically turned him into a slap hitter.
If I may comment on catchers...my three personal all time favorites are Mike Matheny, Bob Uecker and Javier Valentin. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

I think at one point he might have hurt his leg and never really got back to top form after that, but I'm not sure.

MASSIVELY bad ankle break a few years ago...4th of July game against my Brewers... Nasty business.
If I may comment on catchers...my three personal all time favorites are Mike Matheny, Bob Uecker and Javier Valentin. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

Ya gotta love catchers. The field generals of the game! Jody Davis....he's a favorite. Harry Caray used to sing the theme to the Davy Crockett tv show to his name, "Jody, Jody Davis, king of the wild frontier"
I miss Harry. :(
You have to admit he was a character. I used to like when it seemed like he would go off on a wild drunk-like tangent, or when he would tell you about the hot looking chick he spotted in the stands.

He'd be all sly and telling the director Arne Harris about what a great "hat shoot" it was when he found a looker! That sly dog.

Let me say thanks to Reds for helping the Cubs out last night by besting the Brew Crew. Go Reds!
My Milwaukee Brewers are still hanging on to that Central Division lead by...2 games now?

Anyway, the Brewers have always had the domino effect when one player goes into a slump.
Prince Fielder hasn't hit a homer in a long time. JJ Hardy went like 7 for 54 in 12 games or something like that. Not cool.

It would be so much better right now if the Crew was playing .500 ball, but hopefully they'll pull out of this ditch and start hammering.

The 12-2 victory over St. Louis was well needed as a confidence booster.

C'mon now...I wasn't even born yet when the Brewers won it all in 1982. I wanna see something like that in MY lifetime!

Go Brewers!!!!