well,gosh you might want to resend that memo to Boston because so far they're acting like they haven't gotten it.
in the playoffs dude. the red sox are not the cubs. :rofl:
well,gosh you might want to resend that memo to Boston because so far they're acting like they haven't gotten it.
in the playoffs dude. the red sox are not the cubs. :rofl:
Is Joe Torre the most over rated manager in MLB history? I say yes. They should of fired him last year.
yes he's overrated. I would have thought he would have went after the last time they got beat by Anaheim in the post season.
There is nobody out there right now, better to stay with Torre then bring in someone who is mediocre at best.
Plus, his in game managing is bad for years now, imo. The fans, media, everyone seem blinded by those 4 rings and defend him relentlessly. He's got such a great lineup, he rarely has to sacrifice guys over - if ever. When they get in the playoffs, its like he has forgotten how to do all the little things. The series against the Tigers last year was a perfect example of him not doing things so simple as moving runners over. :2 cents:
give torre a break. he has to baby sit all those egos, then deal with the new york media. shit, i wouldnt want his job.
Yes 4 championships in 5 years, 9 straight division titles, and never missing the playoffs your entire time as manager is overrated, how dare he think those stats are good. (end sarcasim)
He's got such a great lineup, he rarely has to sacrifice guys over - if ever. When they get in the playoffs, its like he has forgotten how to do all the little things. The series against the Tigers last year was a perfect example of him not doing things so simple as moving runners over. :2 cents:
youre thinking of AL managers. AL coaches do all the work. but, in the NL, even the managers job is hard.With the exception of pitching usage I would say the manager in baseball is even a lot less important than coaches in other sports, unless he's doing something stupid like having people bunt all the time, having people steal that only have a 60% success rate, or having his closer just come in to protect a ninth inning lead instead of the most important situation late in the ball game. In other sports that aren't turn based the team can scheme and plan out their strategy to make the team a sum greater than it's parts. In baseball you can't do that. A baseball team is basically a set of individuals where as in football, basketball and hockey the teammates have to work closely together and coaching plays more of a part in that.
youre thinking of AL managers. AL coaches do all the work. but, in the NL, even the managers job is hard.