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15 year-old girl Massachusetts girl hangs herself after bullying from students...

remember leave it to beaver, the brady bunch.
remember when the mother stayed home and raised the kids and taught them morals and descent behavior, taught them the difference from right and wrong?

well those days are gone.
now if a couple want to have kids both parents must work long hours (unless your one of the 30% or so on lifelong welfare)......the results are no guidance for the kids
the results are a generation dominated by stupid stupid people.
robots, products of a degenerate society.
nasty people,mean people, low lifes.

why are those good old days gone?
well in the 1960's THE GOV decided to help poor folks by giving them a lifetime free ride at the expense of those who work and try to live a normal life.
the poor folks multiplied like cockroaches and the working folks did the opposite.
and sad but true many of the poor folks just dont teach their children anything, just like their parents taught them nothing.
now the working have such a huge tax burden due to this plus a huge GOV that needs more and more money to function plus inflation have caused them , the working class to sacrifice time spent with their kids at some shitty job.
add to that the liberal media attack these kids are bombarded with everyday in which deviant behavior is excused and descent behavior is condemned and youve got THE USA 2010.
makes me sad.

gang rapes at proms, kids setting on fire other kids, mass bullying.........

so before any of you give me shit for using words you didnt like just ask yourself why, at this point in time US society is on such a downward spiral............and what are their kids gonna be like if things dont change

It's not just in US...also here in Italy everyday I can hear to some fucked brain making disgusting things over some other guy/girl! I'm really hating this stupid society!! I would kill all those stupid people!!


Hiliary 2020
i am confused master806.
i understand english is not your native idioma but what do you mean " I can hear to some fucked brain making disgusting things over some other guy/girl!"?
do you mean people saying bad things to other people?
cosa vuoi dire la gente dice cose cattive di altre persone ?
As I said before, nobody wins. It is situations and times like this where there just isn't a remedy. I sincerely hope that those bullys are haunted by these actions and the result of those actions everyday of their existence. Phoebe Prince's face should torment them every time they close their eyes to sleep at night. And in the end, how worth it was pestering this girl? How worth it was the spectacle that this has become?

What kind of lame-ass existence to you live if bullying a 15 year old girl is part of the reason you wake up? If you get home from school and the first thing you want to do is cyber-bully and gossip, how much worth are you? What are you now that your reason to feel any self worth is dead, and her blood is on your hands?

I can only speak for myself, but at 15, I didn't have time for this bullshit. To make someone the focal point of my boring ass life was never in the plans. Girls, video games, girls, cigarettes, girls, music, girls, sports, and girls filled my itinerary around school. Even the bullies had other shit to do, both male and female. Nowadays, teen bitches barely know how to fucking verbally communicate. Staring into their IPhone, twittering some simple-ass two word messages, and 87 and a half Facebook status updates a day make up their world. All of which they use to make other girls the target of spreading lies and spewing hate.

i am confused master806.
i understand english is not your native idioma but what do you mean " I can hear to some fucked brain making disgusting things over some other guy/girl!"?
do you mean people saying bad things to other people?
cosa vuoi dire la gente dice cose cattive di altre persone ?

I mean: all those things happen also here in Italy! almost everyday! And I think they (people that make those disgusting things) are fucked in their brain! It's more clear now?


Hiliary 2020
I mean: all those things happen also here in Italy! almost everyday! And I think they (people that make those disgusting things) are fucked in their brain! It's more clear now?
yes it is my friend.
and i am surprised that italianos would behave like that......at least in italy.
i thought respect for each other was something strong in the italian culture.


Lost at Birth
They made photos of her available. She certainly wasn't an obvious physical target of bullying IMO.


Stop looking for this stories on the interweb then! :mad:
& how do you know she was beautiful?!?

patient: doctor trebus it hurts when i move my arm!
dr trebus: well don't move your arm then!

pretty sure that he's tired that stories like this actually happen, not that he has to read about it but the fact that they are happening and its frustrating to hear it. in fact, i'm positive thats what that statement means.


Hiliary 2020
Ok America, you wanna stop bullying?
You gotta stop the PC now.
example, in high school around 1985 a degenerate was messing with a little kid with down syndrome in the locker room
i didnt see it, had i seen it i probably would have spent the next 15 years in prison for murder.
the gym teacher did and slammed that degenerate up against the locker.......hard.
said something like if you ever go near him again.........

Now what would happen to that teacher in our current morally twisted society?
He'd get fired and never work again as a teacher.
So maybe there's a reason many teachers look away.
plus weve all seen bullys, most are very "eddie haskell like".
the teachers think they are just such angels.
but when a teacher uses common sense to stop an act of bullying as it occurs there are always liberal douches ready to crucify that teacher, and that sucks.

Also lets be real, race is an issue many times
how often do you see a white kid bullying a black or bad ass latino these days?
its almost always the other way around in most schools where the whites are the minority.
And what does the school staff do in these cases? nothin, dont want to get labeled a racist now do they?

also, cant go pressing charges on people for words, but in the school they can discipline for words.
assaults? they need to call the cops, make arrests.

my point- this bullying will not stop unless a few other things change first.
Ok America, you wanna stop bullying?
You gotta stop the PC now.
example, in high school around 1985 a degenerate was messing with a little kid with down syndrome in the locker room
i didnt see it, had i seen it i probably would have spent the next 15 years in prison for murder.
the gym teacher did and slammed that degenerate up against the locker.......hard.
said something like if you ever go near him again.........

Now what would happen to that teacher in our current twisted society?
He'd get fired and never work again as a teacher.
So maybe there's a reason many teachers look away.
plus weve all seen bullys, most are very "eddie haskell like".
the teachers think they are just such angels.
but when a teacher uses common sense to stop an act of bullying as it occurs there are always liberal douches ready to crucify that teacher, and that sucks.

Also lets be real, race is an issue many times
how often do you see a white kid bullying a black or bad ass latino these days?
its almost always the other way around in most schools where the whites are the minority.
And what does the school staff do in these cases? nothin, dont want to get labeled a racist now do they?

also, cant go pressing charges on people for words, but in the school they can discipline for words.
assaults? they need to call the cops, make arrests.

my point- this bullying will not stop unless a few other things change first.

One of my sisters got bullied in JH because she was white. Without going into detail about the animals that followed her from class to class labeling her "white bitch," "Barbie," "honkey" and all kinds of other charming epithets, she was fortunate a teacher's aid eventually started following her around (kid I went to HS with and knew frmo hockey), and that lasted I think the whole year.

This was a JH that was already on the bad side of town, but a few miles from there one of my best friends went to JH and he saw a girl get her faced sliced open with a box cutter because someone didn't like her. He said her whole cheek was hanging off the side of her face after she got assaulted. This JH was real ghetto. I went to JH a few miles from there and the worst I ever really saw was mostly just the standard monthly fist fight. We had Latin King's, GDs, SDs, and an occasional skinhead. Gotta love dieversity.
Try all the bullies in court, I say:thumbsup:
Parents need to monitor bullying closely and don't brush it off when a child tells them this is happening,

if a parent takes this lightly the child loses all hope and internalized the worthless feelings that lead to this type of thing.

This could have been avoided, tragic.

Absolutely! This is a problem that always needs attention. So tragic.


The One and Only Big Daddy
This is really sad to hear and there is a lesson to be learned here I think of becoming more involved with your children.This has to be really tough for her family my heart goes out to them.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
The kids are pretty clean cut suburban kids from middle class families and yes one of them a male is 18...that was to answer your question Scott
It's a really sad case where a lot of people screwed up really bad by their inaction to stop something like this. The kids that did it are punks, and should be ridiculed and made a pariah of society the rest of their life, and face full and proper justice for their actions.

This might not be popular, but I would also like to know exactly what the people that are charged did, and what they are charged with because this case also reeks of some prosecutor stretching the law to it's absolute limits to try and make an example of people that might not have did anything technically illegal or if they did not of a high severity. Although I will also admit as of now I don't know the particulars of the case. You can't just punish people for not being polite to others, no matter how it makes that person feel, you shouldn't punish somebody for what somebody else decided to do to themselves, and everything else they did would have to have a normal standard commensurate punishment for any illegal action they took. So while tragic I will also not be pleased if somebody gets years in prison for slander or knocking books out of somebody else’s hand.
The kids are pretty clean cut suburban kids from middle class families and yes one of them a male is 18...that was to answer your question Scott

I saw the surnames and knew these little rats were white. You go out to suburban schools sometimes and it can be a pretty harsh place if you don't conform or you don't "fit in."
If only some of us had gone to that school...I was never popular anyway, and even if I was it wouldn't be worth seeing a girl get treated like that. I've never witnessed much bullying of a girl (I've seen it to boys) but honestly the minute I heard them calling her a slut or knocking her shit out of her hands I would have stepped in.

The girls bullying her is one thing, but the one that pisses me off is the 18 year old male. I'm 18, and no way in hell would I bully/abuse a girl my age let alone a girl that is 15.