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14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans


What ever happened to celebrating diversity of thought you pompous textbook read government dependent babies! Sheesh, if you fox haters had it your way we'd all be living off of the minimums of government general assistance like your single parent mothers were when they raised you. :facepalm: So tell us, what are you anti American neo gen socialists going to do with your lives when it comes time to put down the video game joy stick, move away from mum and get a life of your own? Will you ever become men in this world, ya know, maybe settle down, hook up with a woman, get married, have a kid or two, get a real job that produces real wealth to help pay down our multiple trillion dollar debt or are you going to remain single all of your lives, hook up with chicks only when lucky, play video games well into your thirties whilst seeking out every possible means of obtaining benefits of which you shouldn't be entitled to (if we had a sane government) and further compound this nation's debt into the twenty to thirty trillion dollar range?
The latter of course, what other lifestyle do you know besides the one of entitlement and government guidance at every step? :cool:
It's just h-o-p-e-l-e-s-s!

BTW, for the last ten - fifteen years I average about fifteen - thirty minutes a week watching television and it's usually in passing while I'm busy doing something more important.
I'm a BIG fan of fox news here as you can see. º-0


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Bronze Member
Face, you are so single-minded and running on stereotypes it is a safe bet you have been brainwashed a bit too long

But do go on, you have the :popcorn: factor :clap:
Face, you are so single-minded and running on stereotypes it is a safe bet you have been brainwashed a bit too long
he was being serious? I thought he was being facetious - it read like a classic Colbert skit

I LOVE hearing differing viewpoints (I enjoy VD Hanson / Thomas Sowell), provided it isn't some grade school whinefest of name calling and angst

THIS is how two diametrically opposed ideologues 'debate'


It's true, government dependence is not only a trap, it's the hip new way for otherwise able bodied young people to live their lives. Really, government assistance was originally designed as a safety net for those who are unable to work the rigors of routine employment, you know, to assist those who are truly in need i.e. those who have genuine disabilities, I champion the support of such programs... in a big way! However today, our government is building upon their plans to create a socialist utopia and it's being built at the expense of those in the private sector, those who actually create the wealth and prosperity in this nation. It's called creative income redistribution.... I just made that up but it's very fitting.

People are at their best when they carry their own weight in society and conversely, people tend to get fat, happy and unmotivated when they don't carry their own weight. The lack of personal responsibility, the lack of daily challenges, the lack of a daily itinerary i.e. employment leads to depression and low self esteem which in turn leads to depression and ultimately MEDS! let's not feed big drug companies, OK? :p
It's true, government dependence is not only a trap, it's the hip new way for otherwise able bodied young people to live their lives. Really, government assistance was originally designed as a safety net for those who are unable to work the rigors of routine employment, you know, to assist those who are truly in need i.e. those who have genuine disabilities, I champion the support of such programs... in a big way! However today, our government is building upon their plans to create a socialist utopia and it's being built at the expense of those in the private sector, those who actually create the wealth and prosperity in this nation.

That wealth and prosperity is built upon the exploitation of others. Government should be used as a check against these giant corporations that just one man can't stand up against.

Nationalizing ;)

Banking, Healthcare, Energy, Auto manufacturing, you name it.

the Nation doesn't own it, though.
There is no 'government' health care, energy, auto option out there people can choose.
You have government subsidizing BIG BUSINESS...but not the citizen (so how is that 'socialist'?)
I think this is what you mean http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/oligarchy

at least you're grounded in facts


That wealth and prosperity is built upon the exploitation of others.
Total government regulation leads to rationing! ...don't start! :1orglaugh
Government should be used as a check against these giant corporations that just one man can't stand up against.
What was the government entity that was supposed to referee the transactions of stock sales... I can't recall the acornym.... does anybody remember?
Yea, they were downloading reams and reams of porn while wall st. was in free fall ... Oh yea, The SEC... The Securities and Exchange Commission :facepalm:... need I say more?
Yes I do need to say more... or ask... did any of those rotten overpaid porn freaks within the ranks of the SEC actually lose their job or get disciplined for conduct unbecoming of their general responsibilities?

One needs to look no further than the insurance industry to see how greedy and corrupt big business can be. The government should take it over and have it be non-profit. Same with prisons and hospitals. No one should profit in the needless suffering of others.
"...it goes on and on and on..."
:horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse:
:horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse:
Allow me to repost my earlier statement because CLEARLY you didn't read past the first line ... typical liberal sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming loudly for an explanation.

Originally Posted by cindy CD/TV
This is exactly the kind of crap that comes out of the mouth of someone who watches a network that gets its ass kicked in the ratings month after month by Fox. All you're doing is reciting the crap that those other networks are saying because they've been getting killed for years. Let me guess ... you watch MSBC, right? Fox gets ripped for being biased, but no one says shit about the official news network for the Democratic party aka MSNBC. So, I assume you get your "serious enlightenment" by reading The Huffington Post and watching Bill Maher's show and Michael Moore movies (oh, sorry, I meant to say "documentaries"). I'm guessing you've never actually watched FoxNews at all have you -- at least beyond the out-of-context clips shown by Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert? I watch both Fox and CNN 50-50, and 90 percent of the actual news reported on their respective NEWSCASTS are exactly the same thing. So where's the faux news coming from if they're essentially reporting the same things? The only difference between the networks is the OPINION shows. Trust me, Sean Hannity doesn't speak for moderate conservatives. Neither does Glenn Beck. O'Reilly, for all his bombast, is actually pretty even-handed and spends half his time defending Obama and his incompetence. Talking out of your ass like this just means YOUR skull is as numb as scar tissue.

I noticed that you didn't deny any of this. Because I'm right. Stop being a schill for the left and use your brain for a minute. Just what fucking spin and distortions are you referring to? They're reporting the same news (see the operative word here: NEWS) that CNN does. The same NEWS. If Fox is making shit up, then CNN is making up the same shit. Remember I said NEWS. Not OPINION. You seem to be having a real hard time wrapping your feeble liberal brain around this distinction. Sean Hannity has a one-hour show that is for arch conservatives, and there's no secret about it. That is NOT the sum total of FoxNews. Hell, I don't watch his crap. Rush Limbaugh (the fat prick) has ZERO presence on Fox. Glenn Beck is gone. What about Shepard Smith or Chris Wallace or Brit Hume, three highly respected men in their field? Are they entertainers? Hell, no. O'Reilly is an entertainer? Really. Really? At least O'Rielly donates money from his website to helping our troops. Where does Bill Maher put his money? M. Moore makes a movie ripping capitalism but then refuses to give away any of the profits -- and THEN gets into a legal fight because he didn't make enough money from the deal. He's a fat, disgusting hypocrite fucking asshole. And YOU are talking completely out of your ass about liberal bias. Some news outlets (both broadcast and print) actually admitted being in the tank for Obama in 2008. They ADMITTED it! They admitted they refused to run negative stories about Obama or ask tough questions but did the opposite with McCain. Google it, if you have the balls to stare reality in the face.

I read it the first time and there was nothing to respond to because it was tripe. What salient point did you make worthy of addressing...Presuming that I watch MSNBC?? :rolleyes:

It was mindless ranting....and nothing worth talking about..We all know what Faux's poll numbers are and anyone with a shred of common sense ought to know why.

If you think it's simply because Faux is "most trusted" or that it has anything remotely to do with quality...oh well, keep living in a dream world. They are a carnival act...R/C illustrated that profoundly with his screen grabs and attachments.

Keep deluding yourself....far be it from me to stand in your way. :hatsoff:


Hotmega's BS:

Now for Reagan's numbers;

Unemployment: Jan 1981 - 7.5 pct. / June 1983 - 10.1 pct. Change = up 35%

National Debt: 1981 - $998B / 1983 1.377T....Change = up 38%

Where's the outrage????


Ok, first what were Regan's numbers in 1984? Mention those, too. He turned things around quite a bit and he won one of the most lopsided presidential elections in history. That's why there's no outrage, d-bag.

And since we're going back to dredge up shit from the beginning of time, try this on: World War I --Woodrow Wilson; World War II -- FDR; Korean War/China going Communist/Start of the Cold War -- Harry Truman; Bay of Pigs fiasco/Berlin Wall going up -- JFK; Vietnam (full involvement) -- LBJ.

Ending Korean War -- Dwight Esienhower (he had military advisers in Vietnam, yes, but let's face facts, he didn't send full combat divisions there either, so don't go there); Ending Vietnam/Detente with the Soviets/Recognizing Red China -- Nixon; Ending the Cold War -- Reagan & GHW Bush; Ending Iraq -- Not Obama; Ending Afghanistan -- Not Obama; Betraying Israel -- Obama; Starting Libya -- Obama; Not starting Iran -- Obama.

Uh....another mindless and this time flat out fucking stupid rant.

The relevance of me citing Reagan's numbers is because they were the numbers PRECISELY at the same point in his presidency that Obama is at now. FUCKING DUHHHHHHHHHHH.....(I needed to spell that out for you???:confused:)

Point being, with very similar numbers at the exact same points...in fact, Reagan's could be considered worse...no one but no one was looking to call Reagan and economic disaster, failure or whatever GOPer description du jour being hurled Obama's way right now.

Additionally, me citing those numbers shows precisely what you point out...that by the time the election came around the numbers had improved DESPITE what they were at the 2.5 year mark of his first term.

You couldn't figure that out on your own?

Wrong. Living in your bubble a bit too long Meg.......get out for fresh air.