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14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans

These techniques have been used by most major media personalities on every major "news" network. Character assassination, flipping, rewriting (or misrepresenting) history, scapegoating, bullying, and guilt by association are heavily used in politics these days.

I agree that Fox is biased, but if you think ONLY Fox is biased, YOU are biased.
Is the NY Times liberal to you?

But 'bias' isn't what the topic is really about....."NEWS" should be information to inform citizenship. NO NEWS OUTLET is providing citizens with in-depth coverage with full information on events. They deliver that which garners them advertising dollars - nothing more.

The closest thing you can find to a true news media outlet is Guardian, Financial Times, or Al Jazeera

So you can argue all day over crumbs and "your team", it still isn't serving its purpose and manipulating their consumers with psychological ploys to illicit continued support/audience

But 'bias' isn't what the topic is really about....."NEWS" should be information to inform citizenship. NO NEWS OUTLET is providing citizens with in-depth coverage with full information on events. They deliver that which garners them advertising dollars - nothing more.

The closest thing you can find to a true news media outlet is Guardian, Financial Times, or Al Jazeera

So you can argue all day over crumbs and "your team", it still isn't serving its purpose and manipulating their consumers with psychological ploys to illicit continued support/audience

Oh man, the NYT isn't liberal in your view nor is the Guardian? Wow man those are two very liberal papers. Wake up dude.
The media laid down instead of grilling Otrauma back in '08. They wanted him in the Oval Office come hell or high water.

When it comes to pure hate and demonizing the leftists/libs are champs.

It was clear to me. We have the Internet now though, so, screw 'em. :)


But 'bias' isn't what the topic is really about....."NEWS" should be information to inform citizenship. NO NEWS OUTLET is providing citizens with in-depth coverage with full information on events. They deliver that which garners them advertising dollars - nothing more.

The closest thing you can find to a true news media outlet is Guardian, Financial Times, or Al Jazeera

So you can argue all day over crumbs and "your team", it still isn't serving its purpose and manipulating their consumers with psychological ploys to illicit continued support/audience

You're denying obvious traits in these newsrooms. I just told you that Obama received a disproportionately higher "possitive" slant in the media than his opponents. I am not making this shit up. My sound card is out of wack right now because my main laptop has a broken power outlet, so It's kind of hard to find said clip.

I believe I've seen this one though, and it was good:

BTW, I'm not on any "team," I pick and choose candidates based on their track records.
I'm not denying Obama may have received preferred treatment by any media outlet. Obama isn't "left" or liberal (which is why we have 6 wars going on right now, a joke of a Health Care reform, and continued abuse of FISA)

Reality has a well known liberal bias
I'm not denying Obama may have received preferred treatment by any media outlet. Obama isn't "left"

Reality has a well known liberal bias

He started that way but soon realized that it got him nowhere.

Reality is neither left nor right.
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1. Panic Mongering. This goes one step beyond simple fear mongering. With panic mongering, there is never a break from the fear. The idea is to terrify and terrorize the audience during every waking moment. From Muslims to swine flu to recession to homosexuals to immigrants to the rapture itself, the belief over at Fox seems to be that if your fight-or-flight reflexes aren't activated, you aren't alive. This of course raises the question: why terrorize your own audience? Because it is the fastest way to bypasses the rational brain. In other words, when people are afraid, they don't think rationally. And when they can't think rationally, they'll believe anything.

2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem. Fox does not like to waste time debating the idea. Instead, they prefer a quicker route to dispensing with their opponents: go after the person's credibility, motives, intelligence, character, or, if necessary, sanity. No category of character assassination is off the table and no offense is beneath them. Fox and like-minded media figures also use ad hominem attacks not just against individuals, but entire categories of people in an effort to discredit the ideas of every person who is seen to fall into that category, e.g. "liberals," "hippies," "progressives" etc. This form of argument - if it can be called that - leaves no room for genuine debate over ideas, so by definition, it is undemocratic. Not to mention just plain crass.

3. Projection/Flipping. This one is frustrating for the viewer who is trying to actually follow the argument. It involves taking whatever underhanded tactic you're using and then accusing your opponent of doing it to you first. We see this frequently in the immigration discussion, where anti-racists are accused of racism, or in the climate change debate, where those who argue for human causes of the phenomenon are accused of not having science or facts on their side. It's often called upon when the media host finds themselves on the ropes in the debate.

4. Rewriting History. This is another way of saying that propagandists make the facts fit their worldview. The Downing Street Memos on the Iraq war were a classic example of this on a massive scale, but it happens daily and over smaller issues as well. A recent case in point is Palin's mangling of the Paul Revere ride, which Fox reporters have bent over backward to validate. Why lie about the historical facts, even when they can be demonstrated to be false? Well, because dogmatic minds actually find it easier to reject reality than to update their viewpoints. They will literally rewrite history if it serves their interests. And they'll often speak with such authority that the casual viewer will be tempted to question what they knew as fact.

5. Scapegoating/Othering. This works best when people feel insecure or scared. It's technically a form of both fear mongering and diversion, but it is so pervasive that it deserves its own category. The simple idea is that if you can find a group to blame for social or economic problems, you can then go on to a) justify violence/dehumanization of them, and b) subvert responsibility for any harm that may befall them as a result.

6. Conflating Violence With Power and Opposition to Violence With Weakness. This is more of what I'd call a "meta-frame" (a deeply held belief) than a media technique, but it is manifested in the ways news is reported constantly. For example, terms like "show of strength" are often used to describe acts of repression, such as those by the Iranian regime against the protesters in the summer of 2009. There are several concerning consequences of this form of conflation. First, it has the potential to make people feel falsely emboldened by shows of force - it can turn wars into sporting events. Secondly, especially in the context of American politics, displays of violence - whether manifested in war or debates about the Second Amendment - are seen as noble and (in an especially surreal irony) moral. Violence become synonymous with power, patriotism and piety.

7. Bullying. This is a favorite technique of several Fox commentators. That it continues to be employed demonstrates that it seems to have some efficacy. Bullying and yelling works best on people who come to the conversation with a lack of confidence, either in themselves or their grasp of the subject being discussed. The bully exploits this lack of confidence by berating the guest into submission or compliance. Often, less self-possessed people will feel shame and anxiety when being berated and the quickest way to end the immediate discomfort is to cede authority to the bully. The bully is then able to interpret that as a "win."

8. Confusion. As with the preceding technique, this one works best on an audience that is less confident and self-possessed. The idea is to deliberately confuse the argument, but insist that the logic is airtight and imply that anyone who disagrees is either too dumb or too fanatical to follow along. Less independent minds will interpret the confusion technique as a form of sophisticated thinking, thereby giving the user's claims veracity in the viewer's mind.

9. Populism. This is especially popular in election years. The speakers identifies themselves as one of "the people" and the target of their ire as an enemy of the people. The opponent is always "elitist" or a "bureaucrat" or a "government insider" or some other category that is not the people. The idea is to make the opponent harder to relate to and harder to empathize with. It often goes hand in hand with scapegoating. A common logical fallacy with populism bias when used by the right is that accused "elitists" are almost always liberals - a category of political actors who, by definition, advocate for non-elite groups.

10. Invoking the Christian God. This is similar to othering and populism. With morality politics, the idea is to declare yourself and your allies as patriots, Christians and "real Americans" (those are inseparable categories in this line of thinking) and anyone who challenges them as not. Basically, God loves Fox and Republicans and America. And hates taxes and anyone who doesn't love those other three things. Because the speaker has been benedicted by God to speak on behalf of all Americans, any challenge is perceived as immoral. It's a cheap and easy technique used by all totalitarian entities from states to cults.

11. Saturation. There are three components to effective saturation: being repetitive, being ubiquitous and being consistent. The message must be repeated cover and over, it must be everywhere and it must be shared across commentators: e.g. "Saddam has WMD." Veracity and hard data have no relationship to the efficacy of saturation. There is a psychological effect of being exposed to the same message over and over, regardless of whether it's true or if it even makes sense, e.g., "Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States." If something is said enough times, by enough people, many will come to accept it as truth. Another example is Fox's own slogan of "Fair and Balanced."

12. Disparaging Education. There is an emerging and disturbing lack of reverence for education and intellectualism in many mainstream media discourses. In fact, in some circles (e.g. Fox), higher education is often disparaged as elitist. Having a university credential is perceived by these folks as not a sign of credibility, but of a lack of it. In fact, among some commentators, evidence of intellectual prowess is treated snidely and as anti-American. The disdain for education and other evidence of being trained in critical thinking are direct threats to a hive-mind mentality, which is why they are so viscerally demeaned.

13. Guilt by Association. This is a favorite of Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart, both of whom have used it to decimate the careers and lives of many good people. Here's how it works: if your cousin's college roommate's uncle's ex-wife attended a dinner party back in 1984 with Gorbachev's niece's ex-boyfriend's sister, then you, by extension are a communist set on destroying America. Period.

14. Diversion. This is where, when on the ropes, the media commentator suddenly takes the debate in a weird but predictable direction to avoid accountability. This is the point in the discussion where most Fox anchors start comparing the opponent to Saul Alinsky or invoking ACORN or Media Matters, in a desperate attempt to win through guilt by association. Or they'll talk about wanting to focus on "moving forward," as though by analyzing the current state of things or God forbid, how we got to this state of things, you have no regard for the future. Any attempt to bring the discussion back to the issue at hand will likely be called deflection, an ironic use of the technique of projection/flipping.


My penis has a left leaning bias, and it's because I'm a righty...

cindy CD/TV

Funnier still is people who already recognize their chicanery only watch Faux (Pas) "News?" for the laughs.

Anyone who watches Faux for serious enlightenment has to have a skull as numb as scar tissue.

This is exactly the kind of crap that comes out of the mouth of someone who watches a network that gets its ass kicked in the ratings month after month by Fox. All you're doing is reciting the crap that those other networks are saying because they've been getting killed for years. Let me guess ... you watch MSBC, right? Fox gets ripped for being biased, but no one says shit about the official news network for the Democratic party aka MSNBC. So, I assume you get your "serious enlightenment" by reading The Huffington Post and watching Bill Maher's show and Michael Moore movies (oh, sorry, I meant to say "documentaries"). I'm guessing you've never actually watched FoxNews at all have you -- at least beyond the out-of-context clips shown by Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert? I watch both Fox and CNN 50-50, and 90 percent of the actual news reported on their respective NEWSCASTS are exactly the same thing. So where's the faux news coming from if they're essentially reporting the same things? The only difference between the networks is the OPINION shows. Trust me, Sean Hannity doesn't speak for moderate conservatives. Neither does Glenn Beck. O'Reilly, for all his bombast, is actually pretty even-handed and spends half his time defending Obama and his incompetence. Talking out of your ass like this just means YOUR skull is as numb as scar tissue.

This is a great read - unfortunately, those who need to read it will not.


Well, I read it. And it's complete and utter BULLSHIT. If Fox is guilty of propaganda, then you better mention MSNBC, too. And Bill Maher. And Jon Stewart. And the N.Y. Times. Try considering the source that you're quoting: one of truth-out.org's contributors is Paul Krugman (of the N.Y. Times), who is one of the most hardcore, virulently anti-conservative, elitist quasi-communist people in the media today -- and who has made no secret of his hatred and disdain for Fox and its "ignorant," gullible" viewers (if you believe this hypocrite, all conservatives are nothing more than a bunch of Bible-thumping, gun-toting, racist, toothless, drooling bunch of NASCAR-watching retards.) Fox opinion guys blast him repeatedly and expose him for the intellectual snob that he is. Lefty sites like MediaMatters and MoveOn are so-called "news" outlets for progressives, who have the fucking gall to call out Fox for being biased. Seriously? Getting truthout.org to offer commentary on Fox and conservatives is like getting Neo-Nazis to offer commentary on Israel and Jewish people. The results shouldn't come as a great fucking surprise.

It's the height of arrogance to assume that just because someone has a different view than you then they must be either stupid or brain-washed. Real nice. Nothing is ever going to change for the better in America with this attitude.

cindy CD/TV

could you point out a glaring example of this 'clear bias' , please?:dunno:

Most recently? MSNBC political analyst Mark Halpern was suspended indefinitely for calling Obama a "dick" on the air, but MSNBC host Ed Schultz got to pick his own two-week rewards vacation --ahem, "suspension" -- after calling conservative commentator (and breast cancer survivor) Laura Ingraham "a slut" and a "talk slut" while on his radio program. Halpern's mistake was the equivalent of insulting the Pope in his own church. MSNBC couldn't give two shits about Ingraham's feelings -- that "suspension" was for publicity reasons, nothing more.

So how's that for a "glaring" example? But trust me, buddy, you really don't want to go down this road. But if you do, Google up "Obama" and "media bias." Tasty stuff. A real fucking eye-opener. Better yet, if you want to have a few laughs, Google up "Obama" and "gaffes." God, and people thought GW Bush was stupid ...
I'm not denying Obama may have received preferred treatment by any media outlet. Obama isn't "left" or liberal (which is why we have 6 wars going on right now, a joke of a Health Care reform, and continued abuse of FISA)

Reality has a well known liberal bias

Obama is pretty far left. So...why don't you call him what he really is: a lame-duck president that has'nt accomplished much at all...;) I think that he is a one-term president - that is if all those organizations don't praise him again like the last go 'round.

cindy CD/TV

that is if all those organizations don't praise him again like the last go 'round.

Sadly, it looks like the mainstream media machine is already positioning its chess pieces for just such a scenario. I wonder if Obama will get any tough questions this time around. He only took an economy that was "in the ditch" and promptly drove if off the socialist cliff.
Obama is pretty far left. So...why don't you call him what he really is: a lame-duck president that has'nt accomplished much at all...;) I think that he is a one-term president - that is if all those organizations don't praise him again like the last go 'round.

Obama isn't at all far left. We thought he was far left but as it turned out he isnt. The left made Obama out to be more of a progressive than he really was and they are complaining that he isn't progressive enough.


My Penis Is Dancing!
It's funny reading some of the comments here, as predictably, they fall right into line with many of Fox's methods.

A couple of obvious I think the article left out, though these methods are not only used by its talking heads, but its viewers:

15. The Other guy does it, so it's all right if we do it.

The drum beat is rather heavy and consistent: MSNBC does it, CNN does it, CBS does it...and on and on and on and on. When arguing the misrepresentation of Fox News, one of the very steady comments that is sure to come up soon in the conversation is: The Other Guy Does It. However, it does not dilute one fact: A lie is a lie, whether or not fair and balanced.

16. I'm not a conservative/I hate Fox, but I watch Fox, and I hate (fill in the blank with MSNBC, CNN, etc.).

The first statement draws the person "back to the pack". Suddenly, he is like the rest of us...ah, but if he is like the rest of us, and watches Fox and can see through the bias of those other evil networks, then he must be right! Right? Wrong.

17. Use a lot of smilies.

If you use a smilie in your statement, you can claim "Oh, no. I wasn't flaming. See the smilie?"
i love how political discussions always boil down to the same exact thing...both sides pointing fingers and shouting "I'm right, you're wrong! don't be so ignorant and close minded! i hate you and the people you vote for!" it's really ridiculous actually...i used to find it amusing, now it's just pathetic...news so long as it's INTERPRETED and then reported will ALWAYS be biased...the only way to have unbiased news is to stick entirely with the undeniable facts of what happened, when and if possible, how. removing all human interpretation, opinion and creativity from the equation. human nature has not evolved much in centuries, masses are still easily swayed and controlled by those with power and influence...the only thing that's different about propaganda in modern times is it's far more subliminal and less forcible and blunt, which is actually more effective as most people don't realize their opinions and ideas are being formulated for them, thus giving them the illusion of independent thought...free thinking doesn't allow for the confines of only two sides, two options on any issue, just my two cents :2 cents:


milf n' cookies
could you point out a glaring example of this 'clear bias' , please?:dunno:

During the Bush administration's war in Iraq and Afghanistan, CNN and CNN Headline News constantly had a running tally of U.S. military personnel killed. This was part of their news and news ticker at the bottom of the screen every half hour. When B.O. took office, all of sudden these constant updates and tally figures disappeared. Obviously, this organization didn't seem to think it was important anymore.

News Busters is an excellent website that shows the liberal media bias. http://newsbusters.org/
During the Bush administration's war in Iraq and Afghanistan, CNN and CNN Headline News constantly had a running tally of U.S. military personnel killed. This was part of their news and news ticker at the bottom of the screen every half hour. When B.O. took office, all of sudden these constant updates and tally figures disappeared. Obviously, this organization didn't seem to think it was important anymore.

Good point.

This is why you should NEVER EVER trust ideologues... they slant everything to their side of the story, and that goes for ANY ideology. THINK for yourself. FOX isn't always wrong and CNN isn't always right. You have to sift through the bias to get to the truth. :2 cents:


Closed Account
CNN,ABC,MSNBC,CBS, and NBC are pretty Liberal too.As a counterpoint to the "Nixon" argument", I'd say that the KGB did a pretty good job in infiltrating the media.

Personally,I don't watch the news, nor do I read the newspaper, I look at a few sites and I get more information in 5 minutes than I get by spending an hour or 2 watching some news program.