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14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans


This is more interesting when you view it through the historical perspective (rather than the reactionary 'right' vs 'left' lens) so try and keep your trained vitriol to a minimum


Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers.

The memo—called, simply enough, "A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News"— is included in a 318-page cache of documents detailing Ailes' work for both the Nixon and George H.W. Bush administrations that we obtained from the Nixon and Bush presidential libraries. Through his firms REA Productions and Ailes Communications, Inc., Ailes served as paid consultant to both presidents in the 1970s and 1990s, offering detailed and shrewd advice ranging from what ties to wear to how to keep the pressure up on Saddam Hussein in the run-up to the first Gulf War.

The documents—drawn mostly from the papers of Nixon chief of staff and felon H.R. Haldeman and Bush chief of staff John Sununu—reveal Ailes to be a tireless television producer and joyful propagandist. He was a forceful advocate for the power of television to shape the political narrative, and he reveled in the minutiae constructing political spectacles—stage-managing, for instance, the lighting of the White House Christmas tree with painstaking care. He frequently floated ideas for creating staged events and strategies for manipulating the mainstream media into favorable coverage, and used his contacts at the networks to sniff out the emergence of threatening narratives and offer advice on how to snuff them out—warning Bush, for example, to lay off the golf as war in the Middle East approached because journalists were starting to talk. There are also occasional references to dirty political tricks, as well as some positions that seem at odds with the Tea Party politics of present-day Fox News: Ailes supported government regulation of political campaign ads on television, including strict limits on spending. He also advised Nixon to address high school students, a move that caused his network to shriek about "indoctrination" when Obama did it more than 30 years later.
All 318 pages are available here.
This is a great read - unfortunately, those who need to read it will not.


That was a good read. I always noticed how they linked God with America and tried to use a guilt trip that way, but I never realized how truly complex their misleading ways really are. What a bunch of bastards.

The people who need to read it wouldn't "get it" or agree with it even if they did.
Funnier still is people who already recognize their chicanery only watch Faux (Pas) "News?" for the laughs.

Anyone who watches Faux for serious enlightenment has to have a skull as numb as scar tissue.
Things I love: Fox News; Things I hate: Fox News.

I don't like Hannity. Don't like Beck. Don't like Palin. I don't like that traitor the Huckster. I freakin' hate Frank Luntz. Honestly, the best show on there is Red Eye, and that's satire. I do like O'Reilly but man, he can be quite crude at times. Be that as it may, I find the news stories better than CNN and of course MSNBC. :2 cents:


These tricks are as old as time itself. Human history is a history of people being misled, quite often to their death.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Things I love: Fox News; Things I hate: Fox News.

I don't like Hannity. Don't like Beck. Don't like Palin. I don't like that traitor the Huckster. I freakin' hate Frank Luntz. Honestly, the best show on there is Red Eye, and that's satire. I do like O'Reilly but man, he can be quite crude at times. Be that as it may, I find the news stories better than CNN and of course MSNBC. :2 cents:

That actually sounds pretty fair and balanced.

I love Beck's persona and approach. I love that his followers call him "The Professor" even though he's pretty loose and way out there intellectually.
I have seen this bumper sticker around quite a lot recently:

"Fox: Bad news for America."

I know all news outlets have bias and lean one direction or another. However, anyone who thinks Fox news is balanced is just plain deluding themselves. Period.
I have seen this bumper sticker around quite a lot recently:

"Fox: Bad news for America."

I know all news outlets have bias and lean one direction or another. However, anyone who thinks Fox news is balanced is just plain deluding themselves. Period.

O'Reilly himself has said Fox is more "conservative." No one is denying that. The problem I have is with the New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN and their pretty clear bias on the left. These organizations are the most upset about Fox's massive ratings the most.
could you point out a glaring example of this 'clear bias' , please?:dunno:

Dude, isn't this unbelievably obvious? Koppel, Rather, and Brokaw are all liberals. Couric and Williams are pretty left wing (the former is pretty obviously very liberal). The NY Times is left, are you going to deny this?

I think Scott Pelley is more centrist because of that loon Couric and her abysmal ratings. Centrist is the way to go, honestly.

BTW, of all the big timers of the evening news I thought Brokaw was the closest to being centrist.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
These tricks are as old as time itself. Human history is a history of people being misled, quite often to their death.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - Josef Goebbels

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over” - Josef Goebbels

On that note, I hate Fox News.
you found an article about leftist 'bias', but I was hoping you could just show an example from the horse's mouth.

"leftist" isn't defined by being opposite of those that identify themselves as 'right'.

"Leftist" as in social change, civil rights, anti-war, pro-consumer
Dude, isn't this unbelievably obvious? Koppel, Rather, and Brokaw are all liberals. Couric and Williams are pretty left wing (the former is pretty obviously very liberal). .
which one of these mouthpieces voiced any legitimate argument against the war in Iraq?
Which one advocated a pushback against the Patriot Act, rendition, torture, FISA violation, expiration of Bush-era tax cuts, etc?


Turning this discussion into a false equivalency of 'left' vs 'right' is really disingenuous. The propaganda model and shaping discourse in America is vital to citizenship
It exists on EVERY corporate media outlet - why can't we address it?
Dude, isn't this unbelievably obvious? Koppel, Rather, and Brokaw are all liberals. Couric and Williams are pretty left wing (the former is pretty obviously very liberal). The NY Times is left, are you going to deny this?

I think Scott Pelley is more centrist because of that loon Couric and her abysmal ratings. Centrist is the way to go, honestly.

BTW, of all the big timers of the evening news I thought Brokaw was the closest to being centrist.

CBS has finally decided to exit being a mouthpiece of leftist insanity and return to the golden days of Cronkite. That little twirp Couric is bye bye and hopefully so is the crappy bias.
NBC got bought by Comcast thank God and hopefully the ranks will be purged of screaming infantile leftists.
you found an article about leftist 'bias', but I was hoping you could just show an example from the horse's mouth.

"leftist" isn't defined by being opposite of those that identify themselves as 'right'.

"Leftist" as in social change, civil rights, anti-war, pro-consumer

which one of these mouthpieces voiced any legitimate argument against the war in Iraq?
Which one advocated a pushback against the Patriot Act, rendition, torture, FISA violation, expiration of Bush-era tax cuts, etc?


Turning this discussion into a false equivalency of 'left' vs 'right' is really disingenuous. The propaganda model and shaping discourse in America is vital to citizenship
It exists on EVERY corporate media outlet - why can't we address it?

I'm not sure about how much power these legendary "anchors" have, but they do have some control of what goes on on their respective networks. Some of them (Brokaw and Rather come to mind) have went on Fox news before and voiced liberal opinions. But you didn't answer my question: Is the NY Times liberal to you? Seeing as it's the most powerful media outlet ever produced in this country that's disconcerting.

Give me a sec' I'll try to dig you up a clip of the amount of times Obama received favorable coverage in the MSM. There was a segment on Fox not too long ago that went something like, Obama received something like 70% more favorable coverage than any of the conservatives did. How is that "fair and balanced"?


Approved Content Owner
I have seen this bumper sticker around quite a lot recently:

"Fox: Bad news for America."

I know all news outlets have bias and lean one direction or another. However, anyone who thinks Fox news is balanced is just plain deluding themselves. Period.

Or that ANY news is "balanced" for that matter.


Postal Paranoiac
Everybody has their tricks. The Conservative Media just makes theirs dirtier.
I'm not sure about how much power these legendary "anchors" have, but they do have some control of what goes on on their respective networks. Some of them (Brokaw and Rather come to mind) have went on Fox news before and voiced liberal opinions. But you didn't answer my question: Is the NY Times liberal to you? Seeing as it's the most powerful media outlet ever produced in this country that's disconcerting.

Give me a sec' I'll try to dig you up a clip of the amount of times Obama received favorable coverage in the MSM. There was a segment on Fox not too long ago that went something like, Obama received something like 70% more favorable coverage than any of the conservatives did. How is that "fair and balanced"?

The media laid down instead of grilling Otrauma back in '08. They wanted him in the Oval Office come hell or high water.

When it comes to pure hate and demonizing the leftists/libs are champs.
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