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10 Lies Much Bigger than "You Can Keep Your Policy"

1 Iraq has WMDs. - GW Bush / Cheney

2 Pat Tillman was killed in an ambush by the Taliban- Entire GW Bush white house

3 Mission Accomplished - GW Bush

4 Iraq was behind 9/11 - GW Bush / Cheney

5 Marijuana is the most dangerous drug in America - Ronald Reagan

6 The CIA (with Reagans permission) importing cocaine for the Contras to fund the war - Reagan

7 Iran Contra - Reagan

8 We will rebuild New Orleans (after Katrina) - GW Bush

9 Read My Lips, No New Taxes - GHW Bush

10 Saddam wouldn't allow inspectors to look for WMDs in 2004 when in fact GW Bush ordered them out before they were able to conclude there was no evidence. - GW Bush

and here's a bonus “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends…and against us.” Dick Cheney


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Absolute spot-on. But of course, truth or straight forward lies are the same if someone has an agenda to push and is willing to look around anything changing his/her views.

This place is the new "Funny Section".

I for one thank you for this post.
None of those were lies. Obama lied. Ever tried to hold a conversation with someone that smokes weed daily?
.You may as well be talking to a wall of bricks .
The Fly is such an ass kisser lol

"80 percent of Americans want higher taxes" A Rasmussen poll the same week of the lie showed 34 percent favored higher taxes

"My mother was denied health insurance" His mother was covered up until her death

Transparency- " Will be the most transparent presidency in history." The Obama administration has refused to grant 1/3 of FOIA requests

You want more? I got more
Re: 10 Lies Much Bigger than "You Can Keep Your Policy"

None of those were lies?????????????????? Telling American Pat Tillman was killed in a Taliban ambush using him to recruit and the entire time knew he was killed by his own men???????? that's not a lie?????????????????

Cheney saying "without a doubt Iraq has WMDs" isn't a lie??????????? Mission accomplished wasn't a lie????????????

I know plenty who smoke weed daily but it's hardly more dangerous than alcohol. Please, tell us what the lethal dose of marijuana is. Or how many overdoses caused death in the last 100 years. Please, share those stats to backup that it's "the most dangerous drug in America"

- - - Updated - - -

you still haven't come close to a lie worse or more costly than the lies told on my list.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
BC, you are running one of your usual routines again to avoid having to agree.

A - Yeah, agreeing witha woman must be ass-kissing.

B - Just throw out another lie to cover the other lies? Just being cocky doesn't make this ANY bit more false.

Now, are you going to bring up the thing about me being a foreigner or her having been in the porno industry? Wait, I know:

You are going to tell us about your posh lifestyle again, aight? Like, just proving the problem you have.
They believed it to be true, Therefore, not a lie. And Reagan was speaking in terms of it being a gateway drug, which it is . A person that smokes weed is 4 times more likely to suffer a heart attack after consuming than a non user. Not to mention that regular marijuana users have increased suicidal thoughts Danger Will Robinson!!!
BC, you are running one of your usual routines again to avoid having to agree.

A - Yeah, agreeing witha woman must be ass-kissing.

B - Just throw out another lie to cover the other lies? Just being cocky doesn't make this ANY bit more false.

Now, are you going to bring up the thing about me being a foreigner or her having been in the porno industry? Wait, I know:

You are going to tell us about your posh lifestyle again, aight? Like, just proving the problem you have.

Did I say it was because she is a woman? It is because she is a socialist like you that you are an ass kisser.

Posh lifestyle? I have a home and a vacation home. I even sold the car which I inherited and my hedonistic lifestyle consists of a few trips to Costa Rica twice a year to surf and eat out of a can . I like good scotch and throwing a porterhouse on the grill on the weekends. I did buy a Tesla but most of the time I drive a GMC pickup.

Yeah, I am living like a fucking king .
lt is not the biggest gateway drug... Put your pro pot agenda aside.

I have been dealing with pothead losers for over 25 years. Potheads tend to be more aggressive than non users and BTW all those southern white trash republican rednecks you are always railing about? Well they are some of the biggest users of all.

Potheads are more likely to become high school dropouts, whereas alcoholics tend to function within society and even remain gainfully employed. I see the vermin on a daily basis and the totally avoidable charges they are facing if not for the fact that they were unmotivated brain dead burdens on society .
O M G pot users are more aggressive???????????? I smoke weed at the most 3 times a year if that so it isn't about me smoking weed. Alcoholics are more likely to KILL themselves and others while driving, make bad decisions (like driving or trying other drugs) alcoholics are MUCH more violent and the fact that you deny this makes me think you are really assari. seriously, WTF is wrong with your fucking brain? Why are you incapable of absorbing factual information?????????????? Those rednecks also drink. 91% of teens first drug is alcohol. How can you say its not the biggest drug??????????? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because alcoholics are not necessarily pot heads but most pot heads are also alcoholics. I see this shit far more than you do You are the one in denial
You see it more than me? How do you know that? Being just a tax and real estate attorney? I know MANY potheads who don't even drink. I would rather be around a pothead all day any day than a drunk person. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you enjoy that scotch a little more often than you let on. You are being way defensive on a very clear factual situation.

Not all republicans are racist but if you're a racist then you're probably a republican. Now that's some factual shit. But potheads are NOT aggressive violent people and only a fucking retard would say some dumb shit like that.

And you are also avoiding my question. What's the lethal dose of weed? How many deaths by overdose have there been in history? this year? how about physical addiction?

You're way out of your element here dude. NO ONE who knows ANYTHING about this agrees with you. You are the typical republican who is fear mongering about weed twisting the facts into flat-out lies to serve your agenda. Booze kills 400k not counting driving.

give a baby a shot of vodka and see what happens. then give another baby some weed. the first one will need an ER visit asap the other one will eat and sleep all day and wake up fine.

how do you argue that?
A lethal dosage of weed can vary by person and any dosage has been proven that it can induce cardiac arrest.

I see it every day because other people in our office handle matters such as these and I have in the past . And yes, I enjoy scotch when I drink. Which just so happens to be occasionally and not as you are implying and the last time I had a drop was over the Memorial Day weekend
And BTW Mariah, if you are gonna keep starting these bait threads that usually generate from discussion on another thread, I will continue to spin, flip the argument or basically be a great source of frustration for you because your reactions are so damn entertaining whether I believe what I posted or not. :1orglaugh

And BTW Mariah, if you are gonna keep starting these bait threads that usually generate from discussion on another thread, I will continue to spin, flip the argument or basically be a great source of frustration for you because your reactions are so damn entertaining whether I believe what I posted or not. :1orglaugh


I was just going to say the same thing. However, though she keeps trolling you always take the bait. Everytime i see her create a thread or make a post, it seems like you're always the first one to reply and/or the one with the most posts. Just let it go Blue


Was King of the Board for a Day
Playing devil's advocate, I see where Blue is coming from with Obama's promise of transparency. While his administration did institute changes to the Presidential Record Act, introduce the Open Government Directive, and try to expand the standard for FOIA requests, for all his assurances that his will be the "most transparent" administration in history, there's still more that's opaque than see-through. There's a great backlog of FOIA requests that get ignored or shot down for (sometimes) unworthy reasons, anytime a whistleblower arises the government leaps to say that they've released confidential information, and relating to topical news, interpretations of the Patriot Act.

I'm not inclined to quantify whether "lies" told by Obama are greater than, worse than, or equal to ones told by Bush, Reagan, Clinton, or any politician, president or otherwise. However, if you believe 100% of what you hear from politicians, right or left, I've got a bridge to sell you.
NO SUCH THING AS A LETHAL DOSE OF MARIJUANA. In the history of the modern world there has NEVER been a death due to marijuana overdose. And where are YOU getting your facts? Sean Hannity? Rush? Bill O'Reilly? Because that's about how fucking accurate it is. Please, get one of your paralegals to provide you with some DOCUMENTED PROOF of these deaths and this claim that weed can induce cardiac arrest. I Double Dog Dare you. You won't because you can't because its fucking rubbish.

You get your panties in a wad because you claimed Obama's lie was the biggest in history (coughing, choking, laughing) and I posted SEVERAL much bigger lies told by your "boys" so you spin it away trying to say weed is more dangerous than alcohol. That's fucking ridiculous and you'd get laughed out of ANY serious discussion by actual doctors.
Um Milano, some people that use weed experience severe paranoia, rapid heart rate that can result in a heart attack. It is known as greening out. (Overdose)

Go smoke your fucking weed. It explains a lot.