1 In Every 99 Americans Now Behind Bars.


true, they don't put people in jail for commiting the "crime" of immigration. since that is the only crime most (illegal) immigrants commit, thus they are not in jail. makes sense.

really ? how about the falsification of SS#s

The hit and run driving culture that they bring with them ? Most of the hit and run accidents occur in areas with the highest concentrations of non citizens.

Methamphetamine manufacture takes place in Mexico for express importation into America.

The nice gentle lady next door was attacked last week in her home as she was getting ready for work just last week. The POS was later arrested and was found to be an associate of the house cleaning agency that serviced this particular home. He pushed her down and broke her hip as he fled ! . . . Illegal Allien I could go on and on . .

You're either kidding us or you're (in your own mind) ushering the downfall of a nation that you detest. Which is it ? :1orglaugh

I learned something very valuable, years back . . . never judge a nation from what the media or government projects. Know the people first hand, then decide.
In what part of the country? There's likely not many illegals locked up in places like Idaho, but go to Cali... I'd be willing to bet the entire system runs around the illegals from south-of-the-border in the Cali jail system. The American Southwest in general probably has jail cells filled with illegals.

California is actually the state the study was conducted in.And the story even says it bolstaers a ran earlier report that cities with higher levels of immigrants were safer and had lower crime rates than ones without.They also state that ""From a public safety standpoint, there would be little reason to limit immigration,"
And here is the 1st paragraph outlining what they found in calif.

"Despite our melting-pot roots, Americans have often been quick to blame the influx of immigrants for rising crime rates. But new research released Monday shows that immigrants in California are, in fact, far less likely than U.S.-born Californians are to commit crime. While people born abroad make up about 35% of California's adult population, they account for only about 17% of the adult prison population, the report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) showed. Indeed, among men ages 18 to 40 — the demographic most likely to be imprisoned — those born in the U.S. were 10 times more likely than foreign-born men to be incarcerated."


Unless you think its a big conspiracy to hide the truth or something its pretty clear crime is not high among non-natives compared to native born.Now the story does say there is higher crime rates among the children and grandchildren of the immigrants but thats a different issue.
You're either kidding us or you're (in your own mind) ushering the downfall of a nation that you detest. Which is it ? :1orglaugh

can it be both? :rolleyes:

I live about 20 miles from the mexican border. Things have been pretty bad lately. In the past week we've had five homicides, at least as many vehicle fatalities, three accidental child deaths (one involving a gun), and two police officer involved shooting fatalities. Guess which one's involved illegal immigrants? None of them- unless you want to count the guy the cops shot, he was a US citizen, but he was from a different city.

My point is that crimes involving illegal immigrants in the largest city located near the border (and the second largest overall in the state) are generally pretty few, maybe one a month? and it's not like they go unreported, because it's not like this is liberal california, pretty much anything that can be used against illegals is, so you will commonly hear any crime that they commit, usually minor things that are so common amongst citzens that they aren't worth reporting on.

also this week is the trial of a border guard for "wrongful death" (let's call it homicide) of an illegal alien, but that crime didn't occur this week, so I didn't include it in the previous listing.