1 In Every 99 Americans Now Behind Bars.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
wow, you guys should be embarassed

I'm not embarassed for the same reason an employee isnt embarassed at a job because of some corporate rule: I just work here. I didnt make the rules. Most of the time I say fuck the rules.

Further explanation would lead to other topics.. that I dont wish to dredge into this thread. :bows out, kindly:
I'm not embarassed for the same reason an employee isnt embarassed at a job because of some corporate rule: I just work here. I didnt make the rules. Most of the time I say fuck the rules.

That kind of attitude can land you in prison. :scream:
That's a terrible ratio.

We've got maybe 1 out of 500 members banned. ;)

Yes, but what percentage of members are connecting to Freeones via a prison computer? :looks around:

I know a few of the "usual suspects".....
I think it has a lot to with the three strikes law.
Hey if you break the law you go to prison, simple no.

All I really have to say about this post and this subject:

First they came for the Communists,
- but I was not a communist so I did not speak out.
Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists,
- but I was neither, so I did not speak out.
Then they came for the Jews,
- but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.
And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.
Hey if you break the law you go to prison, simple no. In quite a few other countries they take you out back and shoot you for dealing drugs etc. No ACLU no liberal press etc. DON'T BREAK THE LAW = NO VA LA EL PRISONO. I can't stand liberals, they open their mouths and their brains drop out.
It's hard to make heads or tails of this post. On the one hand, I guess he's saying the other countries are worse because they DON'T have something like the ACLU or (our allegedly) liberal press (like the NYTimes, that CHEERED ON our invasion of Iraq, for starters), but surely he despises those things here, right?

By his overall logic (?) as long as at least one country is worse than the USA, then the USA is beyond reproach, beyond criticism.

As for "Hey, if you break the law you go to prison," well surely it depends on what the laws are and what the prisons are like and how much time you're sentenced to for the particular crime. We could have anti-adultery laws and prison sentences for cheating on your spouse. Life in prison if you pork someone other than your spouse! Other ideas: Life in prison if you express a desire for the president to die of natural causes! 10 years for a first offense of shoplifting! How about some strong enforcement of some revived anti-sodomy laws - fuck your wife in the ass, 50 years in the clink! Get caught with a joint - 20 years! Maybe we could institute some laws for laziness - if you are unemployed you MUST just be a lazy sack of shit, so off to jail with you for a morals crime (laziness), how about 25 years? Etc, etc....

I think the main "point" he wanted to make is just that he hates him some liberals - ok, fair enough. Hate away!


Can "they" arrest me for working early, late and too often ? Shit ! "they'' might as well ! Prolly get more sleep that way. The biggest deterrent to going to jail for me is the bologna on white . . . the fruit cup as well :pukey:

Just wait till the brave new world arrives, we'll all be shitcanned here ---> http://www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm

That's all I got.

:falls asleep on desktop as usual : :sleep: :sleep:
how many are actually americans and how many are illegals?

thats racism!!

criminality is usually concentrated in poor communities...
who's poor? well immigrants because america is racist
just like you,so they have a hard time finding good jobs...

its been like that since money and racism exists...

everybody knows but prefer to ignore it(like you dumb...)


There could be plenty of flaws to be found in statistics like these. Some of them mentioned earlier, corporate prisons, stricter drug laws, "foreigners" serving time in American prisons etc. The list grows long.

However, I believe that a part of this is because America actually have more criminals than for example Europe. Heavy drug-use (not cannabis and light drugs), more armed criminality and maybe more poverty seems to me to be more common in the States. This is just speculations but in many ways America is very different from Europe - both for the better and worse.
in France, prisons are also starting to be overcrowded with juvenile
delinquents and there are new plans to build new prisons. I wonder how comparable it will be to the USA.


thats racism!!

criminality is usually concentrated in poor communities...
who's poor? well immigrants because america is racist
just like you,so they have a hard time finding good jobs...

its been like that since money and racism exists...

everybody knows but prefer to ignore it(like you dumb...)

hey genius, it isnt racism. its the truth. its a known fact that a good chunk of inmates in america are illegal. if i wanted to play the race card, i would have something along the lines of a third of all black men are in prison. :hatsoff:


It's all the drug related criminals. It's stupid to fill a jail cell with someone who got busted for smoking pot.

they dont throw you in jail just for smoking herb. its a fine only. unless you have a lot of it on you. even worse if you have multiple baggies. but just for smoking pot? nope. :hatsoff:
they dont throw you in jail just for smoking herb. its a fine only. unless you have a lot of it on you. even worse if you have multiple baggies. but just for smoking pot? nope. :hatsoff:

I actually don't care what drug it is pot,coke or heroin.If your an adult what right does the govt have to tell you no we are like your parents and have decided that's bad for you.We tried that once with alcohol which we also know causes a lot of problems for a lot of people.And that was an unmitigated disaster which helped to build organized crime in the US to where it was well financed even after prohibition was abolished.Were doing the same thing now feeding huge profits to illegal drug suppliers.Use the money we spend on trying to force people to not use these things on trying to convince them with information on the bad consequences I think.But if you can't win that arguement I still think others(the govt) have no right to tell an adult what he can do in this regard.
It's all the drug related criminals. It's stupid to fill a jail cell with someone who got busted for smoking pot.

In my county (big inner city county) they can't afford to lock you up for non violent offenses, like having small amounts of weed. I guess it varies micro/macro and where you are. DWI used to be a slap on the wrist, but there are people I know in county with multiples (5 times or more) so I guess they are getting tougher on that.
true, they don't put people in jail for commiting the "crime" of immigration. since that is the only crime most (illegal) immigrants commit, thus they are not in jail. makes sense.
Yes it is worth a read,native born citizens are incarcerated at much higher rates than non-natives.We still lock up way to many people no matter who they are or where they are from IMO, but I think many will find this conflicts with what they thought was the case regarding immigrants.

In what part of the country? There's likely not many illegals locked up in places like Idaho, but go to Cali... I'd be willing to bet the entire system runs around the illegals from south-of-the-border in the Cali jail system. The American Southwest in general probably has jail cells filled with illegals.