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  1. JD

    Bryci ( just went live click for insane size
  2. JD

    Bryci (

    Not sure why you were getting a white box, but in about 2 weeks we're flipping to a different system so we'll have more cam shows. As it is right now, we're on Cam Clique and we love those guys, quality crew all around so we're staying on Cam Clique, but in addition to our CC shows, we're going...
  3. JD

    Bryci (

    Glad you're liking what we're doing Swift :) Always good to see happy members! No, it won't mean less of Bryci in the least, she just wants to add more hotties to the site. She expects that no matter who the girl is, people will get bored so it's good to mix it up and offer more options, thus...
  4. JD

    Bryci (

    So Thursday we're shooting a girl that was just in a news stand issue of Playboy. That said, we're going to move to the next phase of our plans and introduce nudity into things. We always had plans of trying to make sort of a younger, hipper but of course, such...
  5. JD

    Bryci (

    hahaha, I understand fully man, believe me. Strangely, I do as well. She like pasties because it reminds her of burlesque and she loves burlesque. If we can find the outfit and feather boa, I smell a shoot coming! heh
  6. JD

    Bryci (

    see above as to why there were stars. non nude/tease is a niche. this is what she does. :glugglug:
  7. JD

    [SOLVED] huge tits teen

    Thanks for the kind words man, Gabrielle is amazing isn't she? I showed Bryci and she said "Holy Balls, look at her body! wow! She has huge boobs!" So now you've gotten Gabrielle two new fans. myself and B! haha :hatsoff:
  8. JD

    Really nice girl does anyone no who she is

    Nope, that's Ashton Von. She's a freaking retard. (biased cause she ripped me off as a webmaster, but meh, whatever) I can see why you thought it might have been her though.. cough cough boobs cough cough
  9. JD

    Bryci (

    The set started out with stars because a member bought the dress and stars off her wish list. The stars were removed in the set pretty quick. :) We're shooting this week with another girl so that will be fun! As always, I'll post some when we're done. (Friday)
  10. JD

    Bryci ( just went live :) As always, all the galleries can be seen here: Thanks for the support guys! Loads more this week including another girl ;)
  11. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's a quick sneak at Monday's set. Fishnet Dress =)
  12. JD

    Bryci ( a few from the gallery seen here: There are 105 photos in the full set. 24 in the promo gallery. Let's just say it gets a lot hotter. :eek:
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    Reanimator... look man, that came out the wrong way. haha I understand what you're saying, I do. I never said she won't go nude down the road, I said she's doing what she wants to do, on her time table. She is comfortable doing what she's doing right now, thus, why she's doing it. :) that's...
  14. JD

    Bryci ( just went live :) TheReanimator - You're missing the point. I am not in here to be the protective whatever, i am here to post galleries. Others make it tough when they want to be assholes. :)
  15. JD

    Bryci (

    A hint of what is to come..... Hope you like!
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    awww muffin. Did you somehow get the idea that we're trying build a fantasy for you? ewwwww Kind of creepy dude. You are aware this is the internet right? I guess you made the wrong assumption. :) Bryci doesn't do forums other then her own forums (who a few members here can vouch for) and as...
  17. JD

    Bryci (

    Might want to read the thread, it's been answered. :hatsoff: (sorry if that sounded shitty, heh) In case you're too lazy to read the thread I'll simplify... she does not do nudes.
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    Mickey.. email it to me here --> i'll host it for ya. We've been working on a Mobile version of it'll be free for members. It'll basically be the entire site, but smaller everything for mobile users. All the images, videos etc, all sized down to mobile...
  19. JD

    Nikki Sims / Next Door Nikki / Nikki's Playmates

    Re: Next Door Nikki /Nikki Sims/Nikki's Playmates if you're not happy with the view... why look? rumor has it the net has a few girls on it. lol :hatsoff:
  20. JD

    Nikki Sims / Next Door Nikki / Nikki's Playmates

    Re: Next Door Nikki /Nikki Sims/Nikki's Playmates Nikki is awesome, plain and simple. She's beautiful and has a kick ass personality. Long live the Paws!
  21. JD

    Your discovery of the week - a rolling (I'd) hit (it) list

    Glad to have you on board as a fan!
  22. JD

    High Heels

    Re: Heels lovers unite ! Bryci's black platforms! We're shooting more this week.. full frame 4256 wide. (Nikon D700 + 24-70mm f2.8 G ED Lens) Hope you guys like! (click for HUGE image)
  23. JD

    Bryci (

    We'll be doing promo videos in HD shortly, we've honestly just been trying to keep up with things, get new equipment and move forward. :) NDN is the shit, we love her to death! We're really good friends with Nik and Mumblez so no bad talkin the NDN Crew! heh Seriously, they rock. We're going to...
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    I'm pretty sure she won't lick/suck her toes or eat anything from between her toes... but lotion or what not, I'm sure she's down for. She did a foot lotion video once before, but it wasn't HD. I'm not 100% sure what she wanted to do with her foot video.. we seem to get several feet requests so...
  25. JD

    Bryci (

    As requested by Maleonetwo She'll be doing a 1920 x 1080 HD foot video shortly as well... any request? Neither of us have done much feet stuff so we're not really sure what is considered erotic in the foot arena. Any pointers? (open to anyone into feet of course)
  26. JD

    Bryci (

    haha beat me to it! All of the released galleries are here in one place :2 cents: Tuesday night at 6pm PSt / 9pm EST.. she's doing her first Baby Oil Webcam Show. should be messy. We're thinking about doing a...
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    If you'd read the thread you'd have your answer to this. :nanner: Depends what you consider nude? Does she expose nipple or vagina? No. She does non nude/implied nude/tease. Some people find this sexier, it's a niche and it was she is comfortable with. She doesn't do her photos because this...
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    A sample photo, full size to show off the D700 we're shooting with now. This was taken with a 50mm f1.4 lens, so the depth of field is shallow.. it's so much fun to play with. Our new lens, the 24-70 2.8 arrives next week. We're jazzed.. This means we're going to be offering four different...
  29. JD

    Bryci (

    We were trying for a double post update today but we decided to just make it a single update, so the next set goes live on Monday and of course, I'll post goodies here.
  30. JD

    Bryci ( (from today's update)
  31. JD

    Bryci ( New gallery, shot today... goes live in the website on Friday. (this is sort of a sneak peak) There is also an HD video going live in this outfit, shot in true 1920 x 1080 HD, uploaded in WMV and then smaller sizes 1280 x 720 (WMV and DIVX AVI), 544 x 416...
  32. JD

    Bryci (

    I'm glad you guys are loving what we're doing. If you have a moment, check the day we had yesterday on my site here. We got a bunch of new equipment that will without a doubt raise our game. I wanted to start with the Nikkor 24/70mm F2.8 lens but it doesn't come in stock until next week so...
  33. JD

    Bryci (

    As a member, not sure why you'd post this here and not email to ask me directly? :dunno: There was one image, the last image from that set removed at her request, but that was removed about 2 weeks back, as in, 2 days after the set went live. It clearly showed nipple (albeit small in the image...
  34. JD

    Bryci (

    This has already been covered. Read More, post less.
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    Some feet pix for maleonetwo because I told him I'd post a few! Thanks to Petra for the PM with notes about the mountains. ;)
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    There are nipple slips here and there but in photos, oddly they're by accident if it's completely clear. If it's something sheer or see through, she's fine with that. On videos though, a little different. A lot of work editing video so if a nipple slips out while filming a behind the scenes of a...
  37. JD

    Bryci ( just posted fresh set... I'll post some feet pix for you tomorrow maleonetwo. Oddly, I can only attach one image per post in here? I tried to attach several but it wouldn't let me. It told me "You have uploaded the maximum of 1 files" anyway...
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    We just got back from doing some shopping.. she wanted to get some playful shirts for shoots. We actually found a used authentic Hooters shirt from Witchita, KS! What's odd is that we're just outside Vancouver, BC, Canada so it's a long way to Kansas from here. heh We were able to find a few...
  39. JD

    Bryci (

    I shot that earlier today =) we can't wait for the new stuff so we can really turn up the heat!
  40. JD

    Bryci (

    I think you're missing the point of a member's site, santheboy.. haha. Nobody is going to post content from the member's side in here, the posts to galleries you see are authorized galleries using content we released for those webmasters. :) If there is one you like, I'm happy to help but I...
  41. JD

    Bryci (

    So we shot today, and yes, I got a few feet shots in there as well for the feet lovers. I'll post some of those tomorrow when I am done processing/getting them ready. :) In the mean time, here are two out takes, the first is from the first set we shot entitled 'green sheer' and the second isn't...
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the support guys, and echard77, I'm not trying to do anything other then respect Bryci's wishes. She made an error, that's all it is man. She'd like to forget it happened and look the future and keep content coming that hopefully makes you guys smile. Problem is you get people that...
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes, I'll see if she'll do a foot type set tomorrow. :) We're shooting a couple sets tomorrow (thursday) and then fresh content next week with our new camera. Either way, I'll make sure you get some fresh foot goodness!
  44. JD

    Bryci (

    Amazing how haters can twist something so anyone that doesn't share their view is the bad guy. hahaha That's awesome. Me protecting her image and my copyrights makes me over protective and jealous? hahaha riiight. If I was the jealous bf type, do you really think she'd have a site? :confused: I...
  45. JD

    Bryci (

    We're re-shooting this set next week with the d700 so I'll post some for you then.
  46. JD

    Bryci (

    Skyysdaddy... we knew these questions would arise for sure. :D She told me that if it arose, to just say it doesn't matter what size she was before, because she's not that size now. Nothing personal of course, not trying to be shitty in my response. As for why did she go for 'more'... she just...
  47. JD

    Bryci (

    Fortunately, it doesn't matter what you think and you don't get a vote in this. :) People make mistakes, even you. We learn from those mistakes (hopefully) and move on. It has been brought up now, but that doesn't give people the right to continue being shit disturbers. We're also not talking...
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    Read above. :thumbsup:
  49. JD

    Bryci (

    We both love sushi! I told her the idea and she loves it so we're going to shoot it late next week. We're awaiting the new camera (Nikon d700) so we'll get some great shots for a new set and I'll be sure to post a bunch here as well. Awesome idea! This set just went live and I just posted this...
  50. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the positive comments guys! Loads more content coming shortly! We're about to start shooting full frame! Bryci and I would like to request that you don't reply to the haters, don't give them the time of day because seriously, negativity breads negativity. You're either a fan of...