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  1. JD

    Bryci (

  2. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Gallery! 30 pix... the full gallery is 87 and it's a lot more... ummm.. exposed. :) I also just added three HD videos to the site tonight along with this set and Friday, another set goes live. We're moved, set up and back to full speed. Thanks for...
  3. JD

    Bryci (

    ummm... no.... haha I wish you were right though :) Bryci and Gisele are both part of the same webcam network, CamClique. This means Bryci members also get to watch Gisele's cam shows and Gisele's members also get to watch Bryci's shows. There are also 10-15 other girls on the network that...
  4. JD

    Bryci (

  5. JD

    Bryci (

    Happy Easter Sunday! We thought the Sundae set should debut on Sunday so here it is! Well, this is the promo for the set... the actual full size set is 68 pix More stuff this week!
  6. JD

    Bryci (

    no, that's not her. Wow scary close resemblance though (well, hair wise). I just showed B and her exact words were.. WHOA! a lot of girls do the fringe (hair cut) as it's called (also known as a blunt), B wasn't the first by any means and from the recent trends, there will be loads more trying...
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man, much appreciated! We did in fact shoot with another girl, she'd been in a Playboy newsstand special and what not. We rented this kick ass exec condo and everything, really went all out. We shot her for three hours, photos and video and all was fine. next day we're going through the...
  8. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man what I said again. I never said what we're doing is art. Not even remotely. I don't think it's art anymore then I think Bush was a good President. heh I said "If you somehow think this is porn, you might want to hit a library or museum and check out some art." Library or...
  9. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks Bigbird76! I read her all the messages as her desk is all of ten feet from mine. She doesn't come into the forums because she as she explains, you can get five people being sweet and then that one person that isn't seems to erase the five that were nice. I've heard this from a lot of...
  10. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the compliments. =) I write in when I have time and sometimes, it's more time then I care to admit.. haha.. I'm an ass, it's fun. =) If we somehow gave the impression that we feel what we do is art, whooooa.... that wasn't what we meant at all. I understand the christian...
  11. JD

    Bryci (

    New Galleries! :hatsoff: We also added a new HD video called Baby Oil Goodness it's in the member's side of (sorry, this pic is not clickable but I'll create a promo video for this later this week)
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the kind words, always appreciated! Bryci is full nude, but there will not be mast/hardcore in the future. She sets sher own rules and she's been very clear she'd like to stay on the Playboy style side of things. There won't be spreading etc in other words. =) No, we're not married...
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    I know where you can get two... These are just small simple ones though, promo for larger videos. We are in the process of switching servers right now, as well as moving so shortly the background is going to change. We're totally...
  14. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci got a little naked on some construction equipment the other day.... it was hot. =) (just went live) Also, welcome to the family anubis75!, glad you like what we're doing. Just wait until you see what...
  15. JD

    Bryci (

    do me a favor and submit again please if you have a moment. In the form, mention Freeones and to pass it on to James. (that's me) In some cases the ip banning might be for personal issues, ie: relatives or what not in the same area or personal reasons etc (ie: stalkers etc). So yes, it's...
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    It's obvious your ip is blocked for some reason, but if I don't know your ip address, I can't really help you. This, head over to and fill out the forum. Say it's PoopfaceJim from Freeones in the form and I'll make sure Steve passes it on directly to me so I can figure this out...
  17. JD

    Bryci (

    We're in British Columbia =) Also..... Art class was never this much fun! This set goes live 4 updates from now. (we already have the next three ready, so this set will go live April 6th. (yes I will post pix when it goes live) Bryci got smurfarific in this set. very, very messy... heh. We...
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    We'll see what the future holds. muhahahaha As for forbidden messages... I watch the server logs for all the bryci domains rather closely. I see people abusing the server sometimes, running site ripping tools on the .org or what not or trying to guess address for scripts (that aren't there...
  19. JD

    Bryci (

    Sorry man, I did miss that. :) The original plan with was to create, in time that is, a younger, hipper variation to say, a type of site where there are several models. bryci would be posing with some, she'd be photographing some, I'd be photographing the others or shooting...
  20. JD

    Bryci (

    thanks for the request! I'll make sure we shoot more ass shots next set. :hatsoff:
  21. JD

    Bryci (

    Baby Oil set just went live.
  22. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man. The thing a lot of people don't know, is that Bryci is so much more then a pretty face. I have been with her for over three years now and I taught her the webmaster side of things and she helped me to launch a different network a year and a half back, we still run that to this day...
  23. JD

    Bryci ( Just went live. There is also a new desktop wallpaper on at the top if anyone wants it.
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    Tunafish - All comes down to ip address issues of course. We check our server logs, we keep track of people trying shit with the box, we ban em. :) Sometimes others that are innocent get caught in the cross fire and of course, we don't want that. best thing to do is to head over to...
  25. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci's cam show tonight was a blast! She was sick last St Patrick's Day so she got tipsy tonight on green beer in from of over 100 cam show fans. It was awesome, some of you are members so tell me what you thought if you caught the show! quick screen grabs of the 1 hour archived cam show I...
  26. JD

    Nikki Sims / Next Door Nikki / Nikki's Playmates

    Re: Next Door Nikki /Nikki Sims/Nikki's Playmates fuck the haters, they make ya famous! :) Nikki is GORGEOUS! Her new place is hot too, the pic quality is outstanding! Kick ass work you two, keep it up!
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    Re: Bryci I correct myself... Bryci has gone full nude. :) She started non nude and had fun, wanted to show a little more. She will not be going further then this, her choice of course. She's having fun as it is. :glugglug:
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks D-Rock! She's one in a billion for sure! (at least I think so)
  29. JD

    Bryci ( just went live. :) More fresh sets on Wed and Fri of this week. Bryci is also doing a cam show tomorrow night (Tuesday the 24th) @ 6pm PST. She was sick last week so she wasn't able to do her St Patrick's day celebration so if you're up for Green Beer and...
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man, glad you're enjoying the site! I know some people get all cranky with me because I don't take shit from trolls, but meh, can't please all the people all of the time. No matter what a girl does, there will always be someone that for them, it's not enough. Luckily for these tards...
  31. JD

    Bryci (

    If she sees some thigh high's for cheap, I'm sure she'd grab some. :thumbsup: (she'd never buy really expensive ones cause she'd never wear them other then her shooting) in before ban :)
  32. JD

    Bryci (

    You make very little sense but I'll try and decipher your post... as best i can anyway. Are you saying I started a new profile because I was too scared to use my eltardo profile? Why would I do this again? Wait... I was scared of what? YOU? :bowdown: Yeah, that's probably it. :rofl:. The...
  33. JD

    Bryci ( Just went live! (along with HD video @ 1920 x 1080)
  34. JD

    Bryci (

    She is fully nude so not sure what you're saying to be honest. :confused:
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    So we got outdoors.... did some shooting. here's a sneak of a set that will go live next week... click the image for larger.
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    Nope, Bryci will never be going there. It's not her thing, she is fine with nudity, but that doesn't mean spread leg etc. :) Think Playboy style nudity, I know for some that's not enough... and fortunately for those people, there are many other girls online. :) haha, thanks man :D We're going...
  37. JD

    Bryci ( A few pix from today's set
  38. JD

    Bryci ( JUST posted tomorrow will see Bryci the Domantix. (cue evil laugh)
  39. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci is now NUDE. :) She did this on her schedule, her timing. It was 150% her decision in every way. She wanted to be 100% comfortable with online modeling so she started non nude. She always wanted to go nude, she just wanted it to be because she wanted to go nude, not because others told...
  40. JD

    Bryci (

    Hey guys, sorry I didn't respond earlier. :) You know I would have liked to. ;) truth is I was out with B at an executive condo shooting all yesterday. Amazing shoot, you're all going to be very, *VERY* happy once we get the photos/videos processed. :) I came back to see the excitement in this...
  41. JD

    Bryci (

    haha I'm Irish myself, so I feel your pain but no, she doesn't do free shows.. sorry man! As for body paint, we're looking at it as a possibility, we've bought some paint and we're going to test things out shortly. I'd say there's a good chance. Bryci is sick right now so she's feeling under...
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    By signing up to Members have access to Bryci's cam chats that she has every Tuesday night @ 9pm EST. Members also have access to all the other girls on the Cam Clique network as well. We are in the process of adding a media server to our new server that will come online with our...
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    Man, bra conversion is crazy. if you go to ten sites, you get ten diff answers it seems. I just quoted what was on the tag, they sell a lot of bras, they're one of the bigger bra manufacturers. In North America the bra she's wearing in that pick sells for around 100-150 range. In the UK (via...
  44. JD

    Bryci ( updates 5 times a week. Mon/Wed/Fri are photo updates. Tues is webcam Chat, Thurs is video, so the answer to this is... today. :) Not every set we release for members is also 'promotional content' we add to and release for other webmasters to make galleries with. Our next...
  45. JD

    Bryci (

    Correct =) 28FF in UK sizes. If she was quoting US sizes, it'd be 28H
  46. JD

    Bryci (

    Was this ever denied? Dur. Read the thread man.
  47. JD

    Bryci (

    Andy.. do the contact us link and say it's AndyHunter from Freeones, this will give us your ip address and I can see what's up. thx!. :hatsoff:
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    this guy is a perfect example of why a lot of solo models stay clear of forums. Guys like this that want to drop negativity rather then just appreciating a girl. pretty sad excuse for a man. :2 cents:
  49. JD

    Bryci ( (today's update preview) (today's promo update) The colors are really starting to pop with the new equipment. I'm still learning it to be honest, but compared to the first sets, things are really...
  50. JD

    Bryci (

    A couple short sample videos... of course these are small compared to the full sizes ones. For some reason when encoding these to flash they went weird in the bottom of the frame... but the videos in the site are clear.. no wiggly shit. :D Click to check the videos! Hope you guys like!