Search results

  1. Ceska

    URGENT!!! ID and info for this fucking hot brunette!!

    :1orglaugh Right. Thanks for keeping me on track. :thumbsup: Did a search of MadTV and pornstar.... Actually his porn name is Hung Lo. Bobby Lee - Pornstar Registration (3/4 of the way thru video) Oh right...the girl, the girl
  2. Ceska

    URGENT!!! ID and info for this fucking hot brunette!!

    :1orglaugh :1orglaugh ... from that 2nd pic it looks like she's with Bobby Lee from MadTV Bobby Lee
  3. Ceska

    What don't you like about women in the "real world"?

    I agree with this. In addition, evolution should not be viewed in terms of superiority or inferiority. There is no "higher" or "superior" in evolution. No hierarchical ladder. This kind of thinking is what led people in past centuries to erroneously attribute racist conclusions (Social...
  4. Ceska

    What don't you like about women in the "real world"?

    What does it mean to be "less evolved"?
  5. Ceska

    What don't you like about women in the "real world"?

    What does it mean to be evolutionarily inferior? This comment strikes me as sexist.
  6. Ceska

    Chicks in Baseball Hats / Girls with sexy trucker caps / Hot Women|Babes In Kinky Baseball Outfits

    Re: Chicks in Baseball Hats Blue Cap Chase - Black Cap Street Ranger - Pink Cap Maria Mendoza - Pink Cap Melissa Midwest - Blue Cap
  7. Ceska

    Mixed Martial Arts

    Yeah man. His ankle was all the way around. Yuk. I don't think it was such a godly kick from Gonzaga though. He wasn't expecting it (for exactly the reasons you said) so he flinched and brought his hands down (not up) - bad move. Even if he had brought them up he still would have gotten...
  8. Ceska

    The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

    You should not feel so guilty. You can still watch your vile demeaning facials, it's ok ;) AFAIK neither of us believe "we are so much different or superior to any of them". Neither of us said that. And neither of us believe that boxing or porn should be banned. (thank goodness) I was...
  9. Ceska

    The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

    If you feel that all porn "sex for pay" is degrading, then why do you watch it? Do you like people degrading themselves? Good point. They are being paid after all. I took them at their word but you are right they could be lying. No sense asking them either if they are just liars, right? In...
  10. Ceska

    The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

    Not sure I follow you exactly. If you think all porn is degrading (to varying extents) and having sex is porn... do you think simply having sex is degrading? Why? I see where you are coming from regarding facial cumshots. If not degrading there is certainly a power dynamic going on. If it's...
  11. Ceska

    Pornstars who look like Celebrities / Porn Star-Celeb Look-Alike

    Re: Pornstars who look like celebrities At first I didn't know what you meant -- but yup I see it. Like titan123 said it has to do with the eyes. Actually the eyebrow. They both raise the right eyebrow and have a similar smile. There's better examples but I think people can get the idea...
  12. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #1

    No problem my friend. Thanks for being understanding. Sorry I didn't find a better recent pic of her. If you find one you should link it up. That way people who haven't voted yet can see what you mean. These things are difficult anyway if people don't already know the girl because other...
  13. Ceska

    The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

    :1orglaugh Until I make them wear those high platform boots and a G-string...
  14. Ceska

    The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

    I apologize unreservedly for my careless and insensitive "doctoring" of your of your masterpiece. In having removed said comma I have utterly altered it's intended meaning and brought shame upon you and your entire household, nay all of humanity. I now plummet into a shame spiral. The entire...
  15. Ceska

    Mixed Martial Arts

    I think you hit the mark on this one. His kicks have been so effective he relies on them too much. It's seductive to go for the quick finish. Like you said the rest of his stand up suffers as well as his defense. His mind is on the easy KO. If he had a more well rounded and versatile stand...
  16. Ceska

    The Hipocracy Of This Site's Many Members

    I must say I, for one, have never criticized poo-poo :D... wait what was this thread about again? Oh yea, ooo ooo ooo I wanna play too... Lessee... 1) jack123 - Interesting post. Are you sure you dislike the majority of members on Freeones? They can't all be that bad. Most of 'em are...
  17. Ceska

    Hot girl with Mark Ashley

    Wow! Sorry, don't know. Very hot though...
  18. Ceska

    Amy Reid is gaining weight?

    I'll say. I wouldn't mind putting my baby butter on her face...:boobies::rubbel:
  19. Ceska

    Public Posing - crowded places

  20. Ceska

    Favorite Cougar Over 80

    Although it would be nice to have that other leg outta the way... I'm gonna choose Nancy.
  21. Ceska

    what is the male iquivelant of the "C" word?

    You're right but what I think the OP meant is that while you can call both women and men c*nts, women simply are more offended by it. So he's trying to find what word is equally offensive to a man. I don't think there is one. (So one like "Curval" may need to be invented.) Maybe guys are more...
  22. Ceska

    At least she's got her helmet

    Damn! Check out the sweet headlights on that bike!!!!
  23. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #3

    The other 5 pictures ... Michelle Pfeiffer(50) Mimi Rogers (53) Morgan Fairchild (58) Olivia Newton-John (59) Patricia Heaton (50)
  24. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #2

    The other 5 pictures ... Donna McClure (bowflex) (51) Geena Davis (52) Holly Hunter (50) Iman (53) Jane Seymour (57)
  25. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #1

    The other five pictures ... Barbara Eden (53) Barbie Benton (58) Bo Derek (51) Carrie Fisher(51) Catherine Hicks (56)
  26. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #2

    I think you find her power sexy... Perhaps the same is true for me regarding Alicia Koplowitz Alicia Koplowitz Two *billion* dollars.... :the_nonexistant_smiley_with_the_pinky_by_side_of_mouth: ok this will have to do... :pimpdaddy
  27. Ceska

    Favorite Babe over 60 - The Poll

    The next five pictures Helen Mirren (63) Jaclyn Smith(62) Joan Van Ark (65) Raquel Welch (67) Sally Field(61)
  28. Ceska

    This is a profession?

    I'll take "The Rapists" for 200. or perhaps "The Penis Mightier".... Suck on it Trebek. Suck it long and suck it hard.
  29. Ceska

    Ask a British Person.......

    Compared to caber toss everything is girlie. If you can't throw an entire freakin forest, yer a wuss I sez. ;) Caber Toss just don't call him a tosser...
  30. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #1

    Sorry Ravenholm. It would have been way too much a pain in the ass to wait for every poster to send me links to the 50+ women. Also several people chose the same woman, so whose "favorite picture" would I post? Everyone, including you, are free to post a link to the "hottest" picture of any...
  31. Ceska

    Favorite Babe over 70 - The Poll

    I considered her for the list too but she's 69 for the next few months. (nice sounding age though...)
  32. Ceska

    Sex Competition Gone Bad

    Exactly, ... those nine sets of British lips had one way tickets to funky town. :D :blowjob:
  33. Ceska

    Sex Competition Gone Bad

    Just trying to provide a little encouragement. :D
  34. Ceska

    Anyone Ever Have A Pussy That Was Too Tight?

    ...actually she has been complaining that she can't hear so well during sex.... hmmmmm
  35. Ceska

    Sex Competition Gone Bad

    "encouraging obscene behavior" is a crime???? :eek: Since when? .... I'm trying to commit a crime all the time! :D
  36. Ceska

    Favorite Babe over 70 - The Poll

    lol :1orglaugh
  37. Ceska

    Favorite Babe over 60 - The Poll

    How'd you get a picture of my ex? :rofl2: :1orglaugh
  38. Ceska

    Favorite Babe over 70 - The Poll

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) "Favorite Babe over 50" thread Now it's time to vote. Yup - you guessed it - People submitted some of their favorite babes at the over 70 year mark... so I feel I have to represent...
  39. Ceska

    Favorite Babe over 60 - The Poll

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) "Favorite Babe over 50" thread Now it's time to vote. O.K., this may get a little "out of bounds" but I feel I have to represent for those who submitted older women to the previous...
  40. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #4

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) Now it's time to vote. There were too many to post in one poll so I've divided them into 4 groups. (Poll has maximum of 10 options) It includes only those aged 50-60. (Sorry...
  41. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #3

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) Now it's time to vote. There were too many to post in one poll so I've divided them into 4 groups. (Poll has maximum of 10 options) It includes only those aged 50-60. (Sorry...
  42. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #2

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) Now it's time to vote. There were too many to post in one poll so I've divided them into 4 groups. (Poll has maximum of 10 options) It includes only those aged 50-60. (Sorry...
  43. Ceska

    Hot Babes over 50 - The Poll - Heat #1

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) Now it's time to vote. There were too many to post in one poll so I've divided them into 4 groups. (Poll has maximum of 10 options) It includes only those aged 50-60. (Sorry...
  44. Ceska

    Hot Babes Over 50 - The Poll - Heat #1

    Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorites to the "Favorite Babe over 50" thread. (There were quite a few) Now it's time to vote. There were too many to post in one poll so I've divided them into 4 groups. (Poll has maximum of 10 options) It includes only those aged 50-60. (Sorry...
  45. Ceska

    YummY Teen!!!

  46. Ceska

    Ask a British Person.......

    not comedy but serious musicians.. ;)
  47. Ceska

    Reality Kings Babe in Blue

    Her name is Britt but no last name... street-blow-jobs-britt_picture.html Britt - Nasty Dollars Britt - Reality Kings