Sex Competition Gone Bad


Take a Hit, Spunker!
"encouraging obscene behavior" is a crime???? :eek:

Since when? .... I'm trying to commit a crime all the time! :D

So you're the guy I've seen flashing the women on the streets!! :D
It wasn't like they were making a proper video, it was just some guy with a camcorder who wanted to show it on the net.

Exactly. As far as I see it it was just a dozen or so consenting adults who decided to have some fun of an adult nature, and one of them just happened to have a camera. As for the money that exchanged hands, who's to say it wasnt only for travel expenses?
Exactly. As far as I see it it was just a dozen or so consenting adults who decided to have some fun of an adult nature, and one of them just happened to have a camera. As for the money that exchanged hands, who's to say it wasnt only for travel expenses?

Exactly, ... those nine sets of British lips had one way tickets to funky town. :D :blowjob:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I know, but the cops ruined it, imagine that!! Cops ruining a good thing? Wow I never would've guessed it! :rolleyes:

Yeah, the fun police. Majority of the time spent harassing nice people.. whatever time is left over ACTUALLY arresting bad people.

In other news, while the women were being arrested for having sex and being hot.. the drug cartels snuck in 1,000 kilos of underpowered, overpriced cocaine! Sell it to the tourists, eh.