Search results

  1. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard I love how some websites rename well known models and give them new ages and make up stories for them. lol. Kat is 19 and from Northern California... umm... no, no she isn't. Some great pix though :) Talia Shepard is breathtaking! One of the reasons...
  2. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes Bryci logged into MFC tonight, she was helping Talia Shepard get set up with new cam software for MFC. MFC had a screw up in regards to Bryci's profile thumbnail, they (MFC) were emailed about it, I'd imagine it's resolved by now. Bryci didn't add that pic, not a clue who it was either. The...
  3. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci!
  4. JD

    Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

    Fresh Monroe Lee!
  5. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Fresh Talia Shepard!
  6. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    There are two next photos.. one by clicking the image itself, one by clicking the word 'next' at the top. Both links lead to different photos and neither are Bryci, so why would either bother me? :) is not Bryci is...
  8. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks You were not banned from our site or sites, so you must mean from some different site. I know this because Katie does private camming on the side in MyFreeCams and I know she'd have loved to chat with you there. I agree with you though, if some site bans you for asking a...
  9. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci posts exclusively in the Bella forums, same as the other Bella ladies. (Any member of any of our sites has access to that forum, and she is in there daily several times) You're 5000% right, she's a hell of a lot better looking than my ugly mug! :glugglug:
  10. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes, they have the same pic here.. Not 100% sure why someone tried to screw with the color on the first one.. meh, probably trying to make it look like an amateur photo with an old camera. :dunno:
  11. JD

    Bryci (

    Never a concern of Bryci going harder, it simply will never happen. She likes leaving things to the imagination, and she gets a kick out of teasing.. so nudity? Yes. Harder stuff? hahaha hell no. Erotica is sexier anyway IMO. :glugglug:
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    I'm glad you liked the Zebra chair photo shoot! We have a lot of BIG things coming soon, I have a feeling some people will smile. :D Those of you in the US, I hope you all had a kick ass Thanksgiving!
  13. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Thank you Greg. Fresh Talia will be posted when I return home... so new Talia on Friday!
  14. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Someone needs a hug :)
  15. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Old cam shows are her member shows, she does for her members at via Babe Chat, where as MFC is typically a jerk fest where for every decent guy you deal with, there are ten telling you to fist your ass. There are some nice...
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci content!
  17. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Brand New FRESH Talia Shepard set!
  18. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  19. JD

    Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

    Fresh Monroe Lee!
  20. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Quoted because you fucking rock. :bowdown: Also, to the Mod or Admin that nuked the poll, thank you from Talia and ourselves @ Bella. Lastly... FRESH PHOTOS COMING ON TUESDAY!! Anyone want a sneak peak?
  21. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Of course you can do what makes you happy. The point being made was clear, this poll should not have been merged into this thread. A poll on it's own in it's own thread, fine. Vote away. A poll moved to the official thread because some troll wanted...
  22. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard with all due respect, not trying to start drama but the poll on this thread is kind of pointless is it not? I mean, sure, we all have an opinion and that's been expressed many times. I am not saying anybody is wrong in what they are thinking, but...
  23. JD

    Bryci (

    Myself. :nanner: I shoot Bryci and Talia Shepard exclusively. Starting in January I start shooting Katie Banks and Monroe Lee as well. I own/run the Bella program with my partner in crime, Bryci. (if you're bored or curious)
  24. JD

    Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

    Fresh Monroe Lee in her Ed Hardy Dress! All Monroe galleries can be seen here first before anywhere else, unless of course you're a member of
  25. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Fresh Talia Shepard in the shower!
  26. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks on the rocks! This is one of my favorite sets of Katie, she looks like a million bucks! She always does but in this set, I don't know... her beauty just radiates! WOW!
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci, shot in Las Vegas at the PH Towers! Hope you guys like!
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    We just got back from Las Vegas, we were off shooting content of Bryci. Wow, got some great pix! Casimir - Bryci doesn't like the blonde hair look (on her) so she won't be going there. She tried it once and hated it. Just not her thing. =) Vanilisky - We're shooting Monroe in January *we...
  29. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks You are correct sir! Katie is one in a million! lololololololol I love 'expert' opinions like these. :1orglaugh (guy watches porn all day, figures that makes him an expert. j/k) No, she doesn't need to do anything other than make herself happy. She's doing a kick ass job at...
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    No, she has no interest/desire in nipple piercing. We talked about it once, she thinks it looks good on some girls, she just doesn't feel the need to do it herself is all.
  31. JD

    Bryci (

    So far, we haven't. It's been close though. A few times we just wrap shooting and a truck or car comes around the corner. We missed getting caught in this set ... by literally about 10 seconds. Bryci had just pulled her...
  32. JD

    Bryci (

    Nothing wrong with wanting whatever you want. You're just wasting your time wanting it is all because she's been crystal clear, it's not her thing, so it's never going to happen. Feel free to keep wanting though. :glugglug:
  33. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci Content!
  34. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  35. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Fresh Talia Shepard!
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci doesn't *need* to do anything. She's having a great time, playing the game by her rules.... so why on earth would she ever do something that's not in her comfort zone? If it's not to your liking, can I suggest the main forum? I have to believe there are other girls you'd like. :glugglug:
  37. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard amawitapa.. I wasn't trying to tell you what you think, I was stating what thousands of people already know, Talia is still a vision of beauty. If you disagree, that's your choice and fortunately there are thousands of girls online to make you smile...
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci! We shot this under the freeway, when trucks or vans or semi's passed over, all the head to do was turn their head and boom, Bryci Butt!
  39. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  40. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Fresh Talia Shepard! This set *IS* new. :D
  41. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard new is the wrong wording.... that set is five months old :) New to Met Art, sure, but isn't it better to have content that actually is new instead of sitting around their hard drives for months without being seen? The *only* place for *NEW* Talia...
  42. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard I'm active, I respond to questions, comments etc, it's just part of the gig. If someone has issue, that's their deal. :) I know it's the net, we're all assholes. :)
  43. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard I wish some people could read. Seriously. How hard is it? lol It doesn't bother me in the least if someone likes or does not like. Let me say that again for the people in the back that didn't hear me :) I don't care what someone's opinion is, if you...
  44. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Hey man, I hear what you're saying.. but I think you might be missing something very important. I don't honestly care what others might feel I 'look' like here. If someone rips on Talia and she isn't here to defend herself, all so they can seem like...
  45. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard In looking into your post history 2GDSM, all you do is critique either myself or the Bella Girls. You're basically a troll. Not sure what you gain by being a troll? I'd suggest adding some substance to threads rather than just being an asshole. That...
  46. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard What do you gain by being mean? I get you're not a fan, that's fine but how does ranting in her thread, a thread SHE READS, solve your problems? All it does is makes her sad, does that impress you or make you feel more like a man? With all due...
  47. JD

    Bryci (

    My PM's don't work, FreeOnes tried to fix it but it didn't work, not sure why. Database conflict or something because I had an older username, then changed it to JamesDot so the PM's go to the old user email, that I don't have now... but never arrive in my current Pm box. thus, if you want to...
  48. JD

    Denise Milani

    So forgive me for asking if this has been covered, I didn't want to go through 214 pages of reading... Why did Denise Milani quit the business? I have heard she got screwed over by her business partner, she was having implants removed (wasn't sure they were implants, but when you go that big...
  49. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci Set! Bryci in red stockings rolling around her bed!
  50. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks FRESH Katie Banks Set! Katie Banks bent over a table in her pink socks!