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  1. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's a quick sample pic from Bryci's latest set over at click here for the 4000 pixel version. All Bryci's images are this large for members. :) This is Bryci's first set we shot in Arizona, the promo for this set will be released next week some time. :) Hope you like!
  2. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard This is why BellaPass is a good deal. ;) Six sites for only $10 more over the price of one site Sharp09, she won't be doing fisting, of that I am sure. She was told to do that for FTV, where as her new stuff, she is doing what she wants and gets off...
  3. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Damn, that's an old ass video! :) Always great to see Talia though. Wait until you see her new videos she is doing right now for her members. Things Talia has never done before... Anal as well as DP (dual penetration for the newbs) yup, Talia is...
  4. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's a quick sample pic of what we're doing down here in Arizona while shooting.. This set goes live this next week for members of :) I am blogging daily with updates from Arizona if you're bored.
  5. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard That is the way Victoria Secret and a few other department stores do things.. but not how specialty shops do it. They add 4 inches magically, yet they can't explain why. Do you know why they do this? Believe me, I have heard many a female that would...
  6. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard She's not going bigger. I just asked her. She answered that way on Formspring as a maaaybe thing as to not kill the dreams of someone. (didn't think it'd be taken as gospel). She isn't going bigger tho, she loves her girls. Here's what happened...
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man, I will pass that on! Very nice thing to say. =) I am shooting Talia Shepard all this week in Arizona so B will be on MFC odds are, around 8/9 am MST for a few hours at a shot. Not sure if that helps but hope it does. That is when she's not shooting with Talia herself. =)
  8. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci photo set! We are off to Arizona to shoot a TON of fresh photos with the ladies. Fresh AZ content is coming around the end of this month when we return. :)
  9. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  10. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks There are behind the scenes videos in Katie's site already, but I have not been her photographer for the past six months of her site. I am taking over photo duties though in a week's time though, so I'll see what I do for you. Katie is flying down to meet me in Arizona with the...
  11. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Fresh Talia Shepard! We are flying to Arizona today to meet with Talia and shoot her and the other Bellas for a few weeks. There will be some staggering pix coming your...
  12. JD

    Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

    Fresh Monroe Lee!
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci will be on MFC tomorrow morning guys.. Tuesday around 9 or 10 am areas MST)
  14. JD

    Bryci (

    Thank you Dead, and Gpizanno for your support. We're trying to do our best. I have no intentions of letting a few cranky people ruin what we're doing. I honestly think some are just very opinionated and they don't like being told their opinion doesn't matter. Heck, my opinion doesn't matter...
  15. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Dropper, if I could + rep you ten times I would. I wish there was just a I love implants or I hate implants threads so people could be heard amongst those that share their opinions. It's more fun for some though to point the finger at myself or the...
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    She does do private shows on her MFC account when she is on. :)
  17. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard I commented on this already in another thread TG spammed this thread to. Apparently he needs to be heard so he's trying to cross post things. You offer your opinion above, I offer the more likely opinion being that I know the girl personally and know...
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    tg2869.. you seem to think yourself and others that post negativity are so hard done by. You'll notice those that post links and aren't trolls are still here, posting and being happy. I have no issues with them, I have issues with trolls. Read the threads if you need to. I have yet to ever go...
  19. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Yikes, I go away for holidays and now, several replies are needed. The models did not go to the same surgeon, nor do any of them have the same implants etc. Sorry to disprove your theory. :) I agree fully though if any woman is influenced to get...
  20. JD

    Bryci (

    I tend to upset a few of the unruly, this is true. I bring hot photos of Bryci and the other Bella ladies to FreeOnes though so regardless of if you or the guy before or after this posts likes me, I bring da goodies, which is a lot more than I can say for most if not all of the negative people...
  21. JD

    Bryci (

    I think this must be a language barrier thing where you don't understand what is being said. It's either that or you're just not aware of the way a tattoo works. (real tattoos don't come off and on.) Her tattoo is on her right wrist. Always has been, always will be. If you shoot a video with a...
  22. JD

    Bryci (

    You said her bmi changed a tiny bit, but this is where you were incorrect, her bmi changed a great deal, she lost several cup sizes and she was not happy. Fairly straight forward. She wasn't happy, she made a change, now she is happy. This was hardly some major step, she went up barely one cup...
  23. JD

    Kelsey XXX

    Kelsey is someone from well over 10 years ago, she was not active and her content was sold back then to another company. Nothing spectacular here, sorry e-detectives. She's not active, she hasn't been for over 10 years. Also, wasn't the same place as you were guessing it was. Good guess I...
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    Excellent work Patrick! Hit me up at when you have a moment, thanks! I appreciate your thoughts, but two things.. one, her bmi changed a great deal and *she* was unhappy about it. This is the thing many people don't seem to get, it doesn't matter if you, I or the next guy...
  25. JD

    Bryci (

    Wasn't a breast lift, Bryci already said what she had done herself in her youtube video, She had boobs that were one size, she lost weight so her boobs got smaller.. she went back and got more added. If you look at her photos, you can see they were...
  26. JD

    Bryci (

    You are quite possibly getting your photos from fakers or bullshit websites. None one of Bryci's photos are flipped, but I have seen fakers fake photos by flipping them for whatever dumb reason. If you look through official galleries, like on or you'll see her tat is and...
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    Did you not read the earlier post (albeit in the Talia thread) from a mod telling you to stfu with the negative fighting crap? This is a BRYCI thread, if you'd like me to point out to a mod you're at it again, no problem. Jesus man, we're trying to have fun and post photos and all you want to...
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    I commented back on your comments, they were pretty clear I thought.. thus I replied. As for your smart guys don't pay for anything on the net, that goes to show your further ignorance on things, but hey, you seem to know everything so you keep on thinking what you think. Did she switch her...
  29. JD

    Bryci (

    Didn't offend me in the least, I thought your comment was juvenile and somewhat amusing if I am being honest. "it's about the truth"? Maybe the truth for a close minded individual such as yourself, at which point, I feel sorry for you. Your first comment was pretty simple, and like I said...
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    Wow. maturity around Christmas is amusing. :(
  31. JD

    Bryci (

    I never received any email from you. I get emails from others so my guess is, you emailed the wrong address? Sorry, I won't be emailing you photos, there are plenty online in her official website or the free promo area that is scaled down of course over at
  32. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci for Christmas!
  33. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks for Christmas!
  34. JD

    Bryci (

    She's had a few offers, but they don't interest her. One of the largest porn companies out there, Vivid is the only one larger I think, contacted her about making her a contract star. She appreciated the offer but she wasn't interested. Bryci likes doing her own thing, keep people guessing what...
  35. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Thank you for taking the time to type all that out, perfectbootyckr. I know Miss Talia will read it and it'll make her feel warm and cozy inside. She doesn't ask that people accept this or that, just that people aren't rude. She knows people have...
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    Pretty much when she is in the mood. I can tell you though that from what I have seen, it's usually between 10-12 area MST if she is going on. She generally doesn't do late afternoon and she never does evenings. Not sure that this helped but I know in MFC's settings, you can (if you want that...
  37. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci is on webcam chatting right now if you want to go say hello.
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks Craig! Here's a pic of her new set that just went live.. there will be a promo set for this shortly.. click for the full size that members have at (4000 pixels)
  39. JD

    Bryci (

    Bryci is on MFC right now for those curious about the new girls. :)
  40. JD

    Bryci (

    Long post.. sorry guys and gals! D-Rock, I appreciate your concern. I mean no disrespect but being here 24/7 and shooting her, I know exactly what size they were for the majority of her web career, and then what they shrunk down to and how unhappy she was with them smaller. She had gotten used...
  41. JD

    Bryci (

    you don't have youtube access? here's the link to the youtube video: Here's what was said... (paraphrasing) Some people were emailing asking if Bryci is still involved with her site, why her boobs had gotten smaller, what was up with her site etc...
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    There are several galleries of candids inside's member's area. We don't post them because they're not promotional content, they're members content. Same with her videos. :)
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    I should have added... the new additions will make their debut when we shoot in Arizona in January 2011. The sets that go live before then were shot in Vegas last month. So they're still new, just not as new as, well, her new additions. :D
  44. JD

    Bryci (

    New Bryci blog for those of you wondering about her b00bs...
  45. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Two for Tuesday time! Fresh Katie Banks time! Starting in January 2011, I take over shooting Katie Banks so watch for more...
  46. JD

    Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

    Fresh Monroe Lee set! She shot this one herself (as you can tell). I am starting to shoot her in January, we're flying to Arizona to shoot so watch for lots of new photos and some insane HD videos!
  47. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard Two for Tuesday time! Fresh Talia Shepard!
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci Sets! It's a Tuesday so this is Two for Tuesday!
  49. JD

    Bryci (

    Makes me wonder why you're even here if you don't like the way she looks? Why does it matter what she looked like? She doesn't look like that now, she looks like this now, and that was her choice. Might not be your cup of tea, which is of course is fine. We all have our opinions. Perhaps there...
  50. JD

    Bryci (

    Blast from the past! thank you for posting this set, it brought back some great memories of shooting this. We did some video that day as well that was pretty hot. The other day B was asking me if I missed her bangs or not. I said not really because she always looks good. I guess I'm biased a...