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  1. PretoDragao

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    I like the little league episode where Randy gets into all the fights, that's my favorite one of him
  2. PretoDragao


    I'd like to know too. I've heard a lot of good things about it, but it seems too much like Fallout to me and I've had enough of that (Got all the Xbox Achiements for it).
  3. PretoDragao

    Nice Upside Down Blowjob

    Re: upside down blowjob. You and your Lemon parties, Andro...:nono:
  4. PretoDragao

    Great Costume

    ...And then they'll have the kiddie assassins costumes for little muslims. :tongue:
  5. PretoDragao

    Great Fetish

    Wow... Hello Kitty Hardass? That's tight...
  6. PretoDragao

    Anyone Know?

    Dj Twang? More like Dj Twit...
  7. PretoDragao

    All You Can Eat

  8. PretoDragao

    Assassins Creed II

    The people that make Prince of Persia are the same ones who make Assassin's Creed :tongue:
  9. PretoDragao

    Dear Brenda....

    That's the way to do it
  10. PretoDragao

    Assassins Creed II

    I more than looking forward to it! I'm pissing my pants with excitement! I love the "Da Vinci Code" style storyline and I've been waiting to find out what happens to Desmond since I beat the first one.
  11. PretoDragao

    Hey Petra, my signature isn't showing up for some reason... I have the boxed "show signature"...

    Hey Petra, my signature isn't showing up for some reason... I have the boxed "show signature" box checked under my profile. When I go into the signature editor, it shows up when I hit preview, but not when I'm posting. Think you can help? Thanks. (I sent this to Erik too, just in case)
  12. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    Yes ma'am, right away! Told you guys she was a wild one! :D
  13. PretoDragao

    *tapping his foot* Alright Brynnie, I'm waiting.... :tongue:

    *tapping his foot* Alright Brynnie, I'm waiting.... :tongue:
  14. PretoDragao

    Learning is Fun

    I've seen that all too often
  15. PretoDragao

    Bah, this site has so many problems! You could always send the pictures to me in a Private...

    Bah, this site has so many problems! You could always send the pictures to me in a Private Message ;)
  16. PretoDragao

    Click on the Profile button near the top of the screen. On the left side you should see your...

    Click on the Profile button near the top of the screen. On the left side you should see your control panel with a link that says Pictures & Albums Click on Add Album and give it a name After you do that, it should give you the option to Upload pictures
  17. PretoDragao

    Just my luck >.< What are you trying to upload them to? Your profile?

    Just my luck >.< What are you trying to upload them to? Your profile?
  18. PretoDragao

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    I'll have to agree with you there Phoenix, but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she can be a real wildcat when the time calls for it. :tongue:
  19. PretoDragao

    You're the model, you decide :P The pigtails is a nice look for you though.

    You're the model, you decide :P The pigtails is a nice look for you though.
  20. PretoDragao

    I'd love it if you did! :yesyes:

    I'd love it if you did! :yesyes:
  21. PretoDragao

    Anytime Brynn :D Now get those sexy buns in gear and go get yourself some OCSM status!:thumbsup:

    Anytime Brynn :D Now get those sexy buns in gear and go get yourself some OCSM status!:thumbsup:
  22. PretoDragao

    Don't be such a sad panda. I say go for it! Some of these pornstars may be more famous, but...

    Don't be such a sad panda. I say go for it! Some of these pornstars may be more famous, but girls like you are the ones we love because you're active members of the forums. I'm not going to name names, but I've sent messages and friend requests to a lot of the girls and they don't even reply...
  23. PretoDragao

    Hey Erik, now my signature isn't showing up for some reason... I have the boxed "show...

    Hey Erik, now my signature isn't showing up for some reason... I have the boxed "show signature" box checked under my profile. When I go into the signature editor, it shows up when I hit preview, but not when I'm posting. Think you can help? Thanks.
  24. PretoDragao

    I typed in and checked the box, but it still isn't showing up... [IMG] but it does when I put...

    I typed in and checked the box, but it still isn't showing up... [IMG] but it does when I put it in a message like that for some reason...
  25. PretoDragao

    Total domination! Womb fight!

    Lol, pretty funny. Would have been better if they had made it longer.
  26. PretoDragao

    Redhead Rita

    Thanks Greg
  27. PretoDragao

    Redhead Rita

    Can anyone give me a full name?
  28. PretoDragao

    Sig Master Lostwood, could you please check out this thread if you get the chance? Thanks...

    Sig Master Lostwood, could you please check out this thread if you get the chance? Thanks!
  29. PretoDragao

    OMG beautiful tits!!!

    The picture was of a guy doing a facepalm for those of you who didn't get to see it...
  30. PretoDragao

    Celebrities you like but think you shouldn't

    Lady Gaga - Although her songs are catchy, they're just a disgrace to what music used to be back in the day. The only reason I (and probably everyone else) watch her videos is because she's sooo damn sexy in all her kinky outfits! :rolleyes: Also, the girl from the Progressive commercials...
  31. PretoDragao

    Upcoming Apple Products

    Lol... I thought I'd look back at the older threads and I've already found a gold mine!
  32. PretoDragao

    OMG beautiful tits!!!

    Dunno man, she is pretty hot, but if you're going to post on this site, don't make it obvious that you're under age... [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator AFA] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  33. PretoDragao

    Sorry if my comment offened you, but what offends me is the fact that it is true :(...

    Sorry if my comment offened you, but what offends me is the fact that it is true :(
  34. PretoDragao

    life is tough all over!

    I know... What's even more fucked up is that it's true. :(
  35. PretoDragao

    Why Mobiles are Not allowed in schools ?

    Yea, I know, but that film clip was beyond words... I don't even think a triple facepalm could even cover how stupid those people were... It was too fucked up to look into a dying guy's eyes through some dumbasses cell phone...
  36. PretoDragao

    Is this funny ?

    It's going to be the third Dan Brown novel! Muahahaha! :D:1orglaugh
  37. PretoDragao

    life is tough all over!

    She should be happy that she isn't sowing together shoes or sucking dick like some other little girls around the world are already doing at her age...
  38. PretoDragao

    Let's see the worst Halloween costumes

    One of the gay looking biker from "YMCA"...
  39. PretoDragao

    Get a prescription

    That thing had one HUGE set of balls! :1orglaugh
  40. PretoDragao

    Why Mobiles are Not allowed in schools ?

    That kind of shit just pisses me the hell off! I've seen this video where a guy just got into a car wreck and all the fucking dumbass bystanders thought to do was run right up to the car and film him with their cell phones. The guy in the wreck was still alive and was just sitting there bleeding...
  41. PretoDragao

    Gay Test

    Fuck! I saw the guy's jeans right behind her first and then her boobs! Damn progressive picture loading!
  42. PretoDragao

    Console or PC?

    Some games are best played with a controller and others with a mouse and keyboard. Just like only certain games should be made for the Wii (Has anyone ever tried to play a shooter on that before? I mean it fucking sucks!!!) Every kind of game just has it's own kind of fit when it comes to...
  43. PretoDragao

    Optical illusions

    Does anyone else find the dog to be a little out of place? I mean it's laying in the middle of the road...
  44. PretoDragao

    Are the words under your name true?

    "Girls don't like me." :bawling::weeping::bawling::weeping::bawling:
  45. PretoDragao

    how to open a bottle of wine...

    That would have been a cool party trick... if there was actually a party
  46. PretoDragao

    Hottest female superheroes and villians

    Thank you! :1orglaugh
  47. PretoDragao

    Wilderbeest Vs Lions Vs Crocodiles

    The Battle at Kruger... A Youtube classic in everyway!