To live in peace where? If the Palestinians had the more powerful military and took by force and occupied Haifa, Nazareth, Jerusalem or Tel Aviv in violation of UN charter, would the Israeli's let them "live in peace"? Would you grant the Palestinians the same "fundamental right" in that case...
Cute Girl Kristie in Blue at Lingerie Galore
Daily Nylons - Leg Sex - Motorcycle
Socking Mania - Blond at the Bar
Blond in Red Striped Stockings on Stairs
Blond in Orange Striped Stockings on Stairs
You are right, statistics don't provide the whole picture, and Israelis are living under threat of attack but
Isn't it also overly simplistic to forget that Israel is an occupier?
would you have preferred...
Death toll so far:
Palestinians killed: 658 - and many others living under intense...
Re: girls with slightly big noses?
No, your perception is mostly accurate. The primary reason for it becoming more liberal in recent years is probably immigration, both from abroad and from the north eastern states. The weather and other various "hot spots" make it quite attractive. (hurricanes excepted)
So many funny responses. Sooo worth the cost of creating this poll already.
Sorry to tell you but judging by your username, you might have already done some of that for free... :uohs: ;)
:beer: :throwup:
It means to create the exact equivalent. To "star" in the film...
Re: Over-simplifications based on absolutes ...
Sorry, I must have missed this. Can you please identify where in this thread anybody stated that Israel should not exist at all. Thanks.
Hamas certainly adds fuel to the fire and causes suffering...
I'm curious...
Do you believe that Israel...
Leading by example, eh? ;)
:2 cents: ...contrary to popular belief, most people post Wikipedia articles in discussion threads not to prove where they learned the information "just that day" but rather for the benefit of the reader. A quick reference to the topic point being discussed. So...
Even if someone believes this to be true, the State of Israel was established in 1948 and not with the borders it currently occupies.
(about exactly half the countries of the world currently recognize the State of Palestine and more recognize it's diplomatic status)
If someone has a more...
They say "Everyone has their price." I wonder if this is really true.
Maybe we can test it with a poll.
What is the least amount of money it would take for you to perform in 2 Girls, One Cup the sequel? (or 2 Guys, 1 Cup if applicable) Doing the the exact same shit (literally?) maybe only a...
Satin Bloom is sexy
Gauge is original and easy to remember
Also, there is ...
Lady Zoom
Dixie Dash
Mz Caution
Bianca Dagger
BB Gunn
Gail Force
Stormy Waters
Liz Vicious
Colt 45
Crystal Gunns
Letha Weapons
Southern Cumfort
Ali Kat
Deja Blew
Honey Do...
Which girl has the most aliases?
Many girls make it difficult to find them by having an alias or even 5.
Yet others take it to a whole different level......
Which girl is doing the best at trying to cover her identity? ;)
I'll start ... LEONY APRIL (with 14)...
No. The quality is too bad, I can't tell.
You might want to try and see if it one of the 13 listed here:
Good luck.
Please identify this girl with the long black hair.
She is listed as Girl of Celtic Tattoo on August 9, 2005 post:
Gradually over time, but primarily in 1967 during the Six-Day War.
As a result, the United Nations on November 22, 1967 passed Resolution 242 requiring Israel to essentially withdraw its forces from the land conquered during that conflict and to return to the "1949 Armistice Line" known as the...
Just curious. Were all of these rockets you mention fired into Israel or the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel (inside the Green Line for example)?
Do you think Hamas should limit their attacks to only...
Anita Dark - Victoria's Secret Love Pink
Amanda Lexx
Sexy Teen Andy
Gabrielle Ford...
What is amazing is that her father is an imam.
Yet she is very liberated and posed nude or nearly nude.
She is beautiful.