Why You Shouldn't Juggle Bowling Balls

wtf ... he's lucky it ain't my kid ...

he's really lucky ... smart however not ...
Wow, that was just idiotic.
Wow, he was doing ok for a while and then, holy shit. I agree with Belgianass, if that was my kid I'd have stuffed that idiot down the ball chute, and if he came back up I'd stuff him back down there again.
I swear to God, if that was my kid who got hit with that bowling ball, I would have chopped that guy's arms off and beat him with the wet ends of them!
wow. i honestly thought at first that she was dead......


Postal Paranoiac
The vid was choppy. but I got the gist of it. That is an example of plain bad decision making.
Well at least you can see the kid getting up in the end :D what an idiot ha ha i bet he got taken to the cleaners after that...
I would have beaten his ass even if it wasn't my kid.

If it was... they would still be finding pieces of him.
Shit, totally wasnt expecting that, I was thinking it was just a plain guy throws up bowling ball hits himself in the head.

But this :eek: I hope the kid was okay? Afterwards.