Search results

  1. Ceska

    Tanner Mayes

    Re: Check out Tanner Mayes (PIC) Happy Birthday Tanner! :partysml:
  2. Ceska

    The Video Games Pornstars Like To Play...

    Correction: Kylie Ireland: City of Heroes (as the Iceblaster "Icebox")
  3. Ceska

    Who is this cute Redhead?

    Thanks! :thumbsup:
  4. Ceska

    Who is this cute Redhead?

    Please ID:
  5. Ceska

    Who is Hotter? Charmane Star or Mika Tan?

    Charmane Star or Mika Tan
  6. Ceska

    Ask a British Person.......

    That gives me an idea ... ... I'll invite some Brits over for the World Green Poaceae Eating Championship & Beer Fesival. (Never have to mow me lawn again) ;)
  7. Ceska

    Sasha Grey's ass

    Here's looking at you TITS KING :thumbsup:
  8. Ceska

    Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos "Show Rape" - Maj. Gen. Taguba

    ^ Even if this is true... Would people really have elected him if he said "I will sometimes cover up torture when necessary" and "I will stay in Iraq as long as is required depending on conditions there"? The problem is, this "flexibility in thought and action" does not follow his own...
  9. Ceska

    Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos "Show Rape" - Maj. Gen. Taguba

    In a news clip posted by CNN, Obama says the pictures are no worse than the Abu Ghraib photos already in circulation. Moreover, I would think that many of the victims (perhaps not all) would want the public to know so that the truth can be understood about the extent of the crimes that have...
  10. Ceska

    Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos "Show Rape" - Maj. Gen. Taguba This is where the rhetoric hits the road. Obama is now faced with hard realities ... Making promises is easy, giving lectures on values and ideals is easy...
  11. Ceska

    You know, the dark not's so bad......

    turned on I see....
  12. Ceska

    He'll find it eventually!

    Got Milk?
  13. Ceska

    the most beautiful girl of ever

    I wish I could help you. She has a great smile.
  14. Ceska

    Hot fishnet bodysuit

    where did you get the pic from?
  15. Ceska

    Help ID Chick

    what a great ass! :thumbsup:
  16. Ceska

    What Does It Take For a Police Officer to Get Fired ???

    "State troopers pull over an ambulance. The emt crew was trying to help mother at the time and the state troopers were delaying it." "....the trooper in question is still on regular duty."
  17. Ceska

    Ask a British Person.......

    :eek: Nooooooo! "Olestra causes gastrointestinal disturbances, which are sometimes severe, including diarrhea, fecal urgency, and more frequent and looser bowel movements." and "Olestra sometimes causes underwear staining associated with "anal leakage."" :D Ron Jeremy said he was the only one...
  18. Ceska

    Ask a British Person.......

    Crisps: 1) What is your favorite type / brand of crisps? 2) Did you shit yourself when you found out Pringles are only 42% potato? 3) Did you shit yourself after eating Fat Free Pringles with Olestra? Crooks...
  19. Ceska

    Girls with 6 packs / abs

    Re: girls with 6 packs Tia Ling (3rd video):
  20. Ceska

    Hello From Asian babe Tia Ling

    :confused: Tia Ling being "handled gently" (are you sure?): Hey Tia, what was your favorite part of that scene?
  21. Ceska

    Ideas needed: sweet, shy brunettes

  22. Ceska

    Hottest Celebrity Mugshot - Finals

    The winner is Carmen Electra! :thumbsup: :partysml:
  23. Ceska

    The right to go bottomless

    'Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay'
  24. Ceska

    Why Should I Care About California?

    I know. I was agreeing with you. Perhaps, but nobody is saying that. They aren't saying it's ALL due to illegal immigration (at least I'm not), any more than you are saying it is ALL due to "the energy crisis earlier this decade." However, it appears they were saying illegal immigration...
  25. Ceska

    The right to go bottomless

    The right to go topless has been discussed. Does the freedom of self-expression extend below the navel? Should women be able to go bottomless?
  26. Ceska

    Why Should I Care About California?

    ==> Illegal immigrants make up about 10% of Californians. (10 percent of California's work force is undocumented, while close to 14 percent of the state's schoolchildren have at least one parent in the country illegally) ==> Illegal...
  27. Ceska

    Gina from We live together.
  28. Ceska

    FTV Jackie

    Jackie and Rachel:
  29. Ceska

    exploited college girls

    Talia Tyler:
  30. Ceska

    Babes in the snow

    Izabelle: Milana:
  31. Ceska

    The Video Games Pornstars Like To Play...

    Candy Manson: old skool nintendo anything - PS2: Tekken 5 and Mortal Kombat Tera Patrick: Ms. Pac-Man, Centipede, and Asteroids. I have a Hello Kitty game for my GameCube and I'll always love Kirby, Strawberry Shortcake, and anything with Mario in it for Nintendo DS...
  32. Ceska

    Animals can tell right from wrong

    No ... dinosaurs came along for the ride with Noah 4354 years ago. He dun rounded them up like cattle and put 'em in the Ark. They aren't around now because they all probably died out or were killed as "dragons". (or people ate them in dino-burgers) (There were only (exactly) 1,000 kinds of...
  33. Ceska

    Animals can tell right from wrong
  34. Ceska

    Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sylvester Stallone?

    It is not due to his accent, he does, in fact, have a speech impediment... ....and he was injured as a baby. This injury is what has affected how he looks and sounds. "Doctors used forceps during his birth that severed a nerve and caused paralysis in parts of Stallone's face, resulting in...
  35. Ceska

    Mom Kills Son, Gives Him CPR, Kills Him Again...

    Perhaps that's why Urban Outfitters makes T-shirts to try to help people understand the difference... :dunno: ;)
  36. Ceska

    horse tail butt plugs?

    Satin Bloom:
  37. Ceska

    Oral sex World Record

    ......... maybe she fainted because she didn't have enough to eat ... :dunno: ...... no, wait ... that can't be it.
  38. Ceska

    Asian Rio

    Please ID this girl:
  39. Ceska

    Girls with Guitars

    Re: girls with guitars Janessa Brazil:,1546,2,10053,?t=1 Bandit Babe: Cute Abby: Stunning Serena...
  40. Ceska

    What pose drives you Nuts?!?!
  41. Ceska

    The Video Games Pornstars Like To Play...

    Maria Ozawa: Guild Wars (unconfirmed) Maria Ozawa with her pink Nintendo DS Lite: Maria Ozawa with her pink PS2...
  42. Ceska

    Star Trek Girls

    Hustler's - This Ain't Star Trek: Sasha Grey and Kirk: Aurora Snow and Khan: Jenna Haze and Mr Spock: Jada Fire w Spock and Kirk...
  43. Ceska

    Girls Having Sex with Strange Objects

    Flute: Violin:
  44. Ceska

    Male vs. female sex wrestling

    Hot girl in red with strong abs chokes a guy with her legs:
  45. Ceska

    hot Asian kissing you (screen)
  46. Ceska

    Did man really land on the Moon ?

    Video footage of Jesus on the Moon: (look carefully - I think you can just make him out)
  47. Ceska

    Public Posing - crowded places

    Public Sluts: Rose: Katka: Marina: Olga...
  48. Ceska

    Gift ideas for the Freeones shop..

    .. wow. I bet that would bring somebody pleasure (kinda defeats the purpose tho) ;)
  49. Ceska

    The Video Games Pornstars Like To Play...

    Maybe she just keeps on playing... Lot's of similarities ... :D Tetris music playing in her head as she thinks to herself... "Oh great, here comes the long one. How am I going to fit that one in..." Like how after you play Tetris for a long time and your mind keeps arranging the pieces no...