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  1. AFA

    4 Girls In Video

    Noah Black
  2. AFA


    In pink in the vids is Joana Redgrave
  3. AFA

    Todd Palin had unusual access to wife's staff

    That is simply a Yahoo article.
  4. AFA

    Palin abused power, probe finds

  5. AFA

    Palin abused power, probe finds

    No, it doesn't matter anymore. The values and conscience of what maybe made for a great place to live and set an example for the rest of the world, have been replaced with corruption and greed. To hold those values highly, is the new conservatism. Everything is us and them, good vs. evil in...
  6. AFA

    Palin makes Obama terrorist claim

    They look well trained. Good command of the English language too. Acorn and good friend Barama register dead people and singlehandedly brought down the whole financial catastrophe on our country through dealings withFannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Barama is the second most highest paid person...
  7. AFA

    Palin abused power, probe finds

    Registering voters that don't exist, has nothing to do with either candidate, and won't affect the outcome of the election at all. What it does is create a nightmare for the various campaign headquarters who now have to make a big pile of up to half the registrations to investigate. Donald...
  8. AFA

    Movie/tv remakes, the good, bad and future

    I liked the original with Jimmy Stewart it was the remake I won't go and see.
  9. AFA

    Movie/tv remakes, the good, bad and future

    The classic 1965 film The Haunting was destroyed in a remake. I think I'd probably get sick if I saw the remake of 12 Angry Men I also understand Flight of the Phoenix was a complete joke.
  10. AFA

    'GlobalObama Poverty Act' to cost each citizen $2,500 or more

    But you also don't live in a third world country with no access to birth control.
  11. AFA

    Palin abused power, probe finds

  12. AFA

    Palin makes Obama terrorist claim

    I think he's sneaky
  13. AFA

    Picking one girl of each kind

    I would pick the one I got along with the best. Is that wrong? Is there something wrong with me? :dunno:
  14. AFA

    Bar Fight

    Haha! I think Tiger would, :) take the best crack at the back of someone's head with a 9 iron if I was in trouble in a bar fight.
  15. AFA

    Who can pick up the biggest rock and throw it?

    But his credibility is being called into question.
  16. AFA

    Time Warp: New Series That Slows Down Time...

    I know about high speed cameras. They shoot at a rate of about 1 million frames per second, and when played back at anything slower show moment by moment of bullets smashing balloons, and a lot of other neat stuff.
  17. AFA

    Todd Palin had unusual access to wife's staff

    Well it looks sweet, but I think you'd wake up to something more like this;
  18. AFA

    Todd Palin had unusual access to wife's staff

    That would be like getting into bed with an Alien.
  19. AFA

    Palin makes Obama terrorist claim

    While it was her Sister and she was probably the one that did it, her husband said he'll take the fall for her.
  20. AFA

    Palin makes Obama terrorist claim

    Obama didn't say anything other than that anyway that I recall. I've been saying that around the world, there's not a whole lot of credibility to the US claim of truth, justice and the American way anymore. The US has always put it's own interests first, and has operated by hook or crook to...
  21. AFA

    Cordless Mouse

    I don't have a network printer but don't think you have to have any other PC turned on other than whatever one you are using, and the printer driver must be installed.
  22. AFA

    Palin makes Obama terrorist claim

    I think it adds a demeaning quality to one's statements. It's like someone calling your Grandfather, Gramps or your wife Honey.
  23. AFA

    Who can pick up the biggest rock and throw it?

    Jesus is still winning in the polls my friends. Don't talk about Irock, don't talk about the economy, just attack his character and experience. Remember he's been seen in the court of Pontius Pilate. What was he doing there anyway?
  24. AFA

    Cordless Mouse

    If you have several computers, and try to print, you have to have the one hardwired to the printer turned on unless you use a network printer. In example, if you sit outside with a laptop, and want to print, you have to go back in and turn on the PC controlling the printer. Otherwise, only the...
  25. AFA

    Cordless Mouse

    I have 4 wireless mice and 1 wireless keyboard. They are great especially with a laptop where I can run the mouse down the armrest of big chair. You can snap the transmitter in the underside of the mouse and carry it easily. The single battery lasts a good long time in all but my oldest one...
  26. AFA

    Web Connection Problem

    This worked for me. If you see this page your hosts file has been hacked. Please use the instruction below to clean your machine. You cannot reach the site you where trying to reach without following this procedure! - Please follow the steps provided in this document and make sure to...
  27. AFA

    Web Connection Problem

    It happened to me once. Hacked. I'm purposely being vague at this point, I am going from memory and would have to google this now. What happens is some program makes a change into one of your host files I think in the windows\system32 files and redirects anything in your homepage there...
  28. AFA

    Who can pick up the biggest rock and throw it?

    What a Maverick! Ooohhh! I'm getting chills up my cartoon spine! :)
  29. AFA

    Web Connection Problem

    I would complain to Virgin with a phone call.
  30. AFA

    Do you remember the first time you came?

    I came and then I left. I don't know where I went.
  31. AFA

    Who can pick up the biggest rock and throw it?

    I noticed that John McCain got fewer votes than Jesus. So I ask you my friends, does anyone really know who Jesus is? What has he done recently? Does he reach across the aisle for non partisian agreement? My friends, he was only in public service for about two years. Does he have any...
  32. AFA

    Sarah Palin

    The lesson of Vietnam was stay out of other's fights particularly when you claim, freedom, democracy, and justice and all those other inspiring words, and then delibrately go with the wrong side because of your own interests. Just like Iraq. High speed in the wrong direction against the wrong...
  33. AFA

    Picking one girl of each kind

    I would choose "other".
  34. AFA

    Pick 2 celebs: One for one-night stand and one for long-term relationship

    Actually I would pick this famous girl. She has a nice smile, cooks great Italian food, and probably makes some of the best wine around.
  35. AFA

    How do you confirm natural breasts

  36. AFA

    How do you confirm natural breasts

    They lose shape and flatten when lying down. There's a breast test around here somewhere.
  37. AFA

    Who can pick up the biggest rock and throw it?

  38. AFA

    Vintage Posters/Adverts Thread

    I like the old VW ads, but also the old travel posters.
  39. AFA

    Pick 2 celebs: One for one-night stand and one for long-term relationship

    There was the Granddaddy of all masturbation threads made up of about 75 others, but since that was made, there have to be another 75 floating around.
  40. AFA

    The 'Zero Dollar Bill'

    Clinton as you might recall had the budget well under control after the huge defecits of the prior administration. Why would his face go on a dollar bill worth nothing? He knew the value of a financially stable economy.
  41. AFA

    Pick 2 celebs: One for one-night stand and one for long-term relationship

    I just have to ask. How in the world can you determine if you want a long term relationship with someone who's a movie or TV celebrity you have never met and have no clue at all as to their true nature? Isn't this making a lot of assumptions about people based on their media image? Yes it is...
  42. AFA

    American International Group (AIG) Execs Splurge

    Simple math after the bailout. Elementary math problem #1 $87B + another $38B = $125B What a great country! Elementary math problem #2 100 AIG employees + luxury hotel stay w/ massage & spa = $402,000 of your taxes at work. Is there any bailout money left? :dunno:
  43. AFA

    American International Group (AIG) Execs Splurge

    Various news and business blurbs today suggesting the bailout is not working. Here are two of many;
  44. AFA

    Todd Palin had unusual access to wife's staff

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin remained in the dark while her husband repeatedly asked top state officials to help get his former brother-in-law kicked off the state police force, Palin's husband and top aides said in affidavits provided to The Associated Press. Palin, the...
  45. AFA

    Wall Street tumbles amid global sell-off

    Giving $120 B to AIG alone, it won't last a month, and they were living high on the money already. I knew this would happen.
  46. AFA

    Wall Street tumbles amid global sell-off

    I see there was a joint interest rate drop in 6 countries today of a half point. Print more! Iceland;,8599,1848379,00.html
  47. AFA

    Lewis Black, Why?

    He's like Andy Rooney, whining in disbelief and amazement.
  48. AFA

    Lewis Black, Why?

    I think it's satire and he tries to point out how unbelievably stupid some things are.
  49. AFA

    Bad Computer Virus

    Same advice.