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  1. AFA

    Does this sound a little flirtty to you?

    Ahhhhh! :) Uggggg!
  2. AFA

    Does this sound a little flirtty to you?

    I always have sex with people that send me a smilie. What? What's wrong with that? :dunno:
  3. AFA

    -- Did you or will you remember the dead? --

    I didn't realize it had passed Nov. 1&2. A lot of interesting stuff I've seen about it on travel shows.
  4. AFA

    Plane Loses Wing, Pilot Lands Safely On All "Fours"

    Amazing! There was a Nat Geo episode about a pilot sucked out of the windshield of a commercial airliner in flight. He got caught up in something and spent the rest of the flight unconscious outside the window and lived.
  5. AFA

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Why would you ever Think that. It's the Furthest thIng from what Some THink About iT. :)
  6. AFA

    Pills increase desire?

    And Levitra all increase blood flow, but that's not a libido issue. Libido is like standing in neck high icewater and watching a pole dance while listening to a church choir when some homicidal maniac screaming he's going to kill you throws lit cherry bombs in the pool. It ain't going to work...
  7. AFA

    Biden, Powell, and Lieberman. Disturbing comments?

    it was bad. That bomb bomb Iran jingle even as a joke was reprehensible to some. Palin was completely unqualified and probably barely attending to her duties as mayor and then governor. I'd be in a panic over a fast course in world affairs and really feel I know a lot more than she does.
  8. AFA

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Mine too, it goes, ___ ___ ___ Yeah! The boat could sink from all the weight! :eek:
  9. AFA

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Secretary was pretty whacked, but good.
  10. AFA

    Pills increase desire?

    I don't think such pills increase libido.
  11. AFA

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Too small. Use a 24x and practice your Zen. :)
  12. AFA

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Zombie Strippers was goofy with some good hidden satire. Not my usual thing.
  13. AFA

    The end of the US......

    I've said before, I think poor US politics and lack of insight internally and externally and relations around the world, crushed by the deceptions and huge damage to the economy of the Bush era, has pushed the US to a no return situation.
  14. AFA

    Have you paid a famous pornstar to have sex with you?

    No! And none have paid me to have sex with them!
  15. AFA

    This Thread Is NOT About Barack Obama...

    Now I have to start another poll about whether this thread counts as 78 or 79 Obama threads!
  16. AFA

    Messing with Lieberman, now it begins?

    At least they won't toss him in Gitmo without a lawyer.
  17. AFA

    Obama threads

    Oh damn, that's right! :rolleyes: Worthy of a poll I think and better than who are your favorite, 5, 10 x, y, z, on a tropical island, prison work camp, health spa, and how do you masturbate, jerk off, and to what rock music, marching, polka music, while picking up your order at McDonald's...
  18. AFA

    Obama threads

    What was the actual number of Obama threads on Freeones? Is this one 500 or 501? A recount is in order I think
  19. AFA

    Fuck Your Obama Threads

    Please count again. During the 2000 elections there was a lot of controversy about the correct ballot count and since no one in his right mind actually voted for Bush, we don't want to make that error again! Number of claimed Obama threads _________ Actual number of Obama threads _________
  20. AFA

    Fuck Your Obama Threads

    Working on it! Actually the new release will be fantastic. You'll have to wear 3D glasses! This is just a prototype! :thumbsup:
  21. AFA

    Fuck Your Obama Threads

    I'm writing one, but right now I'm using one of these :thumbsup:
  22. AFA

    Fuck Your Obama Threads

    God I beg you stop them! They know not what they do! Ah Hahaha! Try, this mod; :rofl:
  23. AFA

    Politics... another election!

    4 main parties. What an idea! My sense of all things Canadian is that they are a lot less superficial and don't cater to a lot of corrupt politics and special interest groups. This is the time of year Canadians hit the road and move to sunny Florida for the winter.
  24. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    I helped my neighbors adopt by writing a recommendation, it didn't seem that difficult or very costly through the state agency they went through. Took about 8 months I'm thinking.
  25. AFA

    Obama's first decision as PREZ elect

    Sounds like you now wish you had voted for McCain! :)
  26. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Bush gave that response. He said US Healthcare was called the Emergency Room. But the emergency room doesn't treat long term illnesses like cancer. Lots of people, both those who don't wish to help themselves and those who do proudly, might find getting healthcare at an affordable price is...
  27. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    I guess democracy works despite imbeciles. :dunno:
  28. AFA

    The Mainstream Media SuperPower and The Elections

    The whole premise sold by Bush was that Saddam had WMD. A situation known to be an outright lie to the American people to generate support for the war. There was also no connection ever made between Iraq and Bin Laden or 9/11, so the entire premise for the war in Iraq is bogus. 100,000 died...
  29. AFA

    Cindy Hope
  30. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    McCain and Palin took Alaska and McCain's homestate of AZ Obama likewise took his birthplace, Hawaii and his home state of IL
  31. AFA

    How will Obama as President affect you....and your daily life?

    Also in an interview with Colin Powell, he commented that he saw no reason to believe the US was any safer with a McCain presidency despite all the political ad hype than it will be with a Obama administration. So that puts an end to that question. He also said he was not expecting or seeking...
  32. AFA

    How will Obama as President affect you....and your daily life?

    I watched something on TV about body language, and Bush was a master of manipulation by stubbornly controlling such seemingly small things as going through doors last despite that. He would jockey for position with others to go through last because that was the power position and he could add a...
  33. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    CNN has it at Obama 349 McCain 163 Still 26 votes out there. Obama got IN and it's out on NC and MO. It will probably end Obama with NC for 364 McCain with MO for 174
  34. AFA

    "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

    Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all" Okay, how many of the internees have been convicted of serious crimes?
  35. AFA

    "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

    Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all" There was no reason to go to Iraq. The Bush administration made up it's mind to invade Iraq despite warning upon warning that there were no WMD. You're posing a question, which reminds me of an old Volvo...
  36. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Do you work hard for your money? Do you think about the money that comes out of your paycheck in taxes that suppliments exec pay in corporations with large tax exemptions friendly to the administration? You must know you work about 5 months a year to pay those taxes or does that all go to...
  37. AFA

    "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

    Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all" yeah, catching trout that's it. That's more important than catching Bin Laden.
  38. AFA

    "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

    Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all" I'm not making a connection between 9/11 and the Iraq War. There is no connection. Bush and his people lied like rugs to get that war started for reasons that look like money for military friends contracts...
  39. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    My lazy ass? I'll be glad to not suppliment the mega incomes and tax breaks of big business. don't you realize you've been doing that all your working life? Get a good night's sleep and remember you work until about May 15th, to suppliment those tax breaks the poor but hard working folks at...
  40. AFA

    "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

    Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all" Chef, I really hate to disagree with you. I'm the guy that thinks the Food Network is going to call me about my own cooking show when I make hamburger helper. Bush was focused on Iraq from day 1 and...
  41. AFA

    "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

    Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all" Is that true is there really such a thing? Ah come on, you're pulling my leg! :rolleyes:
  42. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Loose cannon. WWIII on his horizon. Do you have any specific reason for feeling that way?
  43. AFA

    Election 2008

    He's one of the most eloquent and charismatic speakers in the 21st century, which added to his popularity. He drew the crowds of John Kennedy in Berlin.
  44. AFA

    Election 2008

    Absolutely the better choice! Absolutely no doubt! Obama supporters 63% White 23% Hispanic 11% Black
  45. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Read it! See if the library has it.
  46. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    I find that problem every single day. I say the same things over and over and over again. Like Deja Vu! But stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump
  47. AFA

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Okay thanks for letting us know. Personally I'd hate to make a really stupid dumbass mistake because I didn't take in enough information and had a short attention span or memory. :thumbsup: As Levar Burton said, "But don't take my word for it, read a book"! The Prosecution of George W. Bush...
  48. AFA

    Election 2008

    maybe to keep her name in lights and make more money she'll do Playboy! Maybe do some geeky carnival sideshow with Joe the Plumber! Obama 338 - 155
  49. AFA

    Election 2008

    McCain coming on. Excellent statement of concession, a real gentleman despite the mob and blank minds he led. He appeared to be crying. Personally I'm glad to believe I can start to like and respect him again. I wish him a very long and happy life. :thumbsup: Obama 333 - 155
  50. AFA

    Election 2008

    My guess is you don't watch a lot of news and probably don't read a lot.