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  1. Red Spyder

    This Is Me Right Now...

    Goin' down, b-i-tches?
  2. Red Spyder

    Road Rage

    If only we didn't have these ridiculous speed limits it'd be easier to just floor it, pass the slow pokes that are slowing me down and leave them behind. I do get a bit upset when I'm on the highway and people just hog the passing lane without passing anyone. Or when someone is about to pass...
  3. Red Spyder


    Anyone finds female aerobic videos arousing? This is just for you all!
  4. Red Spyder

    Beautiful boobs bouncing

    Got to bring this back!
  5. Red Spyder


    Play it again, Sam. You played it for her, you can play it for me.
  6. Red Spyder


    ^ But you know dirky would walk through that to lick a homeless man's balls :tongue:
  7. Red Spyder

    Batman spoiler

    In a non-related note, I'll buy tickets to this movie for all of you :tongue:
  8. Red Spyder

    Do You Eat the Heel in a Loaf of Bread?

    Only when out of hamburguer buns
  9. Red Spyder

    Broken heart or broken bones?

    I've had both. The broken bones stopped hurting in a couple of weeks. Broken heart is still hurting after 20 years.
  10. Red Spyder

    Vice sends a reporter on Acid to cover the Westminster Dog Show.

    ^ This.... Plus he was awesome in the Bon Jovi concert
  11. Red Spyder

    If FreeOnes was a city

  12. Red Spyder

    How many gigs of porn do you own?

    I got a couple floppy disks somewhere :tongue:
  13. Red Spyder

    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    A cup of extremely strong coffee
  14. Red Spyder

    Im really digging my iPad camera quality (pic)

    Yeah, nothing like getting a BJ while taking a dump
  15. Red Spyder

    What are you watching right now?

    The Factor, but I'm about to quit to play some MW3
  16. Red Spyder

    If FreeOnes was a city

    In Mexico, Freeones would probably be about the size of the birth place of the Gulf Cartel They got a nice "boystown" there.
  17. Red Spyder

    Star Wars stuff

    Which one? The one with Darth Ah-nold or Pulp Phantom? Well, here's Pulp Phantom Anyway, I'd totally watch this: :tongue:
  18. Red Spyder

    Stupid Questions

    We need to go deeper
  19. Red Spyder

    Mash ups!!

    Mash ups!! Bring out your mash ups!! I'll start:
  20. Red Spyder

    Not a very functional back pocket! How is she going to fit anything in there?

    With those tight pants and those high heels.... she won't be able to outrun me!!!
  21. Red Spyder

    I desided to show my pussy.

    Okay, now go ahead and show it, none of us will look in here again waiting for you to do so :tongue:
  22. Red Spyder

    Would you?

    :beer: Nope.... :beer::beer: Nope.... :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer: ysss Just kiddin', with those boobies I'd wold not hesitate to get on her
  23. Red Spyder

    Beware of Ozzy..

    I didn't know that Ozzy was in the closet...... SHARROOOOOOON!!!!!
  24. Red Spyder

    CIA Penis Con

    thanks for the tip. I shall never fall for that............again
  25. Red Spyder

    Saving Private Ryan vs The Thin Red Line

    When both those movies came out on DVD, which one did I choose? SPR of course. I did like The Thin Red Line too but it just seemed so..... looooooooooong! I got this rule of thumb: whenever I go watch a movie, if it seems rather short even if it was 2 hours long, then it sure was FUN. Not...
  26. Red Spyder

    My girlfriend caught me being a pervert

    Having a girlfriend...... on the other HAND, pun intended? :dunno: :tongue:
  27. Red Spyder

    This Is Me Right Now...

    More cushion for the pushin'
  28. Red Spyder


    I'm getting a cat. And then when I bring a girl home, if my cat can do this: SHE'S THE ONE!!!
  29. Red Spyder

    New species of Octopus discovered.

    Is she a :cthulhu: worshiper? :dunno:
  30. Red Spyder

    Why Atheism.

    Look, guys, when the Great Spaghetti Monster comes to save us, you atheists will be proven wrong!!! All Hail the GSM!!! :bowdown:
  31. Red Spyder

    Anyone afraid of wasps?

    That one up there is a Japanese giant hornet and yes, you should be afraid of it
  32. Red Spyder

    Why Atheism.

    You know, the reason why I don't think myself as an atheist is to avoid being associated with pseudo-intellectual smug assholes like this: "Ooooh, look at me!!! I'm an atheist!! I'm smarter than thou!" Religion may not have all the answers, but neither does science. Maybe together they...
  33. Red Spyder

    Women's humor

    ^^ Only 7 years? :tongue:
  34. Red Spyder

    Why Atheism.

    I may need to rewatch that episode of "Through the Wormhole" with Morgan Freeman about the existence of the human soul, it was rather interesting trying to prove/disprove its existence. The short version: what happens to the information in our brains? According to physics, information cannot...
  35. Red Spyder

    Anderson Cooper is Gay

    Are his show ratings that low or something? :dunno: Think about it: A liberal coming out as gay is really no surprise. :tongue:
  36. Red Spyder

    Need advice; marriage or love

    Why not play matchmaker? :dunno: Set up your wife with her husband...... and then this will be all of us
  37. Red Spyder

    Who would you rather have sex with: Octomom OR Tom Cruise

    Sir Farts-a-lot, is that you? :dunno: I'd run from both choices, run like the wind!! Octomom: I'm afraid I'll fall into her vagina and won't be able to come out, and Cruise: Xenu will eat me for fraternizing with the enemy. Hail, Xenu!!
  38. Red Spyder

    I have not smoked a cigarette since Thursday.

    How selfish!! You do realize that by not smoking you just cut healthcare for poor kids, right? :tongue: Blah, screw them!! You need your health, bud! :hatsoff:
  39. Red Spyder

    SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare!!! Suck It Conservatives!!!

    1. What a classy thread title: "SUCK IT CONSERVATIVES!!!"? Really? :facepalm: 2. It is a TAX! So, I guess, there SUCK IT LIBERALS! Now your messiah is responsible for a huge tax increase that will affect everyone single of us, even though he had said: "The last thing we...
  40. Red Spyder

    Would you Eat this for $1 Billion Dollars?

    So, I go eat tacos, then the next morning it burns on the way out. Will bugs sting on the way out? :dunno: I should have put this recipe for the Freeones cooking contest: So, yes, I would eat INSECTS for 1 billion. I'm not so sure I'd be able to...
  41. Red Spyder

    Yet another study confirms global warming is human-caused...

    The only reason I'm so skeptic about "man-made" global warming is because it's so politized. I mean, what a coincidence that all the "solutions" for global warming happen to be described with the following five words: the rich nations pay more. Then when you have a POLITICIAN like Algore (wind...
  42. Red Spyder

    SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare!!! Suck It Conservatives!!!

    Resistance is futile. You shall all be assimilated or else.... I'm sure all "liberals" would be extremely happy if us conservatives were herded away like that for having the audacity to question The One, right? :2 cents:
  43. Red Spyder

    SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare!!! Suck It Conservatives!!!

    Et tu, John? Either way, I will not comply. Romney now most definetly gets my vote.
  44. Red Spyder

    21 Reasons To Never Have Kids

    #12... especially true so near to the Mexican border
  45. Red Spyder

    Please help Anders...he has a small penis! (he measured)

    That's why they call them "Great Danes" :tongue: