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    Border Wall

    you still dont get it. It's quite sweet really.

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    yes it was a reaction to people daring to have another faith to their own so they were killed and raped by knights in the name of their made up god

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    except of course for one of the five pillars of Islam, zakat, which is mandatory for all Muslims who are able, to help those less fortunate themselves regardless of their race or religion.

    Border Wall

    Oh my dear sweet, narrow minded DC. I think all that Islamophobia has confused your poor simple brain. It was you my darling who said, quote: "The fact that this member of MENSA thinks that internet communications are solely dependent upon transatlantic cables instead of satellite should tell...

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    that was thankfully a crisis averted thanks to some well positioned barriers and a security guard kicking a flaming terrorist in the bollocks. Note not a single gun was fired and no civilians were killed. What BC was referring to was the 1988 Lockerbie disaster.

    Border Wall

    of course he was being sarcastic sweetheart, he was mocking you wanting to shut yourselves away because you're all scared of those nasty brown people in Muslimistan. You just fail to see the joke when you are the butt of it.

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    I can assure you that the majority of the 'saps' in London have better things to do than worry about a terrorist threat. And how nice of you to trivialise the deaths of over 250 people dying in Lockerbie.

    Border Wall

    No!? Is there really? - - - Updated - - - zing!

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    Yet another ill informed sweeping generalisation. You're really quite good at this. You use nice long words and good structured sentences, but there is absolutely no basis to anything you are saying. Christianity converts through persuasion? I hadn't realised that the crusades were a diplomatic...
  10. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    don't worry your narrow minded little head about us. We will be fine.
  11. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    Stick to looking for spelling mistakes. Your mind obviously can't comprehend humour. Or rational thought.
  12. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    if you cant see it then i pitty you.
  13. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    The fact that sarcasm is lost on your tells me all i need to know about your mental capacity
  14. DP_LOVER

    Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention

    it would appear you dont know either. Talk about comparing apples with pears
  15. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    of course the video isnt the answer your cretin, i never claimed that it was. I simply pointed out that if youre going to pull me up on points i have made above then it would be an idea to watch the video first.
  16. DP_LOVER

    Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention

    i dont even know what point you are trying to make here.
  17. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    you clearly do care as you keep on commenting on the situation, and you seem to know a little bit about it. Although most of what you say is of course bullshit you probably heard from fox news ever occured to you that the reason that there are quite a lot of younger males in these refugee camps...
  18. DP_LOVER

    Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention

    try telling that to the 1.000s of people needlessly killed by firearms all because a piece of paper says its ok to carry a gun
  19. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    Maybe try watching it then and actually informing yourself before commenting on it then eh? Would want you to be misinformed now. Think about the Mark Twain quotes I mentioned...
  20. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    Europe is not a country. it is a continent of 50 countries, each with their own policy on immigration and not one of them has an open door policy. Presumably you are referring to when Germany effectively said that all refugees fleeing Syria were welcome there, you know because it was the human...
  21. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    Please do. Just you though, I quite like a lot of Americans.
  22. DP_LOVER

    Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention

    Here's a crazy idea... don't allow the open carrying of firearms anywhere and put in place stricter gun controls and amend the 300 year old piece of paper which says that you can carry weapons. Just a hunch but there might just be a reduction in the number of mass shootings if you do.
  23. DP_LOVER

    Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention

    There was a mass shooting in a school in Scotland in 1996, the UK government immediately put in place stricter gun controls. Number of mass shootings in the UK since then? None.
  24. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    Old Europe? Where in the 50 countries which make up Europe would that be? Have you taken the time to watch the video?
  25. DP_LOVER

    The Double Standard On Terror

    As a proud American, you would surely not dare break the first amendment by stopping the freedom of the WBC to say what they chose and to put a stop to their religion would you?? How very unconstitutional of you. And you dont think that ISIS have hijacked Islam to promote their agenda just...
  26. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    Europe (you realise it's a continent and not a country right?) has a far from perfect handle on immigration and integration, and I am not for one second going to claim that it does. What I will say is that some countries are better than others, but surely justifying segregation in your own...
  27. DP_LOVER

    The Double Standard On Terror

    Christians are more evolved than Muslims? Ah ok so because the Crusades was a long time ok it's now fine? When it is ok to brush off the holocaust as 'just a bit a fun', is there long to go? Also are the members of the westboro baptist church and Anders Breivik rounded and evolved Christians...
  28. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    wow, where to start on this bullshit? I might use a few big words here so do let me know if you cant keep up. Ok deep breath.... - Getting a handle on general immigration is not necessarily a bad thing, and it does indeed need to be monitored. But specifically targeting only Muslims because of...
  29. DP_LOVER

    The Double Standard On Terror

    diluting culture? what do you think culture is your cretin? it is a constant and evolving thing its cant be diluted, it will change over time no matter what you do.
  30. DP_LOVER

    The Double Standard On Terror

    no we wont because thankfully the majority of europeans are more open minded and forward thinking than you knuckledraggers
  31. DP_LOVER

    The Double Standard On Terror

    yes unlike Christians who killed 1,000s of innocent Muslims during the crusades trying to push their own religion and ideology onto others.
  32. DP_LOVER

    Trump feature in a new Daech propaganda video celebrating Brussel attack

    so you dont think that trump's hate filled rhetoric will help swell their numbers?
  33. DP_LOVER

    Border Wall

    this wall is literally the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. I perfect example of how not to solve a problem that isnt really a problem in the first place. How the fuck do people still think that trump is a viable candidate? I wouldnt trust him to tie his own shoe laces
  34. DP_LOVER

    Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention

    Imagine being so closed minded to actually believing that open carry zones are somehow safe.
  35. DP_LOVER

    does this matter to you?

    i wont hold my breath for all the #preyforiraq hashtags and people changing their facebook picture to the iraqi flag
  36. DP_LOVER

    hot cocks and hot girls, the picture thread
  37. DP_LOVER

    hot cocks and hot girls, the picture thread

    wow who is this?
  38. DP_LOVER

    The Ass eating thread
  39. DP_LOVER

    Awesome DP (Double Penetration) Photos / All About DOUBLE PENETRATION Thread!!

    Re: Awesome DP (Double Penetration) Photos who is this?
  40. DP_LOVER

    Jada Stevens

    damn its a shame if she has quit anal for good. She had the best ass in porn and her anal and dp scenes were always amazing
  41. DP_LOVER

    Remy LaCroix

    yeh she seems to have put on a little weight in all the right places. she looks better than ever
  42. DP_LOVER

    Girls surrounded by Cocks

    this looks amazing
  43. DP_LOVER

    Jada Stevens

    ^without a doubt the best ass in porn
  44. DP_LOVER

    name the girl and movie

    thanks, the Phoenix Marie gif was posted in error, it was VIcki who i actually wanted to find out about lol thanks guys
  45. DP_LOVER

    name the girl and movie
  46. DP_LOVER

    Trump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

    how this clown is even considered as a legitimate candidate for the republican party astounds me. I mean Jesus the republicans have always been backwards, but this guy makes them look almost normal - - - Updated - - - how this clown is even considered as a legitimate candidate for the...
  47. DP_LOVER

    How Would You Feel If Your Son Wanted a Doll?

    I would be pretty much exactly the same as this guy, without the youtube video though good on him - - - Updated - - - I would be pretty much exactly the same as this guy, without the youtube video though good on him
  48. DP_LOVER

    Girls surrounded by Cocks

    who is the girl on the right?
  49. DP_LOVER

    Adriana Chechick / Adriana Chechik

    holy shit that looks good - - - Updated - - - holy shit that looks good