—As the Eiffel tower in Paris, the Trevi Fountain in Rome and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin all lit up in the colors of the Belgian flag after Tuesday's bombings, those of us in Turkey felt, once again, how starkly different the world media covers terrorist attacks in our country.
Only a few days ago, an ISIS suicide bomber claimed at least five lives in the heart of Istanbul. And earlier this month, 36 people were killed in Ankara, with six attacks hitting Turkey since July, killing scores. And while the forces and dynamics behind these attacks deserve separate attention, the way in which international community covers these attacks is disappointing.
Right after the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks, all major international networks switched to breaking news coverage for days, putting their best reporters on the story and examining every angle in their broadcasts.
There were stories about the victims, their lives covered with diligence and emotion. Thousands of people on Facebook changed their profile pictures to French and Belgian flags, and ‘Je Suis Paris’ and ‘Je Suis Bruxelles’ were top trending phrases on social media. World leaders flocked to Paris, walking hand in hand against terrorism in unity and defiance.
When a terrorist attacks happens in this part of the world, we don't see the same international attention.
None of the recent ISIS attacks in Turkey brought the colors of the Turkish flag to world capitals.
Breaking news coverage lasted a few hours only, if that. Turks desperately started ‘Je Suis Istanbul’ on social media but it never gained enough traction for a global trend.
Good point