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  1. Mr_Balls


    Cue spy thriller soundtrack
  2. Mr_Balls

    Freeones turns me on

    You are totally turning on Freeones
  3. Mr_Balls

    Eyyyyyy Everbody! :D

    Ooh you guy!
  4. Mr_Balls

    Need some advice.

    Ecstacy? Maybe bondage?
  5. Mr_Balls


    Commas, commas, everywhere.
  6. Mr_Balls


    No, I prenteded I was delivering mail in a manila envelope but the elevator didnt work and the guards kicked me out. I did end up drinking at the Casting Office bar downstairs and convincing the bartender to sew my jeans. You never forget moments like that.
  7. Mr_Balls

    Do women like to be talked down during sex?

    Tell her she fucks better than Betty Boop and then ask if she liked it.
  8. Mr_Balls

    I am so drunk I...

    I rubbed one out in the bushes
  9. Mr_Balls


    They would not let me in and kicked me out of their office
  10. Mr_Balls

    An open letter

    BOOOOOB! -Balls - - - Updated - - - BOB! -Balls
  11. Mr_Balls

    So, has anyone ever noticed...

    Lol I am about to gorge myself on bananas!
  12. Mr_Balls


    Screw you
  13. Mr_Balls

    Are you going to watch that teen mom aka Farrah Abraham sextape?

    Why not make the sex tape with Mr. Balls?
  14. Mr_Balls

    So, has anyone ever noticed...

    Or that feta cheese smells like smegma?
  15. Mr_Balls

    I am so drunk I...

    I jumped out my window instead of using the front door:
  16. Mr_Balls

    who is the worst male pornstar of all time

    Balls throws a middle finger to all those assholes. Especially to the bitch with the gay ass tribal tattoo on his arm!
  17. Mr_Balls

    I am so drunk I...

    Puked everywhere when the chemical weapons dude started to talk about gaseous chemicals
  18. Mr_Balls

    An open letter

    Dear Lexi Belle, I want to make out with you. -Mr. Balls
  19. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    Holy fuck I spoke to the chem war dude tonight and barfed EVERYWHERE! I also spoke to an emt who used to work for Vived and felt like destroying his ass. Ask me why.
  20. Mr_Balls

    Text Dating & Women

    She is dating or wants some local dude next her. Believe me bro I went through the exact same thing in Ventura and nearly got killed, I left and joined the marines. That is not advice but be careful.
  21. Mr_Balls

    One week, no food

    I read in a mountaineering book that fasting for a day will increase stress resistance
  22. Mr_Balls

    How much money would it take for a woman to show her breasts to a stranger?

    How about you bet the girl $20 bucks to flash the next person to walk into the room. That is my strategy.
  23. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    Titties!!! Good to see you are still in the hood. Gahhhh! I just want to give a cunnilingus and have sex until I fall asleep I am going crazy. I only have 12 more months. That is my update.
  24. Mr_Balls

    Gruesome crime scene photos of Travis, who was murdered by Jodi Arias. WARNING - Discretion Advised!

    Yup, I was totally waiting for these. Transcripts from the hearing made it sound pretty bad.
  25. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    Where is Orange Cat? Oh, that fuzzy S.O.B.
  26. Mr_Balls

    Lexi Belle

    Lexi has the best teeth and one of the cutest faces ever. I bet she is a good kisser. That is all.
  27. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    Dude I was working on a Korean assault boat, it was a pretty high speed gig. Kim Jong Un was pissed. Anyone else here like Kim Chi?
  28. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    Well it is good to see the old crowd is still here; Mr. Vodka, Señor L3ggy, Honorable Squallumz, The GunslingingingBird, and the ravishing Sabrina.
  29. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    I taught myself some magic tricks while I was away from the board. Fackin' snazzy.
  30. Mr_Balls

    Leya Fuckin Falcon

    Re: Leya Fuckin' Falcon is Back! Excellent!
  31. Mr_Balls

    Look who is baaaack!

    Break out the primo stash! I just got back from the land of Korea, fill me in on what has been going on.
  32. Mr_Balls

    Do trees cause forest fires?

    Well they say forest fires cause is a vicious cycle really. All the old growth burning up the young'ns.
  33. Mr_Balls

    The Day The Earth Stopped Masturbating (video)

    Well, last man standing wins. Masturbation roulette anyone?
  34. Mr_Balls

    Do cocks grow more the more sex they have? Look inside! Holiday gift!

    Cool story bro... Eucalyptus oil is a good hemorrhoid remedy
  35. Mr_Balls

    How come alot of people hate nightclubs?

    So where do I go to try to meet women who are dressed nicely?
  36. Mr_Balls

    50 Shades of Divorce

    so gay
  37. Mr_Balls

    *pops out of hole*

  38. Mr_Balls

    50 Shades of Divorce

    The dude sounds like a ninny
  39. Mr_Balls

    Exclusive FreeOnes video interview with Briana Lee! (Video)

    Denver hmmm? I loved jogging in the park in Denver while I was taking a medicine class in Colorado. As a matter of fact, I like jogging in random parks everywhere I go.
  40. Mr_Balls

    The Porn Industry Needs your help.

    Next county
  41. Mr_Balls

    *pops out of hole*

    Butt zombies. I hope it is some creative flavored bullshit because I am getting tired of the norm.
  42. Mr_Balls

    Sasha Grey - music is just like porn

    Well if she is still making music when I get back in 2014, there is a photo she mailed me that I buried with some treasure deep in the wilderness. If it is still there when I return, it will make a great album cover. Just because you survived and all.
  43. Mr_Balls

    How come alot of people hate nightclubs?

    Because every time I touch a girls butt in the club, she freaks out and sicks a stupid male on me.
  44. Mr_Balls

    *pops out of hole*

    :zombie: Sooo...anything new in the land of Freeones?
  45. Mr_Balls

    DMV's piss me the fuck off!!!!!!!!

    Me at DMV talking to random hot girl I sat next to, "What is your number?" Her, "25" Me, "Oh mine is 36." ...DMV humor
  46. Mr_Balls

    there are when have sex girls' wetting pussy?

    Yeah I am pretty sure you are correct Ms. Love
  47. Mr_Balls

    Manning up for a fat chick

    Tall chicks > Fat chicks
  48. Mr_Balls

    Which is Worse: Alien Invasion, Asteroid Impact, World War 3, Zombie Infestation?

    Speaking of zombie infestation...recently we had a typhoon and my building lost power. They were playing Ouiji board across the hall so I went over there to play with them. I pricked my finger with a little blood to try to get the thing going and maybe resurrect some zombies...but it did not work.
  49. Mr_Balls

    there are when have sex girls' wetting pussy? seek yoda