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  1. BlkHawk

    Pastor advocates death for gays, same conference attended by three republican canidates.

    Glad to see I am not the only person here disgusted by this. If anyone finds the whole video of his tirade, or the full video interviews he conducted with each candidate please link them here. I have only found parts of the three interviews, and parts of his speech.
  2. BlkHawk

    Pastor advocates death for gays, same conference attended by three republican canidates.

    Will I know your a Got damned American Treasure as far as conspiracy theories go, but this pastor is a bona fide loon There is a part of his speech from this same event where he wants to cloth himself in sack cloth roll in cow shit, and throw rocks at an assembly that hosts a gay wedding...
  3. BlkHawk

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Living in Des Moines I get quite a few phone surveys about each election. The one I just had was for the Democratic caucus, pretty sure it was funded by Hillary, or her supporters based on the questions. I opposed Hillary on every question, and at the end was given the option of leaving a...
  4. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    And then there is this: Nat King Cole - Unforgettable:
  5. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Excellent choice maildude put in mind of this one: Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World.
  6. BlkHawk

    Pastor advocates death for gays, same conference attended by three republican canidates.

    He interviewed all three men, the conference was held right in Des Moines where I live. I also do not care for Rev Wright, but I do not want a repeat of a presidential candidate who associates with people like this obtaining the White House. We have seen how well that works already. For the...
  7. BlkHawk

    Pastor advocates death for gays, same conference attended by three republican canidates.

    Kevin Swanson is a Colorado pastor, and host of a religious radio show who has repeatedly called for the death penalty for homosexuals in the United States. Friday he organized a religious conference in Des Moines where he continued his tirade against gays. This conference was attended by...
  8. BlkHawk

    Ben Carson : Joseph, not Pharaos built the pyramids, as grain storage facility, not tombs

    Ok this is a stupid question, but I have to ask. You hang out on a Porn forum, and you are looking forward to an Evangelical winning the White House? Granted there are more important issues, but I cannot be the only one on this board old enough to remember the Meese commission, and the war on...
  9. BlkHawk

    Hey, What The Heck Happened To BobJustBob?

    Maybe he went in search of Dirk, and Bahodeme? I like to think all three of them are now lost in the penguin enclosure at the zoo.
  10. BlkHawk

    Who Is The Goddamndist Goddamn Bah Gawd American Treasure On This Here Board?

    Fair choice, but I gotta go with Ace. Our politics are different, but I truly admire the Trolls of Freeones. I've also been tempted to track down his Finnish sniper.
  11. BlkHawk

    Hey, What The Heck Happened To BobJustBob?

    Can't rep, but you damn near killed me with that line. I just took a drink, read the above, and snorted most of a Mountain Dew out my nose. You Bastard! :)
  12. BlkHawk

    U.S Becoming Less Religious, The Observant Become More Devout

    You beat me to it, Uganda also had support from the more extreme evangelicals in this country in drafting those laws.
  13. BlkHawk

    U.S Becoming Less Religious, The Observant Become More Devout

    Leviticus 18-20 is also old testament, and was directed at the Levites, however it also the most used verse by many churches to justify opposition to gay sex. Pot meet kettle.
  14. BlkHawk

    U.S Becoming Less Religious, The Observant Become More Devout

    It is both individuals, and society. There is no constant right and wrong, both are fluid as determined by individuals, and society. The majority of individuals determine what each society determines is moral. 50 years ago gay sex, and marijuana were both considered wrong. Now one has...
  15. BlkHawk

    U.S Becoming Less Religious, The Observant Become More Devout

    Six years of bible study in home school for me. I have been a non believer ever since.
  16. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Every time I feel depressed about being single, and 40 this song cheers me right up. Kacey Musgraves Stupid (Love is Stupid)
  17. BlkHawk

    Political Compass Test

    Also near Gandhi. Which means there is no political party in this country that actually represents my views.
  18. BlkHawk

    The 1964 Civil Rihts Act

    Props for pointing that out. I miss the old Republican party. Anymore I find myself voting third party as the two main ones continually piss me off now.
  19. BlkHawk

    "First Amendment only applies to christianism", says christian ultra-conservative radio host

    Re: "First Amendment only applies to christianism", says christian ultra-conservative radio host Fixed that for you. The right thing is almost never the same as the easy thing.
  20. BlkHawk

    "First Amendment only applies to christianism", says christian ultra-conservative radio host

    Re: A question for liberals in the U.S. No you missed the point. the right wingers on this board want to sacrifice the first amendment, the left wingers want to sacrifice the second amendment; both sides want to surrender their freedoms to feel all safe, and fuzzy inside. This unfortunately...
  21. BlkHawk

    EEOC sues trucking company for refusing to accommodate Muslim beliefs

    So you agree Kim Davis should be impeached for not doing her job? The muslim flight attendant should lose her job for not serving alcohol. Personally if you can't do a job due to religious or personal beliefs find a new job that doesn't conflict with your views.
  22. BlkHawk

    "First Amendment only applies to christianism", says christian ultra-conservative radio host

    Re: A question for liberals in the U.S. I have to pick one huh? Well life doesn't work that way, if we ever reach that point that those are the only two possible political outcomes i will fight to the death opposing both. I will never live under the yoke of religious tyranny, or tyranny of...
  23. BlkHawk

    Is George Bush to Blame For 9/11?

    You left out the part of hundred of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians in addition to the thousands of dead Americans. Oh, and the trillions of dollars of mass debt. Otherwise good post.
  24. BlkHawk

    Top 5 cities for murder in the 2014

    Damn it man! There are lazy shits here like me that never bothered to learn a second language. This is what Google Translate returned on the above line: Oh Dios mio! Follarme rapido papi! Que RICO Oh my goodness! Daddy quick fuck! Delicious I'm confused ?!?
  25. BlkHawk

    Happy Columbus Day!

    I have Potawatomi ancestry. Columbus was one of the most evil, vile human beings who ever existed, the native people of Hispaniola virtually no longer exist dueto his actions of mass slavery, murder, and rape. Bartolomé de las Casas was a Spanish historian, and Dominican Friar who provided...
  26. BlkHawk

    What are you listening to right now?

    Memories of my youth, Lords of Acid - Pussy
  27. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    This one always makes me sad, and reminds me of the sacrifices made for this nation. It is about the Sullivan Brothers of Waterloo IA who all died in the South Pacific during WWII. Caroline's Spine - Sullivan (Acoustic)
  28. BlkHawk

    What are you listening to right now?

    I had no idea this song even existed till a few minutes ago. Where would we be without the Yankees - Hank Williams Jr.
  29. BlkHawk

    While cleaning out my garage, I found a can of Bush's Baked Beans with an expiration date of 4/2007

    That can o beans just screams perfect target practice. Just think if pressure has built up, though I think I would use a rifle for distance :explosion:
  30. BlkHawk

    ***The Trolls Of Freeones Talk, 2016 Edition***

    This started as "can't rep you for this" but a cat interfered with the typing. Thanks for putting this together again Ace!
  31. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Old message of love yourself, but I do love Kehlani's voice.
  32. BlkHawk

    Criteria you use to keep porn, or throw it away?

    Um, define throw away? Years ago I converted all of my VHS tapes to digital, than the DVD's, plus I save everything that I purchase. I built a server, then I got paranoid, and built a backup server that mirrors the data on the first server nightly. Everything is sorted by actress, scenes...
  33. BlkHawk

    The Gun Control debate thread

    The hell you say! Now I know your just pulling shit out of your ass!
  34. BlkHawk

    In Alabama, you need a voter ID to vote. And blacks are gonna have a hard time getting one...

    So long as that part is true I don't have a problem with it, the link Sabrina posted had fees listed. As I said before that brings up bad memories of poll taxes that were used frequently in this nation.
  35. BlkHawk

    In Alabama, you need a voter ID to vote. And blacks are gonna have a hard time getting one...

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Iceman322 again. This rep system sucks, and thanks for the laugh Iceman!
  36. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    One of my favorite Alan Jackson songs: Drive. For me it was a 3020 John Deere tractor, International Harvester combine, and a '71 red Ford F350. Drove/steered all three of those while setting on my dad's lap as a kid.
  37. BlkHawk

    In Alabama, you need a voter ID to vote. And blacks are gonna have a hard time getting one...

    I'm not sure actually, I have known two people that law would have prevented from voting in at least one election. If you do not know the requirement beforehand and don't find out until you go to vote, the chances of getting that paperwork in time are slim. I would view it as more verification...
  38. BlkHawk

    In Alabama, you need a voter ID to vote. And blacks are gonna have a hard time getting one...

    It is not profiling but it can be very difficult to obtain at times. My grandfather never had one, he died in 1982 so he avoided some of the things it would be required for. My father didn't have access to one for years, the original was lost in a house fire, the one the state had got lost...
  39. BlkHawk

    What are you listening to right now?

    Miranda Lambert - Kerosene Album. Thought she looked hot on the cover :eek: so I decided to give it a try. Not a bad album if you like country.
  40. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Good choice, I have been a fan of Queensryche for quite some time, Metal was the only thing I listened to in the eighties/nineties, now that I'm in my forties I find I listen to anything I like. Case in point India Arie - Video. I find it funny this extremely beautiful woman doesn't think she...
  41. BlkHawk

    The Acorning of Planned Parenthood.

    Try watching The Young Turks video starting at the 3:20 mark to have an example of how useless and uncaring planned parenthood is for young broke women. That was sarcasm by the way, I know you cannot stand the fact that an organization you despise actually does a lot of good. Starting at 3:20...
  42. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Can't rep you maildude, but great choice. Had never heard them before, but this is another group going on my list. Thanks!
  43. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Listened to the full Warrel Dane album last night really enjoyed it, he has a very impressive voice, according ti Wikipedia he was trained as an opera singer. This one is hard for me to describe an exact feeling for, I have always found it to be a very beautiful song from Marc Cohn Walking in...
  44. BlkHawk

    The Acorning of Planned Parenthood.

    For those who missed it here is a clip of that part of the questioning from The Young Turks:
  45. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    Can't rep you mokbel69, but thanks for the Warrel Dane: Brother link. Never heard that before, but I am checking that album out.
  46. BlkHawk

    Do as I say, not as I do

    Well thankfully history has shown how benign nationalist movements are.
  47. BlkHawk

    Do as I say, not as I do

    Sure the Pope is a hypocrite, Matthew 12:1-8 See what the Pope would do if anyone tried verse 3-4 in Vatican City. Of course what would most Christians do if someone led a group of hungry people into their fields and started eating without paying for it? Back when I called myself Christian I...
  48. BlkHawk

    Music That Makes You Feel.

    First thanks to everyone for sharing I have found several new songs, and been brought back to some old neglected favorites. This is a new group I found on Jamendo called Waterpistol the are out of Amsterdam. War gives me a sense of deja vu I have been there before, plus the video is funny...
  49. BlkHawk

    Nice addition to the Music that makes you feel thread. It has been a long time since I have...

    Nice addition to the Music that makes you feel thread. It has been a long time since I have listened to Testament, that track reminds me of why I did.