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  1. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Looks like it was a good vacay Bri. Certainly glad to see you have made the transition into Summer mode so seamlessly :) Bet you owned all of your exams too.
  2. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA) My lips are sealed, alas I am quite certain Ceara Lynch does it better :)
  3. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA) My lips are sealed, alas I am quite certain Ceara Lynch does it better :)
  4. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    With the number of candidates, it almost seems like the competition could spread over two weeks. In any event, I am going to go with Miss OHara this week. She singlehandedly got me interested in Pokemon again or more specifically her much more appealing and arousing spin on it.
  5. alkidder

    Lucy Daily / Lucy O'Hara/ Lucy OHara

    Re: Lucy Daily / Lucy O'Hara/Lucy OHara I'm sorry Lucy. I've had my fair share of days that sucked. However the offer still stands if you ever want someone to regale your days to that are less ballsy :) Also the wallpaper section has a whole lot of Lucy to love. Makes you really want to...
  6. alkidder

    Briana Lee

    True that. She's fairly active on FB and I imagine Twitter as well. She's a busy body for sure but she won't forget about us :)
  7. alkidder

    Lucy Daily / Lucy O'Hara/ Lucy OHara

    Re: Lucy Daily / Lucy O'Hara/Lucy OHara Please do :) and feel free to get as detailed as you like.
  8. alkidder

    Aubrey Addams

    Yup, I shall never get tired at looking at Aubrey Addams :D
  9. alkidder

    The Official Mammary Monday thread!!

    I concur. Specifically the lips, although the eyes are quite striking as well.
  10. alkidder

    OCSMs as action heroes!

    Suraya Stars as Psylocke. Oh yes that would work quite nicely.
  11. alkidder

    Petition to change Lurking Dirk's name

    Other (please state) has a mysterious je ne sais quoi feel to it.
  12. alkidder


    I lived there for 3 and a half years and I certainly didn't scratch the surface as to everything there is to see and do. Off the top of my head, if you have the time between work I'd recommend taking a trip to Niagra Falls. Otherwise you can't go wrong going up either Bloor or Yonge street...
  13. alkidder

    Alas, I cannot currently rep you for it but I wanted to acknowledge your awesome banner. I...

    Alas, I cannot currently rep you for it but I wanted to acknowledge your awesome banner. I absolutely Ruv (that capital R is not a typo but to add emphasis) it!
  14. alkidder

    The Official Mammary Monday thread!!

    I do believe a wise person once said. If you take good care of your boobs, then your boobs will take good care of you.
  15. alkidder

    If you're not as big a fan of the new avatar then rest assured I won't be changing it for my...

    If you're not as big a fan of the new avatar then rest assured I won't be changing it for my account on your forums. I am all about pleasing my Miss above all else.
  16. alkidder

    It's like they designed this for Freeones members...

    It's half off regular price AND comes with the lube pump? No wonder there are only 2 left (as of this message)
  17. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA) If you are looking to expand the Mandy Flores empire I do believe you already have a great working title for the next great Children's Book. Sleepy Time with Mandy
  18. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA) If you are looking to expand the Mandy Flores empire I do believe you already have a great working title for the next great Children's Book. Sleepy Time with Mandy
  19. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    I almost forgot to vote this week. Miss Lee, First Name Briana
  20. alkidder

    ID: Teen giving handjob

    I got to bump this thread alas the only links of the videos she has done (that I have come across) are splashed across tube sites. Any ideas on who she is?
  21. alkidder

    Stuff That Makes You Laugh Uproariously

    The first part is okay but it's the escalator bit that always gets me. Fun to try for real too.
  22. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Nobody wears 'em better. I challenge anyone to disprove this :)
  23. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    +1 for the one and only Miss Hybrid
  24. alkidder

    My Special Summer

    That is an awesome deal Harley. Having previously been fortunate enough to get access to your site, this would be an excellent opportunity to become an official member of your site. As for Wisdom Teeth..eep, my experience getting them taken out was one for the record books. Hope your recovery...
  25. alkidder

    Welcome back Miss. Words cannot express how wonderful it is to have you among us again. How have...

    Welcome back Miss. Words cannot express how wonderful it is to have you among us again. How have you been doing though?
  26. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA)
  27. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA)
  28. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    The ladies are playing hardball this week with all the amazing and (arousing) pictures. Me thinks it will be a good finish.
  29. alkidder

    Poll: Who is a better actress, Amanda Bynes or Jennifer Aniston?

    Maggie Green :) She gets me going better then the other 2 choices.
  30. alkidder

    To all members: Fansigns?

    What's wrong Jaana? :(
  31. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Here's the thumb! Surely you will agree this was a fantastic video yes? Plus while being in the #6 place for most popular FOs personal stores is nice, I want to help you get to #1 :)
  32. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA) That is 20 minutes I wish I could have sat in on... Strictly for observational purposes of course If you could be a superhero I think Miss Fantastic is appropriate
  33. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! (AMA) That is 20 minutes I wish I could have sat in on... Strictly for observational purposes of course If you could be a superhero I think Miss Fantastic is appropriate
  34. alkidder

    The Official Harley Spencer Discussion Thread! (AMA)

    That is a fantastic looking design for a tattoo Harley. You certainly have the artistic skills. Me thinks the finished product is going to look equally stunning.
  35. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    I am proud to announce I spent the last of my FOs points on a video from your Personal Store Bri T'was very very good ;)
  36. alkidder

    To all members: Fansigns?

    Clubber Gunn? Can't forget Thunder Lips either.
  37. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    I'm going to have to give it up (or is it get it up?) to the birthday girl this week. Candy Ann Also because it's his birthday too, I think Roald should be automatically entered in next week's OCSM of the Week. Dude has been consistent since he first started posting here.
  38. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Absolutely loverly Bri. Also like the tanning pic you posted on FB. Those legs of yours are simply wow wow wow
  39. alkidder

    Which thread are you looking for? Also happy early birthday! :)

    Which thread are you looking for? Also happy early birthday! :)
  40. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    Mag-a Lita should start trending on Twitter :) Congrats to two incredibly sexy ladies. Meow indeed.
  41. alkidder

    No Problem and thank you kindly for the Rep.

    No Problem and thank you kindly for the Rep.
  42. alkidder

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Olympus Has Fallen. It's Die-Hard but easier on the eyes (trading in Gerald Butler for Bruce Willis) and with less kooky catchphrases
  43. alkidder

    The Rainbow-Unicorn-Thread

    Unicorns make Math fun!........right?
  44. alkidder

    Freaky Friday

    Someone has been practicing :) Another very thing of beauty.
  45. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    Since I can't vote twice in the same week, I'm going to have to save a vote for the next time you are nommed :)
  46. alkidder

    The Official Harley Spencer Discussion Thread! (AMA)

    Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread! Ah 5 gum. It does for your mouth what Herbal Essences does for your hair.. I presume :suspicious: Hope you feel better soon Harley!
  47. alkidder

    To all members: Fansigns?

    I was going to go with unique. We got that in spades! Although I have my odd moments, like every single day.
  48. alkidder

    To all members: Fansigns?

    We Canadians aren't too bad :)
  49. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Loving the Twister set Bri :) Now as hot as that set was, I think a Shuffleboard set would melt the internet :D
  50. alkidder

    To all members: Fansigns?

    I don't use twitter and I can see it. That cat has good penmanship.