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  • I might sit on your ween, I may not. Chances are...not. It all depends on how good my sub is. Now, I'm wondering if I should go with the broiled chiken or the roast beef, so it can remind me eating pussy.
    Mojito? MoHEEEEtooooeeees...I might make some of those tonight. Part girly, part delicious, part for ME!!! Now, I just have to figure out what to do for dinner; sub sandwich or leftover pizza...
    It's nice today. 36 degrees, nice breeze, not too sunny, not too cloudy, nice. Plus, I'll be getting some beer in a minute, so that will make everything even more awesomey.

    How goes it in your parts?
    Very good saying. I try to go ahead into the unknown- especially sexually- within reason.

    Not sure I should ask, but...who is Phillip Bertrand? Did he murder and eat seventy widows and tiny orphans or something equally heinous? Like wear pink ankle socks with jeans?:rofl:

    I chose Philbert 'cause I have always found it to be a seriously nerdy name...hence the contrast to myself.
    Torre; just working as hard as I can, economy is starting to slow me down, and trying to stay out of trouble!! How Ya Doing On Your End??? C-Ya & Have A Good One!!
    Wotcher, Torre. I want to know what music you like before I add you as a friend (and start sending you evil gabber techno). Write back when you're free. T666.

    PS Don't add me unless you're prepared for gabber.

    PPS I haven't sent you a friend request yet and you don't have to add me as a friend anyway.

    PPPS Just tell me what music you like. T666
    Hi man:wave2:,the posting is going well but my english is not very well and that's the reason that I give you the impression to be antisocial.
    By the way,seeing your avatar,I read a few days ago about the reunion of Faith No More.
    Thanks for your message.
    Not sure what happened pressed control + something :dunno: = BOOM whole page goes.

    All hail the mighty Euro :bowdown: it shall destroy us all!!! I'll take my money in gold thank you very much. I dont want those sleazy bastards looking after it. Gold.........gimmie gimmie gimmie.

    Anyway, I've totally lost the "cunt" game. You win O' glorious master. I bask in the light that shines from your cunt. The Cunt Master :hatsoff:
    Shit man, I lost my post. Some cunt must have gotten it. Cuntng computers and there cunting ways who knows wht cunt is going to do next.

    I had a nice long post lined up but some cunt does something and the whole cunts gone, I'm one pissed off cunt.
    Cunts today, always cunting off to cunts I have no cunting idea who those cunts are. I hear you my fellow cunt in arms. Cunts are tasty in all sizes flavours and shapes, except those old cunts that cunt all over the cunt when a cunts hungry. But you cunt discrimicuunt against these cunts when a cunts gotta cunt.......he cunts.

    What the cunt, whats with the wordcunt on this cunt? I try to cunt out my messacunts when messages come cunting up saying cunts written to much cuntng cunt, what the cunt is all this cunt, when I want a cunt I cunt. I dont wait for yes cunt or no cunt. When cunt presents iteself to another cunt what can a cunt do other than cunt in his cunting pants. All these cunts if you cant cunt a cunt what can you cunt?

    Cunts for cunts or against cunts, now that cunts dont have cunts on their back the real cunts can rise up, get wet and slide across another cunt once agian. Its time for cunt on cunt actions. Let the cuntrising begin!!!
    Whats all this nasty cunt business guv'ner. That old cunt off the telly would use his cunt to tell us about us cunts an how to save the cunts from extinction.

    What next, cunts charity funds, cunts for jesus? Where have all the good cunts gone? they were here yesterday, those fucking cunts always getting cunty on me when I need those cunts most. You know whats wrong with em, they's cunts and as cunts no matter how much cunt you give em they always wants more. Cunts.

    Now how can us cunts be good cunts, when cunts have cunts who are cunts, cunts in cunts dont make cunts on toast. Whats cunts do and cunts dont is have a cunt at one another with cunts in mind, now if only cunts, cunts and cunts could be cunts once more. All us cunts could rub against one another in the tradition of those old cunts who once cunted around with those cunts up north. Aint those cunts a bunch of cunts.
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