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  • I can definitely say the same of you, since you started off by making assumptions without checking. Nice talk, we should do this again, never.
    And some people speak out of turn without finding out what they are talking about, don't you.
    Wait, weasels are bad now? That HAS to be Pauly Shore's fault. DAMN YOU PAULY SHORE! WHY MUST YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!
    Well, I've been blacklisted since October, so things are a bit rough these days, but I'm apparently off the list, so work is starting to pick up for me. 2 months too late, though, as our busy season is from mid-September to mid-November. Other than that, I'm still going to school, and I was installed as an officer of my Masonic lodge 2 weeks ago. So, things could be better, but they could be worse.

    They really had hockey riots up there? That's crazy!
    First, it was Mulder. He's obviously an alien in a human shell. He doesn't age.

    Second, I was hoping your next tat would be on your scrotum. I won't deny being somewhat upset, as your lower regions could do with a bit of sprucing up.
    I found a picture of you. You look good.

    Yeah, mine was similar. Had 2 jobs that day. Oh, but then I went to this bar that was having its anniversary celebration and they had jello wrestling... :D
    Hey, how's things going? I've got a question, how do you pronounce your username? Is it "Plas-muh-twa-two"! or it the 2 supposed to be like a leet-speak seven?
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