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  • Ah yeah I actually thought it was that.

    So I was right it would change your horny thoughts about me (if you actually have some) huh? If I don't fit your expectations.
    Well of course not horny thoughts in general, but horny thoughts about me! ;)

    Aaaaaanyway....I somehow want to say it now though, cause you're so suh-weet! :kiss:
    But you can't look at my personality when you feel lonely. You could just look at a pic. And that wouldn't help or give you horny thoughts if I'm not hot enough! Right? :o

    But thank you anyway! :lovecoupl I won't tell you now that I love you...would be lame...and you know it already! :D ;)
    Well I could send you a picture of me for when you feel lonely or want to make you some horny thoughts or something like that! :D :lovecoupl

    I'm just kidding. I'm not that hot! :( :o
    Nintendo DS shopping?! :eek: It's not christmas yet! Lucky girls get spoiled! ;)

    If I had a baby girl I would also get her everything she wanted! :o I guess I could not reject one wish of her! I'm so weak! :shy:
    Can't argue with that, caffeine and some fresh carcinogens, breakfast of champions! But first i gotta get off this phone, get out of bed, and go make the stuff. That's actually the hard part.
    Got that right baby. Speaking of naughty, you and Lurky still owe me a mobile video. Although I can't figure out how to get back to Freeones mobile to save my life.
    LOL, you better. But now I can't remember what I was gonna say.
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