Has the FreeOnes Board become obsolete?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Obsolete? No. Irrelevant? Maybe. Stagnant? Most definitely. But it kind of goes in cycles. There'll be an uptick any time. Who knows what will be the catalyst, possibly the AHOTY award nominations and election, which I've conveniently included a link to just beneath my signature.
Obsolete? No. Irrelevant? Maybe. Stagnant? Most definitely. But it kind of goes in cycles. There'll be an uptick any time. Who knows what will be the catalyst, possibly the AHOTY award nominations and election, which I've conveniently included a link to just beneath my signature.

Board whore with your shameless self-promotion of your own thread. :sarcasm:

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Here's a classic example of the kind of unwarranted BS people on this forum will drop on us ladies, and then wonder why we might not want to be around. this is the entire statement I made on the "What's your favorite food?" thread. I in know way was trying to push anything, just stating what my old favorite was and well you can see here.....

"Ok I used to LOVE me a certain butchers NY Steak, I would put it up against ANY other cut it was so phenomenal.. but.... I have gone Vegan since march of last year and now my absolute favorite thing is an Italian Sausage from a company called 'Field Roast' .... just love the shit out of it and it helps me not miss meat in the slightest"

The response I got was this:

Oh look, someone piped up about being vegan without prompting and it only took sixteen hours. Which is lightning fast on the board these days. No offense, but vegans have got to interject their lifestyle into conversation as quickly as possible. I treat it like I would with someone who has a facial tattoo. Generally I don't want to speak to them unless I have to but I know it's gonna be bad.

I didn't say a goddamn word about my lifestyle any more than others in the thread saying they were on this diet or that diet and would love to have some fucking pizza.

So, in closing, is it easy to not come here when I get this kind of treatment? Absolutely. But do I leave? No, and I'm not bitching either, I'm just showing you and example that happened today (for me) of why so many ladies have left or just don't give a fuck about members on the board anymore :)
So, in closing, is it easy to not come here when I get this kind of treatment? Absolutely. But do I leave? No, and I'm not bitching either, I'm just showing you and example that happened today (for me) of why so many ladies have left or just don't give a fuck about members on the board anymore :)
Relative anonymity makes some people act in ways that they wouldn't in person. It also seems to me as if people worldwide are becoming less agreeable in general IMO. I doubt that many among the intelligentsia would argue that the Western world (and perhaps the entire world) is not decadent these days. Humanity is very destructive -- and the Internet has only made that fact painfully obvious to many more people now than at perhaps any other point in history.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Here's a classic example of the kind of unwarranted BS people on this forum will drop on us ladies, and then wonder why we might not want to be around. this is the entire statement I made on the "What's your favorite food?" thread. I in know way was trying to push anything, just stating what my old favorite was and well you can see here.....

"Ok I used to LOVE me a certain butchers NY Steak, I would put it up against ANY other cut it was so phenomenal.. but.... I have gone Vegan since march of last year and now my absolute favorite thing is an Italian Sausage from a company called 'Field Roast' .... just love the shit out of it and it helps me not miss meat in the slightest"

The response I got was this:

Oh look, someone piped up about being vegan without prompting and it only took sixteen hours. Which is lightning fast on the board these days. No offense, but vegans have got to interject their lifestyle into conversation as quickly as possible. I treat it like I would with someone who has a facial tattoo. Generally I don't want to speak to them unless I have to but I know it's gonna be bad.

I didn't say a goddamn word about my lifestyle any more than others in the thread saying they were on this diet or that diet and would love to have some fucking pizza.

So, in closing, is it easy to not come here when I get this kind of treatment? Absolutely. But do I leave? No, and I'm not bitching either, I'm just showing you and example that happened today (for me) of why so many ladies have left or just don't give a fuck about members on the board anymore :)

I just saw that post this morning, and felt exactly the same way.

It's fine to disagree on things, but people don't need to be so unnecessarily rude and uptight so often for no good reason, completely unwarranted. So much negativity without need. That kind of stuff doesn't upset me anymore like it did years ago, as these days I tend to just roll my eyes. I have such little patience for it, and don't care much to get into many arguments or debates, since it never solves anything. It's meh to me these days, and since it's so prevalent, I can't be bothered to post as much. Twitter, fetlife, and reddit is where I spend most of my time now.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
I just saw that post this morning, and felt exactly the same way.

It's fine to disagree on things, but people don't need to be so unnecessarily rude and uptight so often for no good reason, completely unwarranted. So much negativity without need. That kind of stuff doesn't upset me anymore like it did years ago, as these days I tend to just roll my eyes. I have such little patience for it, and don't care much to get into many arguments or debates, since it never solves anything. It's meh to me these days, and since it's so prevalent, I can't be bothered to post as much. Twitter, fetlife, and reddit is where I spend most of my time now.

I completely agree, though I don't use reddit... is it very effective for promotion? Anyway, I didn't even bother to acknowledge it there, just used it to make a point, it too was just a roll my eyes moment.
I just saw that post this morning, and felt exactly the same way.

It's fine to disagree on things, but people don't need to be so unnecessarily rude and uptight so often for no good reason, completely unwarranted. So much negativity without need. That kind of stuff doesn't upset me anymore like it did years ago, as these days I tend to just roll my eyes. I have such little patience for it, and don't care much to get into many arguments or debates, since it never solves anything. It's meh to me these days, and since it's so prevalent, I can't be bothered to post as much. Twitter, fetlife, and reddit is where I spend most of my time now.

It's funny that you mention fet. I stopped really using it (though I have a link in my signature to it) because of all the shameless self-promotion that was taking place there. I always saw that place as a way to either make friends or find a date for the truly kinkiest of us. Anyway, just my :twocents:.

As for the post by Dipshit McTwatwad on your vegan post Mandy, well unfortunately yeah, I wouldn't give a shit about people around here either. Being a porn star/adult model has its own set of "occupational hazards" because society is so Puritanical in its nature towards sex workers. Therefore people like they can get away with saying and doing anything to you despite it being cruel, hateful, and in some cases non-consensual. Look at what happened to Danica Dillon with that Duggar dirty douche-drinker. Mouth breathers who think its okay to rape women, despite their occupation, need to have their dick and balls fed to them in tiny pieces while being simultaneously ass raped with a barbwire ball bat. I feel the same for people who rape babies. Sorry for the graphic violence, I just don't have tolerance for that anymore. I don't have tolerance for people who go beyond a simple trolling, too. Don't get me wrong, I love a good asshatted troll from time to time. I even open the door on occasion. However, at the end of the day, no matter what my judgment is of a person's intelligence - I don't want to physically or mentally hurt them - maybe crush their pride a little - but not hurt them. Most people like to spread misery around. They don't want to be alone in their butthurt so they try to crush people's souls. Maybe that dude got blue balls from a hot vegan girl or something and now he's dishing the butthurt back out on you - sexworker - because he feels like it is of no consequence and his opinions of said vegans are correct and that Mandy Flores is just another "stupid vegan" like all the ones that won't give him a good fisting in the ass or something. Either way, his spraying of shit eating goodness to the world shows more about him as a person than it does about you. I'm sure you already know this and don't need my affirmation. Yeah, I know you're not bitching and it is a good example. Once upon a time we use to banhammer fucktards like that just to show them that their lack of a sense of taste and humor wasn't welcomed. We even had to do it to a couple of OCSMs a time or two and then got called fascists for doing so. Things have changed alot around here since I started lurking way back in 2001-2002. I remember the early days when Crissy Moran and Erica Campbell posted all the time. That dates me by a long shot. I didn't become a full-fledged member until 2003-2004.
The adult business is an odd one. There is a short window of time for many that enter the adult industry and exit it. STDs, drugs, the criticism, the behind-the-scenes assholery that happens, the outside-the-lines assholery that happens, family criticism, and now the lack of income make many people come and go. This little board was once a great mirror reflecting both the consumer and the producer of that industry. Now, I don't think it is anywhere close to what it once was.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
I completely agree, though I don't use reddit... is it very effective for promotion? Anyway, I didn't even bother to acknowledge it there, just used it to make a point, it too was just a roll my eyes moment.

Oh yes, it's very effective :) There are even some selling subs on there and I've made a fair amount of money from it. You could probably do pretty well yourself as well!

Even without the selling bit, I spend a lot of time on there on different subs just chatting.

It's funny that you mention fet. I stopped really using it (though I have a link in my signature to it) because of all the shameless self-promotion that was taking place there. I always saw that place as a way to either make friends or find a date for the truly kinkiest of us. Anyway, just my :twocents:.

As for the post by Dipshit McTwatwad on your vegan post Mandy, well unfortunately yeah, I wouldn't give a shit about people around here either. Being a porn star/adult model has its own set of "occupational hazards" because society is so Puritanical in its nature towards sex workers. Therefore people like they can get away with saying and doing anything to you despite it being cruel, hateful, and in some cases non-consensual. Look at what happened to Danica Dillon with that Duggar dirty douche-drinker. Mouth breathers who think its okay to rape women, despite their occupation, need to have their dick and balls fed to them in tiny pieces while being simultaneously ass raped with a barbwire ball bat. I feel the same for people who rape babies. Sorry for the graphic violence, I just don't have tolerance for that anymore. I don't have tolerance for people who go beyond a simple trolling, too. Don't get me wrong, I love a good asshatted troll from time to time. I even open the door on occasion. However, at the end of the day, no matter what my judgment is of a person's intelligence - I don't want to physically or mentally hurt them - maybe crush their pride a little - but not hurt them. Most people like to spread misery around. They don't want to be alone in their butthurt so they try to crush people's souls. Maybe that dude got blue balls from a hot vegan girl or something and now he's dishing the butthurt back out on you - sexworker - because he feels like it is of no consequence and his opinions of said vegans are correct and that Mandy Flores is just another "stupid vegan" like all the ones that won't give him a good fisting in the ass or something. Either way, his spraying of shit eating goodness to the world shows more about him as a person than it does about you. I'm sure you already know this and don't need my affirmation. Yeah, I know you're not bitching and it is a good example. Once upon a time we use to banhammer fucktards like that just to show them that their lack of a sense of taste and humor wasn't welcomed. We even had to do it to a couple of OCSMs a time or two and then got called fascists for doing so. Things have changed alot around here since I started lurking way back in 2001-2002. I remember the early days when Crissy Moran and Erica Campbell posted all the time. That dates me by a long shot. I didn't become a full-fledged member until 2003-2004.
The adult business is an odd one. There is a short window of time for many that enter the adult industry and exit it. STDs, drugs, the criticism, the behind-the-scenes assholery that happens, the outside-the-lines assholery that happens, family criticism, and now the lack of income make many people come and go. This little board was once a great mirror reflecting both the consumer and the producer of that industry. Now, I don't think it is anywhere close to what it once was.

I don't use Fet all that much, and don't actually really promote myself on it much at all. I think I've mentioned sales all of 3 times in my entire year there. I only go on once in a while to browse groups and find stuff to talk about.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
It's funny that you mention fet. I stopped really using it (though I have a link in my signature to it) because of all the shameless self-promotion that was taking place there. I always saw that place as a way to either make friends or find a date for the truly kinkiest of us. Anyway, just my :twocents:.

As for the post by Dipshit McTwatwad on your vegan post Mandy.................................... Priceless, got a good giggle out of that :)
There is a short window of time for many that enter the adult industry and exit it. STDs, drugs, the criticism, the behind-the-scenes assholery that happens, the outside-the-lines assholery that happens, family criticism, and now the lack of income make many people come and go. This little board was once a great mirror reflecting both the consumer and the producer of that industry. Now, I don't think it is anywhere close to what it once was.

I've been very fortunate because I have only had to work with myself, a couple of girls of my choosing, and of course my man. I do very little camming as well. Been able to avoid a lot of the B.S. that way and not had to beg for a paycheck.

Oh yes, it's very effective :) There are even some selling subs on there and I've made a fair amount of money from it. You could probably do pretty well yourself as well!

Even without the selling bit, I spend a lot of time on there on different subs just chatting.

Sweet, I'm always happy to find another place where I get to be the new girl :) Thank you!

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
I completely agree, though I don't use reddit... is it very effective for promotion? Anyway, I didn't even bother to acknowledge it there, just used it to make a point, it too was just a roll my eyes moment.

I've been very fortunate because I have only had to work with myself, a couple of girls of my choosing, and of course my man. I do very little camming as well. Been able to avoid a lot of the B.S. that way and not had to beg for a paycheck.

Sweet, I'm always happy to find another place where I get to be the new girl :) Thank you!

Ha yes, it's always fun to be new in a place. You get all that extra attention for a little while :)


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Has the FreeOnes Board become obsolete?

I don't think the board has become obsolete, perhaps a bit neglected but that will change. Either the currently active members will stage a rally or an influx of newbies will resuscitate things, two possible outcomes. Or a bunch of old members will remember why they racked up thousands of posts and come back for old times sake. Depends though, do the FreeOnes admins/owner want the board to thrive? I'm sure a little promotion of some sort would brink Rocky to life, there's enough content to keep anyone perusing the site at large for years (I know, all too well!).


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
The fact that HeroPorn hasn't been banned, even just temporarily, for at least one very excessive personal attack (in a post chock-full of that and other logical fallacies) should tell people all that they need to know about the FreeOnes board as it is nowadays... :(

Also, there's the James Deen contest. Let's not even go there.

Let me ask you this. Did you report the post? Did you ask the moderators or admins for any help?

Guy's, this board is massive. And we do not and cannot read everything. Its impossible. Literally impossible.

We're happy to hear your arguments, but if its not brought to our attention, well, there you go. :/


The fact that HeroPorn hasn't been banned, even just temporarily, for at least one very excessive personal attack (in a post chock-full of that and other logical fallacies) should tell people all that they need to know about the FreeOnes board as it is nowadays... :(

Also, there's the James Deen contest. Let's not even go there.
If someone should be banned, it would be you nazi prick.
Let me ask you this. Did you report the post? Did you ask the moderators or admins for any help?
No I didn't, admittedly. I figured that one of the mods might see what happened and notify the admins. I suppose I should have taken a more proactive approach.

Is it going to be one of those days?
Apparently it is. I apologize for not handling this properly.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
No I didn't, admittedly. I figured that one of the mods might see what happened and notify the admins. I suppose I should have taken a more proactive approach.


Apparently it is. I apologize for not handling this properly.

Not the biggest deal. We're here to help everyone here. And we do modify rules for people.

People say there's too many rules, so we cut back. Then they say there's not enough, so we add back in. Finding that happy medium is incredibly challenging. But the point is, we are here to help make sure you're happy and having a good time. We are approachable, we're nice, and snappy dressers.

People fight online, people bicker online, its life in 2016. If anyone has a beef, just drop us a line. We'll at least look into it.
People say there's too many rules, so we cut back. Then they say there's not enough, so we add back in. Finding that happy medium is incredibly challenging. But the point is, we are here to help make sure you're happy and having a good time. We are approachable, we're nice, and snappy dressers.
Homogenizing the rules and FAQ and updating them might help. The FAQ current says that "Hardcore images are not allowed unless you are an OCSM or ACO," but that doesn't seem to be enforced (I and others have posted HC images). It also says "The source (where you got the images) must be included if they are not part of a sample gallery," but that doesn't seem to be enforced either (and would be tedious for casual posters).

Also, it'd be nice to be able to post short mp4/webm clips. I made some animated gifs from porn scenes in the past, but webm (and especially mp4) is just so much better -- and I deleted the gifs. There are some webm hosts out there, but knowing which ones we can use here (if any) for hotlinking (video tag?) or merely URL dropping would be great.

Then again, there's always copyright and CYA. Growing lax about this stuff could end up being a bad decision, as we saw with that other forum's recent legal fun.