more like part douche.
honestly, I really believe that a large part of this neo-revolutionary sentiment that has sprung up over the last few years around the 911 conspiracy theory is either disinformation put out by the government and possibly as a means to recognize and keep tabs on radicals, or else it's put out by fascist xenophobe groups that want to undermine positive democratic reform and instill fear in the populace.
sure, there's some of it that are honest people that I would call social-justice activists, but I think a good deal of them are people with hidden agendas just trying to take advantage of our chaotic times.
You stupid, ignorant sheep. Seriously. I bet you are one of these rich people working with the government to bring the New World Order.
Lets put 1 and 1 together shall we ? - American mint's have already started producing the "Amero" - A currency that shall be used by The United States, Canada and Mexico... (See here -
What better way to bring in a new currency than scare people into WANTING their savings kept with the current financial crisis going on... The government are going to tell people that the only way for them to keep their education systems, houses, cars, money etc is for them to switch to the "Amero" otherwise they would have no other way to pay for them meaning it would all be owned by your government.
Also - All of these bank merges are pushing for one thing... ONE BANKING SYSTEM... They want One army, one bank, one government, one police force, one everything... To keep us as slaves... Just ask yourself this question... This $700,000,000,000 That your government have passed recently.. If they gave everyone in the world 1 million Dollars, That would only be only about 7 Billion US Dollars - If everyone had 1 million dollars they would not work - Correct ? Money would be worth the same seeing as everyone got that 1 million dollars. Without any work their system would crumble, Do people want to work ? NO. They are being forced into work to stay alive - SLAVERY.
Please good sir, If you are unable to put 1 and 1 together I suggest you commit suicide.