Zack and Miri: Make a porno, who else saw it and what did you think of it ?

A Kevin Smith film set outside of the View Askewniverse? I dont know.

That's what I'm thinking, but I'm sure Senob will buy it on DVD (used, of course) in time.

I know, should be interesting. I heard he might be making Dogma 2.
I'm ready for Clerks 3. :D

Dogma 2 would be snazzy, but we have to wait till another ten years pass for Clerks 3. *pout*

Will E Worm

Dogma 2 would be snazzy, but we have to wait till another ten years pass for Clerks 3. *pout*

Ten years!? :rolleyes: I hope to see Dogma 2, A Jay and Slient Bob movie,
Then Clerks 3.

Kevin Smith: "Back when I made DOGMA, I always maintained that another movie about religion wouldn't be forthcoming.
Now? I think I might have more to say."

We will have to wait and see.