YouTube's New Policy


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Youtube can pretty much go to hell imo.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It already has. It's more like corporatetube now.
It's smart in a business sense. Now they can direct ads that will suit your interests that are based off your google search information. That way you are more likely to buy, or invest time in a product offered in the stupid asshole ads at the side of the video.

Marketing genius? Yes.

Annoying as fuck? Yes.

Does it make a difference? No.


Official Checked Star Member
I tried posting my vlogs to Vimeo for a while, but that place is much worse than YouTube. :dunno:
What's wrong with gmail? :dunno:

You have to sign in to watch anything worth watching. Finding good videos on YouTube is like sifting through a river of shit for gold.

You read that quote in the Time magazine issue about Youtube! Or was it Newsweek?