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The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Umm... I dont really feel anything except a slight contempt at the use of a tazer at an outdoor venue where it didnt much matter. Meh.
thats a crazy video, did keep on tazering him for the fun of it or what lol? and also....WHERE THE FUCK IS HIS PENIS!


As entertaining as that was (and it really really was) I do feel that taser was a little unnecessary. And then to keep doing it over and over again when he was already on the ground. Naked.

"But Spleen, he was resisting arrest!"

So fucking what? He's a naked stoned hippy! They are three very built cops who can easily deal with him. One even says to the tasercop "no" when he first goes to use it. That guy was ITCHING to pull the trigger. I'm surprised he didn't go for his gun.

For entertainment sake, I'm glad he got tased, but that cop needs to lose his job.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
taser Naked.

"But Spleen, he was resisting arrest!"

naked stoned hippy! three cops. tasercop "no" ITCHING to pull. tased

The reader's digest condensed post by spleen, for your viewing pleasure.
funny video turns into debate over the use of tazers in 5..4..3..2..1

Thank God he was white! or it would turn into racist cop brutality discussion :1orglaugh
Hmmm. I usually don't do this, but maybe it was a good thing they had the tazers. Otherwise one of the police officers might have used his gun instead.

But really, how easy is it to get accepted into the police academy in the US? Where I live it's really hard. Being a police officer is concidered prestigeous. The police academy education is equaled to three years of university. I don't see how any of those walruses could be accepted into any law enforcement agency.

And also: What the fuck is up with his penis?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

And also: What the fuck is up with his penis?

Drugs affect the libido. An unused organ tends to shrink. WHOO! LET'S GET HIGH! Oh man I'm so not in the mood to fuck. Let's pass out on Thurgood's couch. Or... the chair.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I've had a change of heart. Cuz.. ya know what's sad? That fuckbag tiny-cocked excuse of a man shows some confidence while high off his ass at a concert and probably gets way more pussy than me.

That by itself is reason enough. Taze that useless douche and carry him off to jail or prison where he can be a 'bottom' for a horny inmate. Repeatedly.

To those that're wondering: Yes I've had a bad day. Fuck off.