You're all losers!!!

If you were paid one million dollars; would you let Shane Diesel deep throat you mercilessly?
You motherfucker you dare call me a loser. I'll kick your motherfucker ass, call me a loser. Yeah, that right, boy who the fuck you think you're talking to, bitch, motherfucker?.

I'm just kidding... sup dawg?.:glugglug:
You are unable to match wits or skillz with this!

Oh sorry for all you non-Russians!
This thread is nothing but a bastardized representation of what Freeones truly stands for!

SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!!!! :mad:
HATER! How dare you hate against a perfect specimen that of the model I show you!!!! DAMN


24788 said:
It's a thread about just talking. Anyone watching tv?

Umm, yeah, I'm watching TV alright ...

There's this big discussion ongoing in awashington about ''Don't ask ~:shy:~ Don't tell'' relative to military recruitment and I have to ask, where are this nation's priorities ?...
....up the ass it sure sounds like ! :sex:

Go ahead all u softies :scream: throw me under the f'in bus already, but
aren't there a gajillion other more productive things that this gumment should be working to remedy ? Why all of this touchy feely elective - auxiliary stuff ?

Oh well, I'd better go mop the kitchen like I had promised.

GO Sharks !
:glugglug: :hatsoff: