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Your thoughts?

Medical Student Busted at 9/11 Memorial for Thinking NYC Is Part of America

Does this mean the terrorists have won? No; but it means the moonbats are winning:

Meredith Graves, 39, is facing at least three years in prison for thinking New York’s gun laws are anything like those in the Bible Belt.

Graves, a fourth-year medical student, showed up at the [9/11] memorial on Dec. 22 to pay her respects during a trip north for a job interview.

She didn’t realize that the loaded .32-caliber pistol in her purse would be a problem until she saw a sign at the site that read, “No guns allowed,” sources said.

“She remembered she had the gun on her,” a source said. She walked up to a security guard and said, “I have this gun. Where can I check it?”

Instead of checking her gun, authorities dragged her off to a cage in chains like a criminal.

Graves, who has a full legal carry permit in Tennessee, was locked up on a weapons-possession charge and held on $2,000 bond that she posted yesterday. … The Manhattan DA’s Office is pursuing a conviction on felony gun possession — carrying a minimum sentence of 3 1/2 years.

Mayor Bloomberg, with the help of the five district attorneys, has crusaded against the flow of illegal guns, especially from the [hated by Northeastern liberal authoritarians] South.

Explains the victim’s mother-in-law, who lives in New Jersey,

“Everyone down there carries, and she just forgot. She was being honest, and this is the treatment they give innocent people.”

Still worse is the treatment they given the Constitution, which being federal is supposed to apply even in moonbat bastions like New York.


Another Innocent Tourist Imprisoned by NYC Anti-Gun Zealots

Last time it was a medical student; now it’s a former Marine:

Ryan Jerome was enjoying his first trip to New York City on business when the former Marine Corps gunner walked up to a security officer at the Empire State Building and asked where he should check his gun.

That was when Jerome’s nightmare began. The security officer called police and Jerome spent the next two days in jail.

The 28-year-old with no criminal history now faces a mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in prison. If convicted, his sentence could be as high as fifteen years.

Jerome has a valid concealed carry permit in Indiana and visited New York believing that it was legal to bring his firearm. He was traveling with $15,000 worth of jewelry that he planned to sell.

The online gun-law information Jerome read was inaccurate, however, and his late September arrest initiated what may become a protracted criminal saga.

Another life has been destroyed by the mistaken assumption that New York City is still part of America, subject to the restraints on government tyranny guaranteed in the Constitution.

In a similar case, Tea Party Patriots cofounder Mark Meckler was arrested for attempting to check in a Glock locked in a box while traveling through LaGuardia:

Meckler, 49, declared the weapon, as required, authorities said. He’s licensed to carry the gun in Grass Valley, Calif., where he lives, but that license isn’t valid in New York, which has strict rules on carrying concealed weapons, they said.

“He didn’t have a correct understanding of the law,” said Al Della Fave, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which polices the area’s main airports. “Though he has a permit to carry in California, that did not cover him in the state of New York.”

Meckler spent the day in jail and was arraigned in Queens … on a felony weapons possession charge.

Since Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg’s fiefdom is no longer part of America in any meaningful sense, the State Department should issue a warning that travelers to this forbidding authoritarian dystopia are subject to inappropriate imprisonment based on unconstitutional local laws.
When you start forgetting that you are carrying a fucking gun you shouldn't be allowed to carry it at all. Any responsible gun owner would check local laws and see what is legal in the area. And it is common knowledge that NYC has strict gun laws.
I hope she gets the chair :mad: ps How on earth do you forget you're carrying a gun, it's not a fashion accessory
I hope she gets the chair :mad: ps How on earth do you forget you're carrying a gun, it's not a fashion accessory

She didn't "forget" she was carrying her pistol. It never says that in the article.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
She didn't "forget" she was carrying her pistol. It never says that in the article.
“She remembered she had the gun on her,” a source said.

“Everyone down there carries, and she just forgot. She was being honest, and this is the treatment they give innocent people.”

Yep, that's the end of this thread.

Gun laws differ from state to state. Plan accordingly.
I wonder if we will see this played out in other aspects of life…

I have a Texas drivers license, but can’t drive in Michigan.

I got married in Alabama, but Oregon does not recognize it.

Let's say someone's son was born in Kansas, but New York does not recognize Kansas as part of America, so my son isn’t a citizen.

And that does not even begin to cover the fact that these idiots in New York are trying to regulate A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!
I wonder if we will see this played out in other aspects of life…

I have a Texas drivers license, but can’t drive in Michigan.

I got married in Alabama, but Oregon does not recognize it.

Let's say someone's son was born in Kansas, but New York does not recognize Kansas as part of America, so my son isn’t a citizen.

And that does not even begin to cover the fact that these idiots in New York are trying to regulate A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!

A drivers license and a marriage certificate aren't deadly weapons moron. And now Kansas isn't apart of America.. :facepalm: You are absolutely clueless.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Just so we're clear then, you want to take Tennessee's gun laws and make them applicable in New York? Isn't that your big issue here? I'm not sure if you're aware, but the crime and murder rate in Tennessee is significantly lower than the crime and murder rate in New York. Thus, in the Big Apple, there needs to be more control over firearms in order to keep people safe. We wouldn't want pickup trucks with shotgun racks rolling around downtown New York now would we? No, that would be a recipe for disaster.

Now, if you'll refer back to your second grade American History textbook. State's rights versus a federal mandate were one of the key issues during the writing of the Declaration and also in the writing of the Constitution. In some cases, gun laws for examples, the states are allowed to regulate their use as applicable. That's why we have different laws in Tennessee than we do in New York in regards to firearms and how they can be carried or stored in homes, vehicles, and even on your person.

Would you want New York's gun laws to be applied to every state? No, Mr. Generic Conservative in favor of the right to carry a gun, you would not. You would be in favor of a more relaxed regulation, like what we have in Tennessee for example. And that explains why someone from Tennessee could be arrested in New York for carrying her weapon on her even though it's perfectly legal in her home state. What works in one state does not always work in another.
Just so we're clear then, you want to take Tennessee's gun laws and make them applicable in New York?
I want all 50 states to allow the carrying of a gun.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but the crime and murder rate in Tennessee is significantly lower than the crime and murder rate in New York.
Oh I'm well aware of that statistic. That is why New York should get with the program and allow AMERICANS who live in Bew York to carry a gun.

Thus, in the Big Apple, there needs to be more control over firearms in order to keep people safe.
Wrong! There needs to be less control over firearms in order to keep people safe. Are you trying to tell me it's safe now in New York with their ridiculous gun ban laws? Get real! Gun laws do not decrease crime.

We wouldn't want pickup trucks with shotgun racks rolling around downtown New York now would we? No, that would be a recipe for disaster.
Yes we would. And it wouldn't be a recipe for a disaster. It's currently a disaster with the shitty anti-gun laws they already have in place.

Would you want New York's gun laws to be applied to every state? No, Mr. Generic Conservative in favor of the right to carry a gun, you would not.
No, but I would like New York and every other state to abide by the Constitution. The Amendments aren't a "pick and choose" as you go.
First, what are "liberalized" concealed carry laws? They are a set of requirements, when met by an applicant, require the issuance of a concealed carry permit, which allows a permit holder to carry a gun (concealed) in public places. These requirements may consist of a license fee, a safety training program or exam, fingerprinting, a "clean" record, no history of mental illness, etc. In other words it is not left to the discretion of local authorities to decide whether or not to issue a permit. Liberalized concealed carry laws are more often referred to as "shall-issue concealed carry weapons" laws.

In 1987, when Florida enacted such legislation, critics warned that the "Sunshine State" would become the "Gunshine State." Contrary to their predictions, homicide rates dropped faster than the national average. Further, through 1997, only one permit holder out of the over 350,000 permits issued, was convicted of homicide. (Source: Kleck, Gary Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control, p 370. Walter de Gruyter, Inc., New York, 1997.) If the rest of the country behaved as Florida's permit holders did, the U.S. would have the lowest homicide rate in the world.

David Kopel, Research Director at the Independence Institute comments on Florida's concealed carry experience:

"What we can say with some confidence is that allowing more people to carry guns does not cause an increase in crime. In Florida, where 315,000 permits have been issued, there are only five known instances of violent gun crime by a person with a permit. This makes a permit-holding Floridian the cream of the crop of law-abiding citizens, 840 times less likely to commit a violent firearm crime than a randomly selected Floridian without a permit." ("More Permits Mean Less Crime..." Los Angeles Times, Feb. 19, 1996, Monday, p. B-5)
Thirty-five states have enacted "shall-issue" concealed carry laws , and two states, Alaska and Vermont, do not require any permit of its residents (state map of concealed carry laws).
The Lott-Mustard Report

John Lott and David Mustard, in connection with the University of Chicago Law School, examining crime statistics from 1977 to 1992 for all U.S. counties, concluded that the thirty-one states allowing their residents to carry concealed, had significant reductions in violent crime. Lott writes, "Our most conservative estimates show that by adopting shall-issue laws, states reduced murders by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7% and robbery by 3%. If those states that did not permit concealed handguns in 1992 had permitted them back then, citizens might have been spared approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 aggravated assaults and 12,000 robberies. To put it even more simply criminals, we found, respond rationally to deterrence threats... While support for strict gun-control laws usually has been strongest in large cities, where crime rates are highest, that's precisely where right-to-carry laws have produced the largest drops in violent crimes."
(Source: "More Guns, Less Violent Crime", Professor John R. Lott, Jr., The Wall Street Journal, August 28, 1996, (The Rule of Law column).

Whether or not one believes a portion of the drop in violent crime is due to "shall-issue" legislation, Lott's study provides strong evidence that allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons does not increase gun crime or fatal gun accident rates.


Jonathan Capehart Dumbstruck by NYC Gun Crime Stats

Jonathan Capehart writes for the Washington Post. He’s black. So he can write about minority issues without fear of minorities taking him to task for not being sympathetic to minorities. Because he is one. Capehart is also, surprise, a liberal. In fact, the jobbing journo took a break from his career to do a little policy advising for then-mayoral candidate and future Mayors Against Illegal Guns’s founder Michael Bloomberg. In short, Capehart is not the kind of guy you’d expect to clock the Big Apple’s minority-intensive gun crime stats without saying something pithy. Nope. Capehart ain’t got game. The City’s report is too scary even for a Pulitzer Prize winner . . .

Shooting victims are most frequently Black (73.8%) or Hispanic (22.1 %). White victims account for an additional (2.6%) of all Shooting victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders victims account for (1.2%) of all Shooting Victims.

The Shooting arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (70.9%) and Hispanic arrestees (25.8%) account for the majority of Shooting arrest population. White arrestees (2.5%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (0.9%) account for the remaining portion of the Shooting arrest population.

Click here to read the whole report on the first six months of 2010. Of course, that’s not your job. It’s what jobbing journos do for a living. So, Jonathan, what does it mean? Apparently, it means he’s a target.

In short, 95.1 percent of all murder victims and 95.9 percent of all shooting victims in New York City are black or Hispanic. And 90.2 percent of those arrested for murder and 96.7 percent of those arrested for shooting someone are black and Hispanic. I don’t even know where to begin to describe the horror I still feel looking at those numbers. But the word “hunted” comes to mind.

Dude, you live in Washington. Victimology much? That said, it looks like even the left-leaning cultural/media elite are beginning to understand that society (i.e. white people) aren’t necessarily to blame for all those bad, bad boys. I mean, guys. Bad guys. Seriously. that’s what I meant. You know, from the Fox TV show COPS. The theme song. Anyway, even if society is to blame, Capehart intimates that maybe that’s not the most important part of the picture.

People have railed against black-on-black crime for decades. And yet it persists. Yes, there are a host of factors that push someone to a life of crime, but not all of them have to do with the limitations or failures of society. Some folks are just plain evil, and no amount of social intervention will stop them from preying on people, especially people who look like them.

WHAT? Is Capehart saying that black criminals choose their victims based on skin color? That’s . . . racist! Of, uh, somebody. Anyway, anyway, what’s to be done about this Mr. former policy advisor and highly paid editorial writer?

All of society has an obligation to ensure that its citizens can live their lives in peace and security. The police are doing their job. Leaders in the African American and Latino communities have struggled to do their part, as well. Myriad organizations exist in New York City and across the country to steer the wayward on a better path and to protect potential victims from those who violently veer off it. But new alliances must be formed between the two to get guns off the streets and to break the “stop snitching” culture that allows cases to go unsolved, criminals to go free and communities to cower in fear. It’s time to stop being speechless and feeling powerless. It’s time the hunted fought back.

With guns! No really: I sense a sea change. Set aside the meaningless sop to getting guns off the streets (where they tend to rust and trip pedestrians) and community organizing (i.e. taxpayer tit sucking), and it seems that Mr. Capehart is coming around to a new, pro responsibility maybe even pro-gun POV. Stranger things have happened. Haven’t they? Dan?

NYC gun control laws made NYC safest big city in US

Q: Some gunowners say they never felt safe in your city because of its gun control laws. What do you have to say to them?
A: I would say to them the FBI would disagree with that. New York City was, during the years that I was mayor, the safest large city in the United States. For example, in Boston, there was a 59% greater chance you’d be the victim of a crime than in New York City. In many other cities, there was 100% to 300% greater chance that you’d be a victim of a crime than in New York City. One of the things I accomplished as mayor of New York City was the impossible. I took a city that was the crime capital of America, and I made it not only the safest large city in America, I made it safer than 189 small cities. So, I mean, people have their right to their own feelings. The reality is, you were safer in New York than just about any other city in the United States after I was mayor for about three or four years. Rudy Giuliani
Source: 2007 GOP debate at UNH, sponsored by Fox News , Sep 5, 2007

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
When driving from Allentown, Pa. to NYC I wanted to comply with New York's bullshit no-carry statutes. I disassembled my weapon and put it in its carry case and locked it. I put each individual round in a locked box and put everything in the trunk along with a sign that read "There is an unloaded, disassembled handgun in here." I would have painted a big red arrow on the trunk as well, but I was a little pressed for time.

The only thing these stupid laws do is make robbing or killing people easier for scumbags.
I feel safest in inner city Compton, LA.
I hope she gets the chair :mad: ps How on earth do you forget you're carrying a gun, it's not a fashion accessory

New York is one of the most corrupt places on planet earth but does it serve the common good to jail this woman or does it help another corrupt new york talking head to advance his/his career???? Fucking joke.