It's funny, because the people who are saying Obama sucks are the same idiots who thing Gingrich would be a good President. Some people should not be allowed to voice their opinions online..

That day is coming. Vote for Obama and he will succeed in shutting down the internet except for the things he wants distributed. Do some reading.. check the history books of how Lenin and Stalin manipulated the press to only print what was approved. Free speech? Pfft... forget about it. Freedom? Don't EVEN think about it!

Here's something to get you started.
That day is coming. Vote for Obama and he will succeed in shutting down the internet except for the things he wants distributed. Do some reading.. check the history books of how Lenin and Stalin manipulated the press to only print what was approved. Free speech? Pfft... forget about it. Freedom? Don't EVEN think about it!

Here's something to get you started.

Sorry that shit doesn't rub off. Its the corporations and media who are trying to hinder the internet. Ironic since they distributed all the piracy tools in the first place.
It's funny, because the people who are saying Obama sucks are the same idiots who thing Gingrich would be a good President. Some people should not be allowed to voice their opinions online...

I dont think Gingrich would be a good President. He doesnt have the management experience nor leadership skills to be particularly effective. But we already have that problem with Obama PLUS the very bad, closed minded ideology. Say what you want to about Gingrich. He was instrumental in balancing the budget for the first time in our lifetime. He thinks outside the box and is not ideologically closed minded. That's more than you can say for President Downgrade. I am passionately supporting Romney for the nomination and will cry if Newt gets it, but as bad/mediocre of a president as Newt would be, he would be miles better than Obama.
articulate enough but a fucking awful pres. what's he done for the common man -- fuck all. just in hook to his cronies in wall st. fuck him !


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Free speech? Pfft... forget about it. Freedom? Don't EVEN think about it!

Psht. I'm Canadian, I don't give a fuck about your "freedom."
I think he is in a tough position. I can't say that I agree with all of his administration's moves, but I don't see how the Republicans beat him.
It's funny, because the people who are saying Obama sucks are the same idiots who thing Gingrich would be a good President. Some people should not be allowed to voice their opinions online...

Yes, Plasma, let's all live in your world where not everyone has choice, where not everyone has freedom of speech, where not everyone is theoretically viewed as equal...let's go ahead and just put all the retards in camps, right? Break out the fucking gas? What the fuck planet are you living on? Jesus Fucking Christ...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yes, Plasma, let's all live in your world where not everyone has choice, where not everyone has freedom of speech, where not everyone is theoretically viewed as equal...let's go ahead and just put all the retards in camps, right? Break out the fucking gas? What the fuck planet are you living on? Jesus Fucking Christ...

Sorry you're so butthurt over a single throwaway sentence that pretty much contradicts every opinion I have ever stated on this board there chum.
to simply answer your question, i dislike him. as our president that is. im sure hes a very nice man. but id really rather he werent our leader
Sorry you're so butthurt over a single throwaway sentence that pretty much contradicts every opinion I have ever stated on this board there chum.

Who said my butt hurt? Don't answer that. All I'm saying is you should know the power of put that shit out there.
I think Bush got a lot more threads because he started two wars which cost over a million lives and pretty much achieved nothing other than strenthening Iran by removing Saddam from Iraq and putting a bunch of radical Shia in charge who hate any non muslims more tham anyone else and will unite with their brethren in Iran the second all US troops leave Iraq.

Could not have said it better my friend. Seems like the hard right has collective amnesia when it comes to remembering W's term in office.
Took him eight years to F it up. No president, even one on the right, would have been able to get us back on our feet in just four years.
Thoughts on Obama.

In over his head, but I can't think of too many who wouldn't be.
Not making any major mistakes. Shines compared to the past 2 terms.
He is a politician in the class of Reagan and Clinton. Nobody is close today.
Not much on personal accountability. (he is a politician.)
I think deep down under it all he is in there trying.
Thoughts on Obama.

In over his head, but I can't think of too many who wouldn't be.
Not making any major mistakes. Shines compared to the past 2 terms.
He is a politician in the class of Reagan and Clinton. Nobody is close today.
Not much on personal accountability. (he is a politician.)
I think deep down under it all he is in there trying.

Obama is a godamn fuckin socialist! He believes government, through high taxes can solve anything! Obama QUADRUPLED the debt in 3 years! Obamacare will cause a 14 trillion dollar hike in our debt! Obama is the worst in FUCKIN HISTORY!!!!
Bush can send young Americans to die in an unnecessary war to die, Sam is ok with that. Obama wants to make the playing field level and he gets his panties in a knot.
I like Obama esp what he trying to do with cleaner energy sources and other enviromentally concious green projects....I think he is doing a good job especially considering all the constant negativity and racism he has to deal with from the media and Republicans
Bush can send young Americans to die in an unnecessary war to die, Sam is ok with that. Obama wants to make the playing field level and he gets his panties in a knot.

What is this "playing field" you speak of?