
FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I was gifted a 3DS and I'm surprised how fun it is. It came with The New Super Mario Bros 2: Gold Edition which is a pretty nice Mario 3 nod and a classic style old school feeling platformer. Not bad. A little too easy, but still fun.

I picked up Mario 3D Land but haven't played it yet. Just ordered Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate.

Anyone else own a 3DS or a DS? I heard the Castlevania games on the DS are pretty nice.

What do you got and recommend?


The Zelda games, I have them for the DS, not sure if there's also one for the 3DS.
Professor Layton is also cool if you like puzzle type games.
I've got a library of 3DS games, so I'd be happy to help you here.
What games do you like to play?

I think the most unique game I've played is an E-shop exclusive called Zero's Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. It's a sort of puzzle/RPG, but the storyline is a mix of "Saw" and "Battle Royale", and the main feature is the multiple endings (like, LOTS of different routes) based on the choices you make, so you'll get a lot a mileage if you like story based games.

My other current faves are Steel Diver: Sub Wars (Great multiplayer), Mario Kart 7, Zelda: Link Between Worlds, Fire Emblem Awakening, the Professor Layton Series and some of the Pokemon games.
If you like Mario games you could try finding the Mario 64 remake for the DS, the other closest Mario Platformer you'll find is Yoshi's Island 3DS.
Smash Bros will keep you busy for a while (There is SOOOO much to unlock, and of course there is always the online mode)

There are also some great e-shop games that are super cheap (like $2-$10) such as Mighty Switch Force, Attack of the Friday Monsters, Senran Kagura Burst.

And don't forget Mii Plaza! You'll want to carry your 3DS when you go to the mall or conventions so you can get all the puzzle pieces from people you walk by.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
So far I've also picked up Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Tomodachi Life.

I really want Link Between Worlds since it looks like A Link to the Past on SNES which is one of my favourites.

Also, I can't believe they're coming out with another damn DS. I was current for a month..
Easy picks: Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. It's amazing how well they look with the updated graphics.

- - - Updated - - -

Mario Kart is always fun too.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Majora's Mask is the only Zelda I have played that I didn't complete. I never could get into it, and I'm not sure why. Hmm, might have to see what they've done with the new port.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Easily one of the most underrated games I've ever played.

Also, Nintendo released a DS version of Chrono Trigger which is one of my favorite games.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Easily one of the most underrated games I've ever played.

Also, Nintendo released a DS version of Chrono Trigger which is one of my favorite games.

Thanks for the tip.

Did they add some new stuff for the redux of CT? I was a pretty big fan of Chrono Trigger, having played it on SNES a few times.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Anyone got a list of solid RPGs?

There's a lot of Kemco ones, and I'm curious if any are good.
Not RPG, but both Senran Kagura Games on the 3DS are on sale on the eshop for 50% off until July 25 on the NA eShop.

I don't know what region you are in Adam, but it might be worth checking out. They're based on the Anime, fully voiced storyline and TONS of Fan service. As in, the game is almost based on it. It's a 2.5D Bayonetta-type hack&slash with a pretty steep learning curve if you want to be really good with the combos. Reminds me a little of Code of Princess as well.

I'll get back to you with the RPGs, but right now I'm playing Final Fantasy Explorers, and thinking about 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, which if you get now will have free DLC every week for the next little while.
There's an update to Streetpass Mii Plaza. Aside from the games you buy and being able to have 100 mii's at our gate (helpful at conventions) it looks like you get to choose a free game between:
Slot car rivals
Market crashers

Thoughts on which one to get?

Hello. Senran Kagura games don't run on my PC... Are there any specific PC requirements to run them :(
Sorry no clue. The links are for the 3DS versions.

This is the sales pitch for the Stock Crashers...

Marketing to kids really has changed, hasn't it?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I'm distracted from Adventure Bar Story right now. Just picked up Zelda Skyward Sword. :)
Anyone know if the 3DS damages your eyes? If so I'll go for a DS instead
Unless you're under 6 years old, your're fine.

If you're worried about 3D, you should be looking at 2DS, NOT a DS, because a DS won't be able to play any games from the last 10 years. I don't think you can't buy a DS these days unless you're talking about a pawn shop.

I think the question is: Do you get a "New" 3DS, or the 3DS XL?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I didn't want anything to do with the whole 3D thing with the 3DS, but once I finally was gifted one, I realized how much I had been missing out. I have had no issues with my eyes getting weird.

You can control how much "depth" the 3D settings give you. Or turn it off if its not your thing. :)
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Easily one of the most underrated games I've ever played.
Just got into this.... HOLY SHIT is it ever GOOD!

I was just testing out the tutorial level to make sure it worked and play it later... then 3 hours later I'm still hooked onto the game.

The concept, story, music, animation... everything is top notch. If you like puzzles or good mystery storylines you have to try this!