Your 7 porn wishes for 2010


Prince of the Rotten Milk


Closed Account
1) Porn Musicals, Bollywood Style

2) More Moustaches

3) More Plumers

4) Susan Boyle finally does hardcore

5) Signing options

6) Total Recall Themed Titwank

7) Margaret Thatcher does dallas
1. New IR Crossover

2.A better IR website not like BOB

3.No more Porn Padory


Closed Account
Oh hell, I don't know. (lol)

Very interesting thread, though. I have a few wishes: I personally wish many in the industry would make a perverbial "come back" (I was tempted to write 'cum back', but then I remembered I'm not some dopey writer for an adult website). Namely two of my favorites: Sharon Mitchell (although I know she is very comfortable in her current profession, and yes I know she was sadly raped in mid '9 so that did effect her in getting out of the industry, ect) and Rebecca Lord. She just need's a VISA and some cash to come back over here to the U.S. where she's oddly loved it for a large part of her adult life.

I also wish for the assholes on over at the other wise finely written English language entries would STOP deleting entire (as in whole) well-written and insightful Wiki entires on our favorite classic adult film workers; male or female. Sorry, but I just don't like that someone can spend hours opun hours editing and writing something and providing solid links, and then some asshole (maybe even the stars themselves, if they don't want too much personal info and general biography information out there?) deletes it within seconds of logging onto they're home computer. Ugh. I don't even write on Wikipedia, but I enjoy well written articales on there. And it's a shame that an entire fuck-load have been deleted over the last two years or so (such as Christina Young, ect) and many have a ton of very short/too breif and glaring observations on they'res (example: notice that because websites like his own must promote him as the official "Cumshot King to the sluts!" and other such degradeful named modern porn term nonesense, absolutely NOTHING about Peter North's openly-Gay starting in the industry past is on there. Very odd).

that's about all I wish for at the moment. Well maybe those three things, but also that Daphne Rosen cuts the shit and get's her far-too-injected lips back to normal again (if it's even possible now), and takes out some of the injections in her ass and goes back to order original second pair of implants size as I simply LOVED her then. Just a personal thing, though.
1. Eliminate physical abuse in porn movies.
2. Eliminate censorship/mosaics in Japanese porn.
3. Better looking guys so my wife will watch more porn.
4. Eliminate cheesy cameramen/producers that talk throughout the scene.
5. More professional shooting and better angles.
6. Eliminate racism in porn while simultaneously bringing in more women from all around the world.
7. No more plastic surgery. It's never attractive.
It's surprising how little I agree with D-Rock on porn matters and agree with him basically in everything else. Strange. Although the bald, tattoed male look comment was spot on. I think in 2010 we're getting away from that. There appears to be more dudes with hair entering the scenes now.

I agree with everyone who's commented about Japanese porn being pixelated. Why??? Cut that out Japan!

I kinda think, on balance, 2010 has been a veery, s l o w year for porn. The Miss Freeones contest truly has been the most interesting thing in the pornworld. Although the return of has been a good thing. So has all the stuff Immoral Productions does. They seem to be leading the world of porn at the moment :dunno: Maybe?
Jennifer Max puts her porn career into high gear.

Kymberly Jane does porn.

The return of Barbie Duran - hardcore!

Nikki Cole returns - for hardcore!

Karma Good returns!

NextDoorNikki and Sandy Summers do a series of hardcore vids!

Is that 7???


Torn & Frayed.
Wish number one is that I can transfer my remaining six wishes to everything else,so they're not just limited to porn.


Closed Account
...I agree with everyone who's commented about Japanese porn being pixelated. Why??? Cut that out Japan!...

Indeed it is a little bit beyond regular bizarre why the Japanese still do it. Especially considering they're traditional eccentric/crazed game shows and with all of the popular bukkake and seman drinking/eating videos that appear royally fucked-in-the-head to many. :confused:

If we can just get a bit serious for a moment, I believe it might have to do with they're now legendary "Culture of Shame". On a Real Sex episode on HBO, I once heard one of the bigger adult film producers over there, who was putting out a orgasm documentary series on female masturbation & orgasms talk about said Culture of Shame. As it stands they are STILL forbidden by Japanese law to show pubic hair. So as a result, all shall forever until the law is changed (which seem's highly unlikely) will stay pixelated. I will agree that it is beyond bizarre that they pixelate the pubes on men and women, and leave in tenticale rape and gallons opun gallons of cum swallowing. Truely head-scratching from a VERY unique culture, as we all know.
10 is a lot, but i do can think of some porn wishes though :

1. to fuck Loni ( and not just once but a million times ).
2. Tia Bella comming back in porn
3. Lisa Ann or Nina Mercedez wines mrs.freeones 2010 !
4. Daisy dukes and Avena Lee giving me a handjob.
damn i'll have to get back at those other wishes, i'll better choose them wisely


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