You know you'er getting old

I worked in a collage town. Every year when the freshmen dorms open it was a great time to check out the fresh meat. I realized I was getting old when I started to think that I would rather nail the mom than these bubbly little coeds. That and the first time that I was out in the front yard and yelled "slow the fuck down, this is a neighborhood" at some kid racing down the street.


It's good to be the king...
See if anyone remembers the Cod War....:(
people that don't realize that Starwars episodes, 4 - 5 and 6, have already been done.


I worked in a collage town. Every year when the freshmen dorms open it was a great time to check out the fresh meat.

Is this you by any chance?
When I realise that some of the students I teach in college weren't born yet during the first Gulf War.

When I realise that students at college were born in the 90s.

When I refer to the Cold War and no one knows what I'm talking about.

When Austin Powers movies are considered old and passe'.

I could go on, but I'm going to drink heavily now, and cry.

Indeed. I knew I was first getting there when I saw compilation 80s music CD's being sold on TV.
Next was seeing the birthdays "you must be born on this day to purchase tobacco and alcohol" and read the year 1983.
Nod when someone says "Old age isn't a shipwreck, it's a massacre."

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
When you start hearing the "classic rock" songs you used to hear, on the classic rock station you listen to, being played on the "oldies" station, and your classic rock channel is now playing music from the '80's and "90's.


When you look at all of the "hott babes" from high school on facebook and you could only identify one of the mugshots :bawling:

˚˚˚˚˚ Whew ! I'm glad that I didn't get stuck with that 'ol broad . . . whoever she is ! Same goes for her, and her and her and her and.......
When you're watching a "classic movie" like Lethal Weapon, and that character says "I'm too old for this shit" and can't stop from thinking "I know what you mean".

When you feel like you're too old for clubbing.

When you're the oldest guy in every club you go to anyway.

When you can't listen to your favorite music with the volume all the way up.

When classical is actually becoming your new favorite music.