This shit has been going on since Reagan.. Trickle down, union busting, moving everything overseas in the name of profit. Money over all. And I am so damned pessimistic that I just don't see if changing without a blood bath. And that could go either way. I don' know if any of you remember my referring to a friend of mine who is a retired Naval Officer. He maintains that what we are now seeing is the Fall of Western Civilization. Been going on for a while and will take a while more yet. But surely coming. All the others have and we are no better than they were. Despite our protestations of being more civilized.
I don't disagree with any of that. It pretty much describes my feelings for quite a while now. I try not to get too heavy on my kids, but sometimes I tell my 13 year old that there's a good chance her generation will have to fight a war, and not a far away one, and she should get used to living light and staying agile.