What a treat of a lady she is...would dive over there face first, no doubt... :lick:


Good on you if you'd beat me to it, uchual! It'd be only due to you being younger and quicker, lol. :yoda:

I've had some great experiences along these lines over the years, but since I've reached emeritus status fantasy has to provide almost all of the gratification I'll likely get from now on. Gisele's imagery has been the best fuel for those imaginary encounters for quite a while and still is. She's unique in her appeal.
Same here. I really wish her well in her future endevours.

Too bad she left the way she did; I never thought she would do a disappearing act like that.
Yeah that's the worst part too...

So she has left and didn't post any update as to why? Shows what she felt about her "fans". They were nothing but $ marks in the end. I check out a escort site and of course her name comes up. Most assume she had a a sugar-daddy or two to keep up the lifestyle she had since she didn't work outside of her website. I am sure she made some $ from it but whomever really "owned" the site likely made the most.
So she has left and didn't post any update as to why? Shows what she felt about her "fans". They were nothing but $ marks in the end. I check out a escort site and of course her name comes up. Most assume she had a a sugar-daddy or two to keep up the lifestyle she had since she didn't work outside of her website. I am sure she made some $ from it but whomever really "owned" the site likely made the most.

...I can't help thinking she's not done quite yet, we just don't know the details of her current absence, I'm as gutted as the next guy but time will tell :2 cents:
Last heard from Gisele just under a month ago, she said she was done with social media but not retired from modeling/ camming and that she would be making an announcement soon (although when Gisele says soon it can mean months). I think she's still in recovery mode getting her life back together post hurricane as her entire neighborhood was devastated by flooding. There's nothing to be lost by waiting to see what happens, unless you're an active paying member of her site.
Interesting news...The part I completely get is the recovery. The flooding and destruction that took place were no joke and it could take a long time to get back on your feet after such an event.

The part about being done with social media...well, seriously? I respect the decision, but I just can't comprehend how somebody whose business is selling her online persona decides to abruptly cut all ties and disappear...Like I said before, is it too hard to write a couple of tweets, just to reassure people that she'll come back, even if it take months (which, like it's well known, she has done before)?

Nothing lost by waiting? Well, of course. I just don't count on it anymore. And if she ever comes back, she better do a damn good job because I still feel that an explanation is due to her fans. Just my humble opinion :2 cents:
Gisele was fading out of the business without much explanation for two years prior to the hurricane. I'd like to hear something from the woman herself about what happened to her inclinations along that line but don't feel I'm owed anything, or maybe I've just given up hope.

Too bad because her looks, though matured, haven't deserted her at all as relatively recent photos thadogg has posted on this very page attest.

http://www.imagebam.com/image/68a75c657524593 That's a come-hither look if there ever was one and as good an image as she has ever produced. :2 cents:
Last heard from Gisele just under a month ago, she said she was done with social media but not retired from modeling/ camming and that she would be making an announcement soon (although when Gisele says soon it can mean months). I think she's still in recovery mode getting her life back together post hurricane as her entire neighborhood was devastated by flooding. There's nothing to be lost by waiting to see what happens, unless you're an active paying member of her site.

GOOD NEWS!!! :crowdgrin ...here's to all the Texans affected by Harvey :thumbsup: ...and a Happy Thanksgiving weekend :party:
I wonder if our heroine might stick her nose back in here just for a look when she turns 32 next week?

Hell, she'll at last be half my age and you'd think she might show some respect for her elders who've perved over her for so long! :yoda:


Sorry for the double post again but I just like this image, which I think really radiates sex for an otherwise modest pose.