Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele

Hey Gisele, not to be rude but I am just curious if your breasts are real or fake. I could care less really as you are amazing none the less but a friend and me were debating over this a few days ago. I say real but he saus implants.
Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele

Hey Gisele, not to be rude but I am just curious if your breasts are real or fake. I could care less really as you are amazing none the less but a friend and me were debating over this a few days ago. I say real but he saus implants.

as a breast man my self i can easly say their amazly artifically made.
Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele



Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele

WOW!!! Very hot Gisele. Glad you have made it out on your own. Keep up the good work.
Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele

Works just fine for posting in the thread too.....but what I wanna know is does she show pink?....that's like a minimum requirement for me to even contemplate joining a site.....usually the girl has to do hardcore, but for REALLY hot chicks, there has to be at least some pink, or its a no least for me....

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Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele

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