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and I understand its all predestined and made up but my original point was I find his wrestling to be boring as well you add to that the fact that I know he is soft. there's nothing intriguing about his matches for me
Makes it sooooooooooooo much better when they're on !

I'm sure many people will disagree with you, but I won't. In the era of the "smart" wrestling fan when if an in-ring competitor is talented enough they will start to hear cheers regardless of whether they are booked as a heel, it's worth remembering that at heart the show should still be pantomime, and you need villains. The McMahons and Trips give you someone to boo, so I don't mind them on my tellybox. I don't even mind them being on TV every week.

I do however think that they turn up in far too many segments that soak up airtime that could be used to showcase more midcard talent. Even in a three-hour broadcast, I see them far too much. At most you need them once in the opening chit-chat were they set up what's happening for the rest of the night, potentially interfering in the main event if needs be, and perhaps a single interjection in between where a match is made for an upcoming PPV. Ridiculous as it sounds with 3 hours+ that the show runs, they aren't getting enough of the active roster on the screen every week on Raw.
everytime that i got to a website on the internet to read spoilers, results, rumours and other wrestling related stuff, there are always people commenting on everything about how much they hate what wwe has become in the past few years, sometimes it gets very heated and the arguing never stops and people always sya how much better wwe would be if wwe listened to the fans, there are alwsy people saying how much they hate the product and how it stinks so bad, yet every monday and friday (tuesday) night the arenas accross north america are packed to the rafters with wwe fans

i would personally think that if there ws so much hatred towards wwe that there would be less people at wrestling events. Come on people, are you that stupid to not realise that if you keep going to these wwe events and keep shelling out money for the merchandise that wwe will change. No they wont, they will continue to believe that what they are doing is right for the business

even if fans go to the events and constantly boo wwe wont change what they are doing because they are still making the almighty dollar

fuck all of you stupid wwe fans that go to the events, you are they ones that fuck it up for the very sel;ect few lijke me who actually take a stand and know what they are doing by not buying merhandise, not going to live events, househows, signings, and never visiting the wwe website

so in conclusion

^^^ He's right you know.

My timeline is full of smarks that do nothing but criticize the show except for their token favourite guy. Used to be CM Punk, now it's Daniel Bryan. It strikes me as being a form of addiction where even though they find the product the boring/insulting/immature/stale whatever, they have to keep watching in the hope that "well, it might get better" or even just to pick holes in it. Any other form of television show, if it went crap, you'd merely stop watching it. I got bored with the televised output once a good few years ago, and basically went nearly three years only watching the Royal Rumble and then WrestleMania, unless somebody said a particular match was really good, so I'd YouTube it in my spare time. I had a lot of other stuff going on in life to keep me occupied, and watching the weekly TV had become a chore, so I stopped. I was by and large getting my wrestling fix from New Japan, which I adore more than ever and still watch, and ROH, which compelled me at the time, but a couple of years ago I started getting frustrated with, so guess what? I stopped following it. A few years ago I picked back up with WWE and found it to be much improved, so now I watch it on and off except between the Rumble and Mania when Raw is compulsive viewing for the developments that shape the biggest show of the year, and the fun returns. I never watch SmackDown because nothing interesting really ever happens, but I watch Raw because there is nearly always something decent which I enjoy, even if it's a meaningless midcard match that is forgotten within a week. If it was frustrating me to the level of some of the passionate rants I see on Twatter and on forums, I'd stop watching. That level of frustration has to be bad for the heart, and I don't often choose to stick with something that makes me want to kick the cat.

I really think there are people that are addicted to watching, even if they completely hate it. Why bother? Leave it for a while if you think it sucks, then dip back in and see if it's become more to your tastes. That's what I did, and I'm glad I did. The PPVs and better TV matches from my absence are still all there to catch up with on DVD, YouTube and so on, and I wasn't wasting four hours a week of my life on TV that didn't satisfy me.
I'm sure many people will disagree with you, but I won't. In the era of the "smart" wrestling fan when if an in-ring competitor is talented enough they will start to hear cheers regardless of whether they are booked as a heel, it's worth remembering that at heart the show should still be pantomime, and you need villains. The McMahons and Trips give you someone to boo, so I don't mind them on my tellybox. I don't even mind them being on TV every week.

I do however think that they turn up in far too many segments that soak up airtime that could be used to showcase more midcard talent. Even in a three-hour broadcast, I see them far too much. At most you need them once in the opening chit-chat were they set up what's happening for the rest of the night, potentially interfering in the main event if needs be, and perhaps a single interjection in between where a match is made for an upcoming PPV. Ridiculous as it sounds with 3 hours+ that the show runs, they aren't getting enough of the active roster on the screen every week on Raw.

I can remember when Stephanie first came on the scene.....damn did she blossom ! And the skits with Vince and Stone Cold, still laugh my ass off watching those. Yea, they do prepare you for what's ahead which is why the first part of Raw is what I look forward to. Sometimes they appear halfway through. Some of these wrestlers i'm not sure of who they are with being out of touch but I grew up a wrestling fan. Sometimes I try to compare what was to now, unfair on my part. I'm glad they showcase more women wrestlers now.

^^^ He's right you know.

My timeline is full of smarks that do nothing but criticize the show except for their token favourite guy. Used to be CM Punk, now it's Daniel Bryan. It strikes me as being a form of addiction where even though they find the product the boring/insulting/immature/stale whatever, they have to keep watching in the hope that "well, it might get better" or even just to pick holes in it. Any other form of television show, if it went crap, you'd merely stop watching it. I got bored with the televised output once a good few years ago, and basically went nearly three years only watching the Royal Rumble and then WrestleMania, unless somebody said a particular match was really good, so I'd YouTube it in my spare time. I had a lot of other stuff going on in life to keep me occupied, and watching the weekly TV had become a chore, so I stopped. I was by and large getting my wrestling fix from New Japan, which I adore more than ever and still watch, and ROH, which compelled me at the time, but a couple of years ago I started getting frustrated with, so guess what? I stopped following it. A few years ago I picked back up with WWE and found it to be much improved, so now I watch it on and off except between the Rumble and Mania when Raw is compulsive viewing for the developments that shape the biggest show of the year, and the fun returns. I never watch SmackDown because nothing interesting really ever happens, but I watch Raw because there is nearly always something decent which I enjoy, even if it's a meaningless midcard match that is forgotten within a week. If it was frustrating me to the level of some of the passionate rants I see on Twatter and on forums, I'd stop watching. That level of frustration has to be bad for the heart, and I don't often choose to stick with something that makes me want to kick the cat.

I really think there are people that are addicted to watching, even if they completely hate it. Why bother? Leave it for a while if you think it sucks, then dip back in and see if it's become more to your tastes. That's what I did, and I'm glad I did. The PPVs and better TV matches from my absence are still all there to catch up with on DVD, YouTube and so on, and I wasn't wasting four hours a week of my life on TV that didn't satisfy me.

I'm still trying to figure out the fascination of Daniel Bryan and why is he the peoples choice. Was it me or was the San Antonio crowd kind of subdued last night ?
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Daniel Bryan has morphed into the people's champion and I'm glad Vince is listening to the people, but it was hardly a surprise when Triple H agreed to the match when he is on the Wrestlemania poster in his gear.

and they released thr poster a week before Raw. Heck, it was hanging in The Authority's office for the backstage segments :brick:
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I'm still trying to figure out the fascination of Daniel Bryan and why is he the peoples choice.

I think it's the combination of them recognizing him as the best wrestler on the roster (or at least being half of some of the best matches) and having a very easy "fan interaction" bit with his "YES!" business. Lots of the towns they were running wanted to cheer him nearly two years ago off the back of just shouting "YES!" at him, even when he was a fully fledged heel shouting "NO!" Plus all the comedy segments with Kane didn't hurt.

Daniel Bryan has morphed into the people's champion and I'm glad Vince is listening to the people, but it was hardly a surprise when Triple H agreed to the match when he is on the Wrestlemania poster in his gear.

and they released thr poster a week before Raw. Heck, it was hanging in The Authority's office for the backstage segments :brick:

Hahaha, good spot.
Been a long time since I've posted in the wrestling thread. Still a big fan. Still like the show. Love that there is a focus on teams now. The Sheild and Wyatts have been awesome. I'm worried though, they split up Tons of Funk, Primetime Playas, teasing a Shield and Real Americans split.

I see the potential of the Shield and Real Americans as single stars but they need to bring up the Ascension and build some more teams before the WWE is down to three teams again.
Been a long time since I've posted in the wrestling thread. Still a big fan. Still like the show. Love that there is a focus on teams now. The Sheild and Wyatts have been awesome. I'm worried though, they split up Tons of Funk, Primetime Playas, teasing a Shield and Real Americans split.

I agree. Not all of those teams you listed are as solid as The Wyatts and Shield, but I wish they wouldn't have split them up. WWE was getting people interested in tag team wrestling again and for every good team (Brother Rhodes) you need a decent opponent to put them over (Primetime Players). The WWE has enough singles wrestlers on their roster that splitting up Tons & Primetime made no sense.
I do understand breaking up the Real Americans because Cesaro is that heel you love to hate and is so over with the fans.
Cesaro is awesome. Always has been I'm said we didn't get a Chris Hero call up and a Kings of Wrestling reunion in the WWE but Cesaro has the it factor to become a major singles star for years to come.
And 9 years later, they still are. ;)

Okay, I haven't followed the biz regularly.

And yes, we will never know why WWE is still working with him. I heard he has some sort of creative control in his contract so he might never be turning heel again (?)

And so yes, the will let him win at Mania
I heard he has some sort of creative control in his contract so he might never be turning heel again (?)

You heard wrong. After the way it bit him in the ass with Bret Hart, Vince would never acquiesce to any kind of creative control clause in the contract of a full-term performer ever again. Why would he? With no serious competition that can pay the same money as WWE, they don't have to let performers have them over the barrel any more. Do what you're told, or go work somewhere else. Besides, Cena always comes across as the complete company man. He'd do exactly what they told him to do even if he didn't agree with it. The company loves him because he's a hard-working guy they can rely on to do what they ask him to. If they told him "we're turning you heel," he'd do it.

As to why Cena hasn't (and may never) turned heel - the company does not have the balls to risk the potential short-term financial losses on a heel turn that might be creatively fulfilling and could result in gains long-term if ratings and buyrates for a fresher product improved. Put simply - WWE today is about kids. The product is PG, the toys, magazines and supplementary programs like Slam City are all about appealing to kids. It's kids that beg their parents for tickets and kids that drive the merchandise sales, and kids love John Cena. If you watch closely, every year Cena wears his brand new shirt at WrestleMania when the biggest number of kids of the year will be watching and will pester their folks for the new John Cena shirt. Turn him heel, upset kids. Upset kids, lose money.

And so yes, the will let him win at Mania

I don't think they will. I think he'll lose the first match to Bray, but he'll win the one that matters. The decisive, feud-ending one. Possibly at Extreme Rules.
1. John Cena, $3 Million, First Class Travel (Including Private Jet Access) And Accommodation (Owner Of Personal Tour Bus), 6.25% Bonus For Merchandise Sales

It will come as no surprise that the biggest star of the last ten years is far and above the holder of the best WWE contract. Cena is the star of the show, nearly always the main event, and his pay reflects this. $3 million is a great reward for Cena, and given his increasing time out injured in the last five years, the downside is a superb number for John. Pretty much a legitimate mainstream celebrity, the $3 million is certainly a reflection of Cena’s market worth. Numbers do not lie, ratings and pay-per-view buys drop without John Cena.

Merchandise is another key aspect of Cena’s contract. If you go to any WWE live event, you will know that Cena merchandise is huge. It’s everywhere, and huge swathes of the audience are kitted out in expensive Cena gear. The fact that Cena has got a 6.25% bonus on these sales will make John considerable money over the year. WWE doesn’t give Cena a tour bus, but he does own one. However, the fact is Cena makes so many appearances that WWE will often just book him on a private jet.

Outside of the WWE, Cena is also making huge money in other investments. He recently launched a new fitness lifestyle website, and estimates his “John Cena brand” to be worth over $100 million.

In the wrestling industry, only Vince McMahon and The Rock are worth more than WWE’s franchise player. However, I’ve discounted them from this list, along with others like Triple H and Brock Lesnar on the grounds that they’re part-timers or part of the company management.


WWE wrestlers are a hard working bunch. The likes of John Cena are pretty much on the job 365 days a year, as well as wrestling the world over 3 to 4 times a week. A WWE wrestler can also be expected to do 7 to 8 promotional / media / charity appearances a week.
When you consider that these dates are spread across the east and west coast of America, and internationally, you realize that wrestlers have almost no down time. They may get the odd day with 24 hours before the next event, but then just travelling to that event can at times mean a 12 hour journey. As Big Show recently revealed in a radio interview about John Cena’s workload as a main eventer, it really is punishing for those guys.
“He was like 77 or 78 days in a row without a day off. Like he did something every single day. “We’ll fly 16, 18 hours to Australia to the Middle East, Abu Dhabi or something like that – John hits, right away he goes to the gym. No matter how little sleep he’s had, he goes to the gym everyday.”
So, are WWE wrestlers handsomely rewarded in their pay for the hectic hours of being on the job? In the past it has been a criticism of WWE that they do not pay talent enough. After all, there are road and health costs which talent must make. It has been such a problem that some wrestlers are said to have worked through injuries because they need appearance royalties and can’t afford to live off just the downside guarantee. Further controversy on WWE contracts are the fact that WWE employs its talent as outside contractors. Wrestlers are essentially self employed and working for the WWE, rather than being employed by WWE itself.
Here we take a look at the reality in the modern day, having a look at WWE wrestler salaries that were accurate as of the last financial year (which means the likes of Daniel Bryan will be on significantly more now, so we will leave him and a few other talent out and focus on the workers who will have not had any major fluctuation)…
Mr. Stiffy...passenger 57.....very well said to you both.

On a personal level too I'm not sure Cena turning heel is something he would do. Obviously I don't know the man (none of us here do, and we're just speculating based on educated guesses), but, from what we all hear about how many "Make-A-Wish" meetings he does, I don't think he would ever put that in jeopardy and unintentionally hurt any of those "Wish-Makers" by turning heel.

As for 'Mania? There is a great chance he'll lose....and I'd bet he does. He has never seemed to have a problem putting anyone over at any time. In fact, look at his history. Whenever the company feels like someone is ready for, or could really use a big push, who do they put them up against? Cena. Rock's (first) return, Bryan, The Shield, Brock's return, Big E, Ziggler, The Miz, Barrett & The Nexus, Mark henry, Ryback, Shaemus....the list goes on and on. Cen's lost t all of them on one grand stage or another....and surprising how some of them on THE greatest stage of them all. It's just Wyatt's turn for the Cena Push.


Lord Dipstick
Why in the world haven't they contacted AJ Styles?
He's the best wrestler in the world and would be a great replacement for CM Punk.

(1) They don't want him. At 36 he's too old to be sent down for a couple of years in developmental while he "learns to work WWE style" as they always wish of people they bring in from the "minor leagues," they likely consider him to be a crap promo (fair point) and I bet at least one higher-up in WWE thinks his redneck drawl makes him sound stupid, his style is comparable to Adrian Neville who is younger, cheaper and already under contract, he's got a history of audibly calling people "faggot" in the ring, and he's less than one month removed from breaking someone's neck with his preferred finisher (I was there). Plenty of reasons to pass on the guy. Ten years ago they might have brought him in as somebody to lose to Rey, but not today.

(2) He doesn't want them. Many times during his tenure in TNA he spoke of loving the schedule because of the amount of time it afforded him to be with his wife and little ones, and it sounds like the pair of them have been sensible with their earnings because he's never sounded like he needed the money, hence telling TNA to go fuck themselves over their reduced terms contract offer and decided to earn whatever he could get at weekends for ROH, other indies and abroad. Again, at 36, he's too old to suddenly subject himself to the WWE road schedule after 15 years of working when/where he wanted.

Besides, sounds like he's off to New Japan to replace Prince Devitt (who probably is WWE bound) in Bullet Club. That's a great fit for him - a couple of weeks of wrestling per tour, fly home for a couple of weeks off, repeat. And a load of guys that he could have great matches with and plenty of familiar faces - Gallows, Alex Shelley, Rocky Romero, Archer, the Bucks. AJ vs Kota Ibushi sounds like fucking money to me.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ Totally agree on Styles. On all points.

Sting appearing at WM has been floating around since January. I would not be surprised either way. I think it would be a great swan song for him and Undertaker to meet at WM 31. One epic match between the two and then have both call it a career. Obviously, I would have loved this match 15 years ago. But I'll still take it now even if both men can't go like they used to.

Stone Cold Steve Austin is set to be at WM this year. His role is still a secret. I think that the perfect ending would be for him to aid Daniel Bryan in the triple threat match. One anti-authority figure (albeit they're not nearly on the same level) passing the torch to the new anti-authority figure. Bryan gets his WM moment and the title. That would be a perfect way to cap his journey. Although I could also see big Dave winning the title as a gigantic fuck you to the WWE universe.

I expect Cena to put Bray over as well. Cena gets a lot of bullshit for not putting people over, but he's the consummate company man. He puts people over when he should (Nexus notwithstanding), and I don't expect this match to be any exception. It may not be clean, but he will probably lose.

Looking forward to WM tonight!