Glad they done something positive with Punk however I think it was the wrong time to cash in MITB as he had been on a poor streak lately and required help to win th etitle with Batista destroying Edge then needed outside distraction's to beat JBL to retain. Although it was well done and I liked how it worked I feel that they should have built him a little momentum first.
What do you mean? That was the perfect time to have him cash it in because it was so unexpected. Even though Edge is a heel and you would of expected him to do something like that (he did it twice after all) it was great to see CM Punk use Edge's own tactic against him.
Yes it was unexpected and a good swerve by the WWE, I just feel that they have been burying Punk to much in recent months to have as a credible challenger as World Champ without first building some momentum for him. They could have started this with a clean win over JBL but no, Cena had to distract JBL for Punk to beat him again making Punk look weak.
I liked the match between Punk and JBL and think they could have a good feud. Just was unhappy with the end.
Breaking News: Apparently Ashley Massaro has reported on her Myspace that she has asked for release from WWE. Her reasoning is that her daughter (who nobody knew about) is very sick and she needs to be with her. She hasn't ruled out coming back to WWE when everything is okay.
A follow up on my earlier post: It's quiet possible that Ashley's Myspace has been hacked, which is what I thought all along when a daughter that nobody knew about was mentioned.
I guess Vince wasn't kidding when he said of the draft, "It's time to shake things up again...again...again". I'm still reeling from the changes that have taken place in the last 2 weeks.

Can't say I'm too crazy about having Punk as the main man on Raw. But his cashing in MITB was the only logical way to bring back a title to Raw. I actually thought he'd cash it in at NoC, but on HHH rather than Edge.

Am not too beat up about the IC belt going to Kingston. For me it lost what little prestige it had left when they gave it to Santino on his debut.

Mark Henry's been jobbing since the days of the Nation of Domination. It's about time they gave him a major singles title.

As for Cena describing his NoC match as a classic - :rofl2:. The Edge-Batista match was actually better up till the La Familia shenanigans.
Mark Henry's been jobbing since the days of the Nation of Domination. It's about time they gave him a major singles title.
Do you realize that before NOC the last time Mark Henry held a championship was the European Championship 10 years ago? As I said about a week ago, with all the crap Mark Henry has had to put up with in his career he's the one person in WWE that deserves a run with a World Championship.
Still doesn't explain where she has been
I know that she was filming a music video for Rev Theory but other than that it seems like she's gone more than she's actually there. She had been taking more wrestling training but I've heard of problems with her as well. I don't know how much of it is true and how much of it is false. I like her and I'm one of the people who voted for her to win the Diva Search but sometimes I forget she's even on the roster with the amount of time she's gone.
Do you realize that before NOC the last time Mark Henry held a championship was the European Championship 10 years ago? As I said about a week ago, with all the crap Mark Henry has had to put up with in his career he's the one person in WWE that deserves a run with a World Championship.

For me Mark Henry get's injured far to much, before giving a main title I think he should have been made to prove he can stay healthy for a lengthy period of time.
Backstage News On CM Punk's WWE Title Reign

According to several sources, the impression is that CM Punk will not be having a very long WWE World Heavyweight Championship reign. Jason Powel of is reporting that the feeling was, Vince McMahon wanted to shake things up in a big way. One source said that nothing should be considered a long-term move in WWE at the moment due to Vince McMahon’s current mindset.

A number of sources also agree that CM Punk’s World Heavyweight Championship reign is similar to Bret Hart winning the WWF Championship by defeating Ric Flair back in 1992. The feeling at that time was Bret Hart would have a short term run with the Championship, however he won fans over quickly. This could mean that there is a possibility of CM Punk doing the same.

Sources feel that ratings and merchandise sales will be a determining factor in CM Punk’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship reign.

I hope that, Punk has atleast a 3 month reign, IMO with the ratings up, I think Punk will have a 3 month reign.
Punk better have a decent title reign. If they use him as a paper champion just so they can give the belt to John Cena or Batista, I may just stop watching.:mad: (Maybe not but I'll at least think about it.)
Would not have been surprised by Murdoch getting released a few weeks ago but with him being drafted I thought they would have at least tried to find a spot for him.
Breaking News: Trevor Murdoch has been released from WWE. Is this really a surprise to anyone though? I mean come on, we all knew this was coming.:rolleyes:

you just have too look at him too know he wasnt taking as seriously as prehaps he could have done...we know people like cena HHH morrison batista sacrifice hours of there time almost every day working out and keeping in great shape. murdoch looked like he never hit the gym lol.
you just have too look at him too know he wasnt taking as seriously as prehaps he could have done...we know people like cena HHH morrison batista sacrifice hours of there time almost every day working out and keeping in great shape. murdoch looked like he never hit the gym lol.

Why the hell was he traded to Smackdown just to get future endeavor'D?
OK if you are going to do some storyline where Kane goes insane or gets really mad after losing a match, turn the Volume up on the mics so i can hear what he is yelling.
i had no idea what he was yelling last night! it might have made his freak out more understandable if i knew what he was yelling at everyone.
"is it ever gonna end"
"how do i kill it"
i had no clue!
He was screaming "I don't know. Is he alive or dead. Tell me!!!"....or words to that effect.

My guess would be he's wondering what may have happened to Undertaker.

Another it me or did Batista seem to be favouring his left arm a bit too much after that match last night? Did he get injured?
I like the fact that Kane is becoming a monster again. Hopefully as a heel as Raw is stacked with faces, yet only a couple of top heels.
Orton is injured, Jericho is in a feud which leaves only JBL as a main event level heel where as Punk, Cena, Batista and Kane are all main event faces not currently involved in feuds.
He was screaming "I don't know. Is he alive or dead. Tell me!!!"....or words to that effect.

My guess would be he's wondering what may have happened to Undertaker.

That's genius, I don't know why I didn't think of that. I mean, now with Edge and Vickie's wedding "off" maybe that might have something with Taker and Kane.