You guys come off like those kids at school that just look to see who the other kids are picking on and then you go and pick on them so you can be cool. Like you're so much better than the trolls. I agree that it's childish but that makes you just as bad. The only way you can combat bad threads is to make good threads.
Now,me, I can have just as much fun talking about whose mouth I wanna cum in as I can intellectual things.
Now, as far as calling women whores, many women like to be called whores when you have sex with them and porn stars like being called that in their films and I KNOW some of them are like that off camera as well. Now, here's where I'm comin' from. Women intuitively know that sex begins when you first approach them. It's all about what you're subconsciously communicating. Now, when I did it, it was an experiment. I see my self as a scientist. When I was younger I was never lewd towards women. I used to look at guys that have that macho man's man mentality and think they were annoying idiots. But one day I saw my life passing me by and decided to do what ever it takes to get an abundance of hot pussy in my life. I noticed that those "annoying idiots" were getting hot pussy and I thought they must be doing something right. So the scientific thing to do when ya don't like the results you're getting is to change your approach. I used to think it was stupid to talk to women like that. I thought it's harassment. I saw a friend of mine successfully tell a 9 she has a nice ass. This was a stranger. She was havin' a good time and sayin' "You should see my taco." Now, the way I see it is it's only harassment if she don't like it and the best way to find the line is to go over it. I love that naughty shit. I'm just sick of seeing all these other people have all the fun. I wanna play too. I'm not tryin' to provoke negative emotions with this post, just help people open their minds.
And while I'm at it, I was reading over my old threads and it pissed me off that someone said no one that isn't a porn star ever seduces a porn star. YES they do. Tell that to Lemmy Kilmister. Tell that to Nick Savoy and so many other pick up artists whose names I don't know. Are you gonna tell me that porn stars never date outside the porn community? They're human. If a woman can be picked up by a guy, so can a porn star. Now I realize many men try to pick them up and fail. They have poor game. While I don't have good game either, practice makes perfect. When Thomas Eddison failed to make a light bulb 9,999 times, he didn't say "I failed", he said "I discovered 9,999 ways not to make a light bulb. The theory about pickin' up a porn star is you have to show her you're cool with what she does and you're not gonna be all weird about it. It also helps if you can show you know something about how the industry works. You have to get to know her as a person and not a "professional cock pig".