Would you want to see your woman having sex with another guy?

zoobi said:
Georges, I'm suprised at your answer...
YOU of all people are suddenly put off by something provocative?!

dear zoobi

i am huge porn fan you know that i love hardcore sex.

i will be frank and straight fordward with you. When you have sentiments of love, friendship and loyalty towards a girl that you cherish like a milady or a godess and that you know for a certain time,would it be nice to see her banged by another man?The answer is definitely no and no. If the girl does that , it means she has no love and no loyalty for you and i can't accept that.Respect and loyalty are essential to have a long term love couple relationship


"Respect and loyalty are essential to have a long term love couple relationship"

you r absolutly right Georges,
but hey, I guess Major has different ideas...

So here's to you my friend...
thanx for the tip
zoobi said:
"Respect and loyalty are essential to have a long term love couple relationship"

you r absolutly right Georges,
but hey, I guess Major has different ideas...

So here's to you my friend...
thanx for the tip

hi zoobi

everyone has his own education and his own behaviour.You know i was always faithful to my girlfriends.I only had two girlfriends in my life but i was faithful they said about me you are as reliable and faithful as my rolex.Good compliment from girls to be compared to a top level watch:) Also i have a anglo saxon education that has learned me to follow my involvements in my job as well as in my private life.Some people don't keep their promise in anycase and lie to their wifes, it shocks me because your wife is your best friend here to help you, to support you during hard times, to give you advice,etc.It is not nice to do this to a woman it is like insulting her.Now i think that for me i ended this discussion.

regards and have a beer on me zoobi:beer::glugglug:

dudes....all i can say is chill the fuck out :)

you would or you wouldnt....no need to question other peoples answers

i wouldnt like to watch her with another man hell no
i wouldnt mind sleeping with her and another woman not to sure about watching..i'd prolly get bored...lol..jk

and zoobi what are you saying its technically cheating to watch porn?...
If you don't like the topic you don't have to read the thread! At any rate this is merely a hypothetical question. Fiction, get it.
Major Wood said:
If you don't like the topic you don't have to read the thread! At any rate this is merely a hypothetical question. Fiction, get it.

thanks to have precised it because i was taking it seriously maybe too seriously.

sorry if i took your question too seriously.


georges;) :)


Porn is not cheating, hell in fact my wife and I used to watch it together. We essentially got bored with it as it just 2 people "pretending" to have sex, if yo saw how they even make a porno movie, believe me it would not be a turn on, its take after take, angle after angle.

Is it fair to say this question was not serious? You would not have posted it if you didn't want a serious response ASSHOLE!! have some dignity man and that was worst excuse or a response I have ever seen, it was a hypothetical question, there is no such think as one, and to be a hypothetical question means where there is not right or wrong answer, but it is not fiction by no means. As i said in another thread it doesn't if this is a porn site board or not we should not be bringing in personal opinions into this board, as it creates tensions such as this one.

Its like last week when Terri was on here to chat with us, its stupid and immature to think well gee its a porn site so she won't mind if I ask her if she likes it in the ass, or how much she is getting paid to be here. We are lucky she was even nice enough to come on here, I swear some people on hre have no morals.
yes after reading your post scorpion i think that you are right there should be a limit.and major wood question are provocative


georges;) :)


Major Wood said:
It is a serious question that I invited serious responses too. Not immature personal attacks. Get the picture?

yeah i got the picture and did you honestly expect a serious response? I often wonder what a person thinks about before they start a new thread on the board. I do not know who you are referring to about an immature personal attack,but mine was an honest to God response, your posts are based on personal expriences, so you damn right I am gonna make my responses personal, end of story.

BTW on this board people know me as being extremely opinionated, that is my reputation on this board which I accept gracefully and proudly. Everyone can say you don't like what it says move on to the next subject, but i say screw that, you wanted a straight forward answer, you go it from pal!! I've had my share of personal attacks on here also, so another one won't affect me.
Major Wood said:
It is a serious question that I invited serious responses too. Not immature personal attacks. Get the picture?

i always give straight forward answers and when i have something to say i say it wether you like it or not.Your threads have deeply hurt my sensitivity and my soul.

end of debate i think.
Here is a simple analogy. If you don't like what is on the TV, their are buttons on your remote and knobs on the control panel. Change the channel. Scorpion, do you specialize in venomous and vitriolic responses or do you just have a hard on for me???


Major Wood said:
Here is a simple analogy. If you don't like what is on the TV, their are buttons on your remote and knobs on the control panel. Change the channel. Scorpion, do you specialize in venomous and vitriolic responses or do you just have a hard on for me???

Don't flatter yourself, as i said before i am known on here for being very opinionated, plain and simple, I have nothing more to say about you or your threads.
Scorpion said:
as i said before i am known on here for being very opinionated, plain and simple [/B]

Scorpion, last time I looked we were on a message board that deals with SEX. And in sex there are tons of opinions and views... Like they say: different strokes for different folks... sex doesn't limit itself to blowing your wad on a girl's face... Or maybe your not even grown up enough to begin discussing topics like this one...
So if you want to be opinionated, get with the program. Don't show how childish you are by blowing your top when someone talks about something you don't agree about!


zoobi said:
Scorpion, last time I looked we were on a message board that deals with SEX. And in sex there are tons of opinions and views... Like they say: different strokes for different folks... sex doesn't limit itself to blowing your wad on a girl's face... Or maybe your not even grown up enough to begin discussing topics like this one...
So if you want to be opinionated, get with the program. Don't show how childish you are by blowing your top when someone talks about something you don't agree about!

Why your response is very late? Did you read one of the posts I made in this thread. I said I once had these same fantasies about my wife and even discussed them with her. Go back and read the post for refrence.

Define what you mean by grown up enough, cause if you mean being 25, happily married for 3 years, and loving my wife to the fullest extent?? Then by any means I must have plenty of growing up to do. I am done with this topic already.
Scorpion said:
Porn is not cheating, hell in fact my wife and I used to watch it together. We essentially got bored with it as it just 2 people "pretending" to have sex, if yo saw how they even make a porno movie, believe me it would not be a turn on, its take after take, angle after angle.

Is it fair to say this question was not serious? You would not have posted it if you didn't want a serious response ASSHOLE!! have some dignity man and that was worst excuse or a response I have ever seen, it was a hypothetical question, there is no such think as one, and to be a hypothetical question means where there is not right or wrong answer, but it is not fiction by no means. As i said in another thread it doesn't if this is a porn site board or not we should not be bringing in personal opinions into this board, as it creates tensions such as this one.

Its like last week when Terri was on here to chat with us, its stupid and immature to think well gee its a porn site so she won't mind if I ask her if she likes it in the ass, or how much she is getting paid to be here. We are lucky she was even nice enough to come on here, I swear some people on hre have no morals.

hey man!...the aid thing was a dig at me!?....

fuck dude i was only joking with her...she didnt answer me no but she answered someone else!...
dudes dudes fuck sake mods close this darn thread already

scorp yeh you are very opinionated and i believe you to be a nice guy and all but in a sex world and on a sex board this question was gonna come sooner or l8r!

if yah offended by it i personall believe you shouldnt post!...hell if someone started a post about S&M i defo wouldnt even look cause i find the whole ordeal sick as shit!...same as you obviously do with this...so my advice to u is just bite yah tongue dude...and if i offended you on the terri summers board them im sorry i was only having a bit of fun and im sure she saw that...as for the anal thing tho...im not sure i asked that but if i did...yes that was rude...but what the feck was she expecting....come on a porn site to chat to the members and talk about polatics and the price of a gold plated air bed...nahhh dude!

i consider you my friedn on here..and dont wanna argue but you gotta see the logic in what im saying right??
The whole 'if you watch porn, why object to watching your wife get fucked' argument is complete bullshit.

Pornstar are professional hoes. your wife isnt. watching a hardcore porn is pretty much watching 2 strangers fuck. it hits a little close to home when one of the strangers is your wife.